What was meant by this?
What was meant by this?
"Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
All part of the grander plan
The idea that you take what was buried with you to the afterlife is a common Bronze Age mythology motif. Iron Age religions deliberately reacted to this practice.
He had autism.
It's like when a little kid wants to bring a teddy bear to bed. Except for the most powerful man in Asia.
Don’t they all have unique facial details? I’m not entirely convinced they weren’t a real army turned to stone through magic.
He had a micropenis
pretty sure in any case this predates cut and paste
They all have a suebian knot. Proof that ancient China was Germanic.
Nigga thought he could invade the afterlife.
maybe he did you dont know he could have killed god and now he's god and thats why this timeline doesnt make sense anymore. maybe he was on to something, maybe yall just jealous you dont have an afterlife army to kill god with.
This happened in the iron age retard
Books are bad, lifelike clay statues in a tomb are good.
>when youre an autist but trains havent been invented yet
god can't damn you if you overthrow him
How bullshit is the theory I've read in a french magazine of hellenic artisans teaching chinese ones how to make these statues?
I've seen no evidence of that at all, can you post the article?
they were originally painted in twelve or thirteen different bright colors, and were made from molded interchangeable parts but were hand finished so that no two would look alike.
To add to the sense of verisimilitude, they were even equipped with real chariots and weapons.
I vaguely remember that they found some greek tools or something but i could be wrong.
Why is Oglaf just so much fun?
I think the general line is that you don't see such statues of people appearing in China and other places east of Hellas until the Greeks conquer the universe under Alexander the Great (which predates those statues)
>Funeral human sacrifice was widely practiced in the ancient Chinese state of Qin. According to the Records of the Grand Historian by Han Dynasty historian Sima Qian, the practice was started by Duke Wu, the tenth ruler of Qin, who had 66 people buried with him in 678 BCE. The fourteenth ruler Duke Mu had 177 people buried with him in 621 BCE, including three senior government officials.[53][54] Afterwards, the people of Qin wrote the famous poem Yellow Bird to condemn this barbaric practice, later compiled in the Confucian Classic of Poetry.[55] The tomb of the eighteenth ruler Duke Jing of Qin, who died in 537 BCE, has been excavated. More than 180 coffins containing the remains of 186 victims were found in the tomb.[56][57] The practice would continue until Duke Xian of Qin abolished it in 384 BCE. Modern historian Ma Feibai considers the significance of Duke Xian's abolition of human sacrifice in Chinese history comparable to that of Abraham Lincoln's abolition of slavery in American history.
After the abolition of human sacrifice for funerals, there came a period where one used dolls instead as substitutes for the human sacrifices. The first emperor of China, 221-210 BC was the apogee of this transition tradition. Some generations later the dolls as well were dropped, as this was frowned upon by Confucius in his teachings.
its a shame she doesn't do more historical jokes like this instead of just DUDE SEX LMAO every week
All the nudity and sex help.
Good writer.
You know it started as a pure sex comic right?
I once been there.It's wider than i thought before.
fpbp. mic drop quality.
It's still pretty damn nifty.
I wonder if that ever actually happened
I mean, it's what I'd do.
Can't happen that way because you need to remove your organs and put them into jars which obviously you can't do while you're still alive.