Is he /ourguy/?
Is he /ourguy/?
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He defended the british monarchy so no.
Every time I go on this board it gets more and more normie.
I really like his podcasts but he is a literal Physics major so he is not /ourguy/, that would be Metatron.
There is a video that tries to refute that by some other brit
I've been stalled on the HI episode where they discuss Guns, Germs, and Steel for the longest time cause I keep putting off reading that book
If he's not /ourguy/
Then who on youtube is?
Anyone with those type of glasses and they have their video approved by leddit and retarded redditors make stupid puns and forced in jokes, is not /ourguy/.
Dude robots lmao, fuck humanity amirite?
>narrator sounds like a gargantuan faggot, highly condescending tone while being illogical as fuck
>oh oh huh hum fee fi fo fum
>dude a state existing is LITERALLY SLAVERY
>they drove the state into debt 200 years ago to pay for wars like their adversary did, therefore instead of keeping them for the profit that may one day break even with the debt we should abolish the monarchy
>it pays us a net plus of 40million but they also withhold an annual 200m in land revenue which they are exempt from being taxed(fair point once comprehended)
>DUDE DARWIN I LOVE S*C*I*E*N*C*E FUCK YEAH LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also the Queen did nothing but be born to appear on the note, huh what not Torypfs?
His point about inheritance costing 100m was incomprehensible, don't explain something informally if you can't
>opportunity cost
>opportunity cost
>opportunity cost
>Compares the main Royal residence to the world-famous Versailles, ignores that the British touristic advantage is probably quantitative while Frenchies have no royal edifice that can hold a candle to the Versailles
>Compares functioning world-class art exhibition to another Brit castle
>Doesn't actually encounter the point that people might visit shittly Brit medieval shacks even less if the Kings are not heads of state
>The anthems are much better
This is the opinion of an oblivious consumer cog in the economic system who also suffers from shit taste. Nuff said
>Please fuck me american master!
>WORDS MAKE ME FEEL BAD! Let's replace the spook of hereditary nobility with the spook of "muh equality", dude it's LITERALLY THE CURRENT YEAR WHY CAN'T WE BE A REPUBLIC?????
Since the argument for tourism was void, this video was pointless
The UK annual budget for 2016 was quarter wanting of 1 trillion, why is this faggot lamenting 200 million?
historia civilis?
please tell me you faggots dont have a problem with him
>dude Spartan women amassed wealth that allowed them to impede the Spartan legislative process, it's women that did it this time not men so that's pretty cool
History Den is the thinking man's HC. Nevertheless HC is also very solid save greentext related, particularly if you're interested in a visual medium to history
there's about zero chance i'm going to read centuries old accounts of ancient battles so this guy is doing me a service
i'll check out history den though, cheers
didnt this guy make video about how great reddit is?
reddit is great, the people who use it aren't
No because he's American and we don't let swines in here, also he doesn't like the British monarchy despite it being instrumental in ensuring political balance
>/twg/ memes hates the monarchy
Keeping a people together isn't as easy as just massacring rebellions every 5 years m8
He's good but talks too slow to be /ourguy/, /ourguy/ knows irrelevant facts and figures and has to tell you it was the arabs NOT napoleon that defaced the sphinx
sounds like a boy truly worth of /ourguy/ status
>Rpdate: I've replied to all reasonable for over two years. I have written over 400 replies to comments and new comments are now always repetitions of previous answers I've given. Do not expect a reply to any further comments
Just do a new video faggot
Best way to answer comments en masse
Reddit is shit. The format had to be designed by a complete faggot.
>no anonposting, everyone is a namefag
>open thread
>90% of replies hidden
>can't open them at once, nope
>you have to manually open it one by one like a moron
>can downvote things you don't agree with into irrelevance
>can downvote things you don't agree with into irrelevance
this is the core problem with reddit. in a perfect world where people aren't autists, a system where the right information gets to the top is great. unfortunately that kind of system exists for about five seconds before some mong uses their downvote as a super disagree button.
No /ourguy/ is lindybeige, only Naziboos and Vichyboos disagree
Christ what a butthurt faggot
>unironically reccomends guns,germs, and steel and purports that it is the answer
>browses and advocates reddit
fuck no.
He's a reditor, so clearly not... Although...
The OP, and this whole thread, is pretty much that webm incarnate... And if there's any universal hate I have for redit, tumblr, 9gag, all the chans, and, yes, humanity in general, that is certainly it, so I couldn't disagree.
Although, in addition to being pie-in-the-sky, short of some massive CRISPR retrovirus plague, I don't see how one could achieve the removal of one without also removing the functionality of the other... and also, sadly, this board kinda thrives on it, as do most of those others. It would all be pretty boring without all the mindless hate. Catch-22, I suppose.
But Veeky Forums thinks monarchy is the supreme form of government? (Regardless of how many times I try to shit all over that argument.)
>He's a reditor, so clearly no
Is there any Veeky Forums channels that use Chinese cartoon message boards?
Dude death isn't natural its just like nearsightedness xd
t. Reddit
I use Reddit because there are things I can't find here.
I end up coming back to this shithole though.
Never heard of the guy before, but he sounds and looks like a pseudo intellectual faggot cuck. You can never trust a guy with glasses and a fading hairline.
Looks like a jew desu
he looks like a paddy to me desu
What's your argument? (concisely)
Holy fuck is that him?
Immersion ruined
OMG, that's even worse!
his videos on STV and other voting systems are useful, and I enjoyed his history of the british monarchy vid
The upvote/downvote system is one of the most cancerous aspects in all of social media, fuck off
>reads a single book on a subject
>makes a video on that subject
>repeat twice a year
The Messiah of Veeky Forums
This. That video is when I permanently wrote him off. I had misgivings after his naive automation video, but preaching Guns, Germs, and Steel like gospel was way too fucking much. He also started speaking slower with this video to appease brainlets that couldn't keep up with a brisk delivery.
This thread made me watch the most recent video he did on Death, and its absolute garbage. Literally baby's first existential crisis that refuses to address all the answers previous philosophies have provided while findingn "hope" in the standard transhumanist garbage
unironically Sargon of Akkad
He have a double major in physics and sociology.
>dude if I say democracy is better then it is
Why are all republican libs such brainlets?