vatican 2 was a mistake
Vatican 2 was a mistake
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I think that's universally agreed with in the church at this point.
Don't even know what their rationale was behind it, but the church has been doing damage control ever since.
Well, everyone but the current guy.
How so?
Nigga there's been Black Africans in the Catholic Church since the middle ages
>Almost 0 Catholics in the west right now.
>Wonder why Catholic church panders to brown people.
You mixed up the cause and the result, you spineless kiss ass.
>Waaah my Catholic church isn't white anymore!
So much for a global religion that proselytized everywhere.
Why? Because it had socialist influences?
It literally made the church appealing to the proles without having to resort to communistfaggotry.
Protestants in the West are becoming atheists much faster than Catholics in the West, brainlet. I'm pretty sure that's not being caused by Vatican II.
What deoos vault larpers don't see is that joining the Church now as a European is like being rescued by the Titanic.
I'm not sure what your complaint is. Are you upset that the Pope is behaving in a Christ like manner?
I see this image posted all the time and I've yet to figure out how it's wrong in any way. The pope is literally doing exactly what he should be doing.
>The Pope doing actual Christlike acts
what's the problem with actually following the message laid out by New Testament?
Westerners turned their back on the Curch since the "Enlighment" you uncultered poltard.
>Pope performs literally the most Christian act there is
>Gets labelled unchristian by internet shitposters
IPhone 5 was a mistake
Are you lefties complete idiots?
Traditionalist Catholicism and opposition to Vatican II. has nothing to do with racism. The dream of most Traditionalist Catholics is that Robert Sarah is elected Pope.
A large part of the leaders of the traditionalist wing of the Catholic Church are African Bishops. And the leaders of the liberal wing of the Catholic Church are very white German and Belgian Bishops.
When you constantly try to prop up images of black christians as something terrifying, it is natural to assume that your concern is racially motivated.
I'm not OP. And there is nothing wrong with the Pope washing feet.
Also, this is the man I want to be the Pope.
I'm And this is the man that, if elected Pope, would turn me into a schismatic.
Half the time I've seen that image posted the accompanied text is talking about how the pope is cucking the western world by inviting in brown people.
I've developed a certain assumption when I see that image posted.
Did Jesus kiss the feet of the moneychangers in the temple?
Don't fall for trolls when judging groups of people.. Actual Traditionalist Catholics are not racists.
>Actual Traditionalist Catholics are not racists
But they don't promote racemixing either.
No one in the thread was saying traditional catholics were racist. They were saying the OP is.
Not promoting of something is not that same as hating it.
I don't promote racemixing myself simply because I don't care about it. People should marry who they want regardless of race. I just don't give a shit.
>tfw have to drive 1 hour for a Latin mass
Meanwhile the fucking spics get a Spanish mass in the local parish. What a joke.