Mining is banned in China. Get ready for a huge selloff

Doesn't seem to be the case considering the massive support that Japanese government is giving to crypto. And even if it was, government can't keep track of technological growth anymore, it may try, but truth is that as things are going technology has more control over our lives than any government ever did in history.
See the internet for example, It's a nightmare for any government and fucked a bunch of mega corporations in the ass, but no one managed to stop it, because 1) There was huge demand for it 2) It expanded too quickly for anyone to do anything.

Same goes for crypto, all this nonsense FUD talk about ''muh criminals'' or ''muh terrorism'' has been going on since forever now, it didn't and It won't stop the huge demand there is for the technology

I think that fighting crypto is the dumbest decision governments can make. Trying to control it from within seems like a smarter move.

There's also the fact that crypto market gained too much adoption and exposure this year to fall with just some regulations now. This isn't 2013 anymore where the only people who traded BTC were drug users, everyone now knows about crypto now and many of them, including big players, see potential on it, so I doubt it's going away anytime soon.

Japan isn't jews or chinese

>I think that fighting crypto is the dumbest decision governments can make
It depends on the level of technological development and liberties country have. Countries not able to compete in this market better ban crypto as they would be losing both monetary and political capital.

somebody telll this neet if this shit is real or not :v)

>this fud

This would be fucking amazing


Fucking chinks.

Japs are no saints. They're pretty jewy. But definitely the lesser evil.

>Half of Veeky Forums right now.

Fucking cannibalistic chinks!