massive recession incoming?
massive recession incoming?
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Haha user, it wont even be a depression, they may have to invent a new word for it. Its going to be Babylonianian. Prepare your soul to meet your maker. Jesus will soon walk this earth. The anti-christ already walks the earth and resides in Turkey. You have precious little time.
haha nice sounds like a fun game
Why turkey?
Revelations. Its also the rally point for Islamic terrorists. Erdogan is going to rebuild the Ottoman Empire. You dont get more satanic than Islam.
archive pls, it's behind a paywall.
this is big news.
Excellent news. Mortgage slevs in trouble soon
Sell your house NOW.
What does this mean for the global economy? I'm too dumb and ignorant to interpret it.
They are timing the recession to go with the 2018 mid terms. It won't work. It will just help economic populists on the right during the primaries. Dems are still going to lose.
>massive recession incoming?
Why would there be a recession?
Doesnt matter. Both parties are corrupt beyond belief. Need a complete government reset more than a economic reset.
USD skyrockets
everyone tries to stay in cash
which lead to crash of securities
Didn't this happen 2-3 years ago?
I'm comfy on a fixed rate.
Just bought a house because I actually went to college lots of boomers selling
is it the American "China ban Bitcoin"?
Tend to agree with this. Whats your opinion on the mark?
I don't know man, are you sure it isn't the jews who are the absolute worst?
Even Hitler was allies with Muslims. I'm actually convinced the anti-christ will come out of Israel and not Turkey.
Think about it: Jews are still waiting for their messiah. If anything they will be the people who will usher in the anti-christ.
The Beast is an A.I powered by quantum computing, with global reach via 5G (and beyond) internet. I used to do a Bible study when I was a kid, and when we got to Revelations all the talk of a false prophet "giving life to the image of the beast" (implying it didn't have life before), no ability to buy or sell without the mark (I.D number) and killing anyone who doesn't "worship" the Beast smacked of a one world government lead by a man with a super intelligent A.I monitoring everything from financial transactions, movement, communications, etc. This A.I will likely far surpass the combined processing power of every brain alive at the time.
Of course the anti-christ will be a Jew, he wouldn't be thought of as a Messiah otherwise.
I am fully convinced the false prophet will be an atheist Leftist Jew, at that. Fun fact: when Judas died, he was said to have "to his own place". The false prophet is said to "come from his own place".
what's your take one the gospel of thomas?