Thank you based Musk!
Thank you based Musk!
Congratulations, OP. Don't spend it all in one place!
>sold this morning
its ok, the dumb ass CEO sold a ton of shares 2 weeks ago
Up .62? What a fucking joke.
Get this boomer shit off my board
Bruh, its 2017. Git gud or you're finna be broke
there are baby boomers in this thread
salty boye didn't get in on time. Go be butthurt in a Neo thread you fucking cuck.
LOL is this what a mooning stock is? 4%?
amd is the best listed stock of this year imo it might hit 20 tomorrow
try around 10% its up after hours and the tesla news was released near close
wow you made a daily swing in a tepid shitcoin good job grandpa.
Haha is this what y'all boomer no coiners call gains?
gtfo our thread tulipniggers. You own 95% of the board and you have to take a piss here because coins have been stalling all week and we're mooning up here.
>made $159
Wow dude, lambo soon?
Go to bed, grandpa.
>penny alt coin millennials literally believe 10% in a day is shit
>Alt coin millennials don't know how to interpret rh graphs
Eat a dick niggers
>Being able to liquidate at a moment's notice
Haha, wow! A whole 10%?!
Go speculate on some altcoin faggit
>calling people cucks
>happy about 4% gains
hey stock faggots, think you could ever beat these percents?
Oh wow I wish I were you user!
>everything red
>still up 25%
Feels good to not be a nocoiner.
>I got lucky speculating
>I'll keep getting lucky
>Muh TA skill
Did you get enough for rope?
>Thank you based Musk!
For what? You don't even own shares.
I have 1988 of them in Roth IRA long money account