Why has Latin American never being able to unite into a single country? Their economic, military, and political might could become unparalleled. The people share the same language and religion for the most part.
Why has Latin American never being able to unite into a single country? Their economic, military...
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Because Bolivar died.
>Why has Latin American never being able to unite into a single country?
It was long ago under the Spanish Monarchy. Even Portugal was under the Spanish Crown.
Never again has it united because the independence was created under the negation of the unity of these countries. All the revolutionaries, without exception, were idiots.
> t. hispanic who hate all the ideologies derived from French Revolution
They don't want to
conflicting interests
/int/ used to have Latin American Unity threads. They used to degenerate into shit storms within about 25 posts.
Some of the countries aren't even all that united with big regional divides or communist/capitalist.
The one man who could do it ((((bolivar)))) died and they all fucking hate each other now
Please don't post on this board if you're from /int/, stop shitting it up.
>Different language (no we don't share the same language, see pic)
>Radically different cultures, ethicities, levels of socioeconomic development, histories
>Huge distances between population centers (this was a big deal in the early 19th century)
That's basically why.
You surly are a king among rats.
By the way, indigenous languages are a HUGE deal in some countries (In Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Guatemala the majority speak them)
Right, South America isn't one monolithic continent. The people and cultures differ there just as they do in Europe. It should also be added that South America has never had a World War II level event that caused the European countries to try and come together as one entity in some way.
Literally too many petty differences that we beaners will never look past, we'll always be at each others throat for something
See? People don't even eat beans in my country.
That's Central American/Caribbean diet. They aren't "petty differences" when you add them up.
*takes your port*
They get too pissed off over soccer games
>Why don't we merge this country with this country?
No, fuck off, you go merge with Mexico if you like globalism so much.
Bolivians and haitians existing
Quebec too far away
Why didn't you put a pic of a villa? or Caracas downtown?
Not even a chavist, or venezuelan for that matter, but you're the kind of people that proves point.
A Latin American union would be the same to uniting the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Virgin Islands, Belize, the Falklands, India, Hong Kong, the eastern half of Africa, and all those other countries I can't be bothered to remember right now.
Hopefully I illustrated my point correctly. I apologize if I didn't
Our countries are strongly nationalistic. A 19th century Brazilian conservative monarchist wrote a book called "A Ilusão Americana" (1893) where he criticizes the idea of a real fraternity among the nations of both continents. Here is a passage:
"Mexico represses, opresses and has even invaded Guatemala, which has waged, in turn, very bloody wars against the republic of El Salvador, a bitter enemy of Nicaragua, a furious adversary of Honduras, which has no love for Costa Rica. The wrapped, horrific history of all these nations is a river of blood, a continuous massacre. Where is the american solidarity, the confraternization among the republics?
Colombia and Venezuela hate each other to death. Ecuador is a never-passive victim of Colombian violence and Peruvian ambitions. And Peru? Didn't it invaded Bolivia, with which it would later unite to wage a most unjust war against Chile? And Chile, didn't it invaded Bolivia and Peru on two ocasions, causing a horrific bloodbath of Bolivians and Peruvians in the last war, perhaps the bloodiest of this century? And these are not the only enemies that Chile has: its great rival is Argentina. This country, which has usurped Bolivian territory, forces Chile to maintain a large standing army, and no one ignores the possibility of a catastrophic conflict between both nations, which could break out at any time.
The dictator Francia of Paraguay, who Auguste Comte places among the saints of humanity revered by positivists, isolated his country for decades only for the sake of his hate against Argentinians and other americans. The Argentinian republic is a natural adversary of Paraguay. (Solano) Lopez assaulted its provinces, and the republic seconded Brazil in the war against Paraguay. And what does Argentina feel for Uruguay? There is no man in Buenos Aires that does not admit the ultimate ambition of his country: the restoration of the old Viceroyalty of Rio de la Plata, conquering Paraguay and Uruguay."
yeah downtown Caracas looks like a real paradise
instead of posting that why don't you take a closer look and think?
Absolute pathetic.
>quing dynasty
And still, you went all the way to posting venezuelan shanty towns.You could've posted that and have objective points of comparison, yet you went full hyperbolic for the sake of being hyperbolic.
I'm not even saying that Caracas is a pretty place. But come on, "argentina is white" memes? That's old and boring.
All of Latin America? Including Haiti and Brazil? I mean, they are Latin too, but...
You are not even making any sense.
Why are you making this about race all of a sudden?
Do you deny there is a big difference in living conditions between the Caribbean and the South Cone? Or big cultural differences? Would you want the Venezuelan communist tyranny designating people to decide over your fate as it happens in the EU?
I'm not even Argie I just had that pic () saved. I'm Uruguayan.
My point stands though and it's pretty clear.
Haitians aren't that bad...when they're only Haitian via language. Fresh off the Boat Zoes on the other hand..
Well, usually it's the /pol/boi thing to bring up how ugly a place looks to demonstrate why them pesky xenos ruin everything, so I imagined that's where (as per usual) things were leading.
But do you really think that putting the two countries together will automatically ruin argentinian cities? Funny thing is that both countries were besties for quite the time with Kirchner and Chavez.
Again, I'm not saying you're wrong, but you're being hyperbolic , which IS a /pol/boi thing. Reality might be more boring than you believe, and things would probably be the same (unless you're saying argies lack the guts to oppose the stupid shit chavistas would propose in a union scenario).
T. lambsier
Bolivar is the reason it didn't unify to begin with.Only the Spanish crown could have unified those lands
Well yeah the socioeconomic differences are larger than between European states. HDI in Bolivia or Venezuela now with the economic collapse is Africa-tier.
Maybe in the early 1800s you could have had a unified state but today it would be insane after the countries have diverged so much.
Not even the Europeans accepted Turkey into the EU and the difference wasn't as big as we have in SA.
There were literally two countries in Latin America before the latinos chimp out
The fuck is that?
Brazil is the largest economic force in the continent (in terms of GDP at least) and is so different from the rest of the place that this alone is enough for this unity not to happen. Brazil's language is different and even the ethnic composition of the country is different from most of the rest of Latin America.