What caused the United States to be so racially divided, while Latin America in contrast successfully integrated their ethnic minorities and turned out fine?
What caused the United States to be so racially divided...
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Where does this "Latin america isn't racist" meme stem from?
We arent fine
>comparing a federation of states to a separate countries
hardly a fair comparison, let alone false.
It's not at this point really. Other countries don't tolerate this kind of thing usually.
I don't understand why people dislike race mixing so much, I understand if its with blacks but if an Arab and a White mix, you usually can't tell the difference and they tend to be smart
Literally jews, they are the assholes who racebait in America. Notice jews like to fill lands with random ethnicities so they can divide and conquer them. Blacks were relegated to their own areas isolated from the white, but the yid needed a feral psychotic bioweapon against whitey thus he worked to allow the negro beast to be seen as human.
This is why jews are cancer they literally invent problems to socially divide you over.
No historical president for institutionalized ]mestizaje (would honestly solve a lot of problems desu senpai)
weren't they already considered human before they were segregated?
Because the "institutionalized racism" of the south american casta system makes pre civil rights Jim Crow laws look like an egalitarian progressive utopia.
No they were seen(globally) as nonhuman primates who were worth nothing.
>Latin America in contrast successfully integrated their ethnic minorities and turned out fine
Found the arab/white mix
never had a problem with it until it the act of it was praised by the worst people, and seen a noble act because it destroys the white man.
>would honestly solve a lot of problems desu senpai
Not it wouldn't at all.
>and turned out fine
Wtf are you smoking?
And America has always been objectively better than Latin America
Rly makes you go hmmmm
>Latin America in contrast successfully integrated their ethnic minorities and turned out fine
When compared to the rest of the world, racism in Latin America is basically nonexistent unless you're the kind of faggot who whines about "microaggressions" or some shit.
Response to the OP: race-mixing. It is harder to see blacks or other races as some kind of "these other people" when your society is a full gradient of colors.
>Latin America in contrast successfully integrated their ethnic minorities
Maybe stop assuming every country in south america is like Brazil or another banana republic.
Uruguay is whiter than California. Chile isn't exactly full of niggers either
shut the fuck up we don't need sjws blogging about how our country needs enrichment
Uruguay is smaller than Buenos Aires, Argentina is the literal white meme country and it's full of ethnic minorities (who all claim to be white).
>kind of faggot
The difference of racism between USA and Peru is abismal. USA is literally tolerant compared to Peru. You know nothing about Latin America.
Peru is the only country ever brought up when talking about racism in Latin America, I sure wonder if that means something
Well, I'm peruvian, I can't tell you about other countries.
I have fugged girls from multiple south american countries, all of which hated their natives and other assorted rabble. Needless to say that only one of them could have been considered pure spaniard.
Yep, the consequences of 1492 are a tragedy even today.
Maybe you are the one guy bringing it up all the time. Peruvians are like non-existent on the Internet.
Same for Bolivians for some reason. But I know Bolivia in person, unfortunately not Peru.
The people who most discriminate against natives are the natives, the people who most discriminate against whites are the whites. At least in my experience.
>The people who most discriminate against natives are the natives,
They weren't natives, they were whatever the term for quarterponcho is.
>the people who most discriminate against whites are the whites. At least in my experience.
Just say Jews.
Peru is basically cherry picking, and even then it is not that bad as all other continents. Wake me up when you have something to say about Brazil or Mexico or other real countries.
Mexico is racist; we are the country with the most indigenous population in Latin America, who are the poorest in the country, so we have this clasism/racism. The majority of the population are 'mestizos' however, everyone just tries to demonstrate that they are less mestizo than everyone else.
Peru is France, Spain and half Italy together, yet it has less than 70% of Spain's population. I guess you can say its case is not that significant.
>they were whatever the term for quarterponcho is.
They are Americans now.
All blacks in the US are part white but they're still just called blacks. Tho admittedly Mexicans look a lot less like typical natives than, say, our Peruvian friend here.
Either way it's a mess, and registers are poor which just muddies things even more, natives can claim to be white and viceversa so nobody actually cares other than literal SJWs.
We do that everywhere, but that's ridiculous, that's literally natives acussing other natives of being too native, I'm not sure if it qualifies as racism when it's against yourself essentially.
And on the other hand there's the wewuzzers, but that's another topic.
An overwhelming fear of class-based politics by rich landowners, and later by nouveau riche capitalists, which made them favor policies that kept African-Americans as an underclass that the white underclass can be turned against by flattering comparison and racial solidarity.
And to add what I said here Here in Mexico you can still see institutional bigotry. And misoginy is still a huge problem here.
Latin people are very racist towards each other and consider lighter skinned people higher on the social hierarchy
>turned out fine
What :D
Mexico's problem goes further than race. No offense but you're all assholes in general, and your institutions are forerunning for most corrupted system on earth.
Also you have a lot of North American influence.
>waaaaahhh white trash are all stupid not rational waaahhh
You angry sour brown mongoloids are the racists. You Aztlan militant thugs keep griping “waaahhh white people.” You bitterly angrily cling to race while constantly whining “waaahhh racist I’m a victim waaahhh.” How dare you complain about rational thought while being a racist idiot. You hypocrites still stupidly think Mexican is a race and get extremely asspained when someone tells you it’s not. You cling to "race", you worship """race""", all you ever see and look for in every issue is race and color. You are petty and simple minded with your antiquated socially and intellectually destructive eugenics. You idiots are constantly spewing out misogynistic and homophobic BS in addition to your aztlan BS, with constant bold faced use of “faggot, bitch,” and “nigger.” You’re always attacking and insulting blacks, always whining how “they can’t be trusted, blacks are criminals,” and how you don’t want you children seeing blacks. You mistreat women while spewing your angry violent third world gangbanger “machismo.” Meanwhile, all these race baiting liberal hypocrites constantly pandering to your kind ignore and belittle it all as “folksy” and “cultural differences” that must be tolerated and accepted or you’re a “xenophobic racist.” You’re a hateful gangbanging "machismo" cartel monkey and a deluded, stubbornly stupid unintellectual hypocrite. Mexicans are literally the worst people on this planet.
t. chilean
The open social treatment is just an aspect of such mechanism. The problem arises when it comes to the school for children and academic life, it even happens on job-applications and bussiness relations. My father was a bussinessman with a restaurant and fast food restaurants on 4 of Lima's stadiums, I remember he also had relations with other companies in Arequipa and Madre de Dios. All his life, the people who looked that had copper-colour skin, indigenous face, was discriminated in the academic life with few exceptions, such as professors with non-city raising. The relations with the people from the food-chain companies and CocaCola, Pepsi, etc... were hard, yet as my father was able to outcompete the rest, all of them started demanding deals with him and his successful restaurants.
I think that a reform of education can fix this problem. A decent infraestructure, a more competitive system to choose between teachers. The communication between cities and villages, etc...
Also this. It has to do with ethnic-problems against the less european looking and the massive corruption enabling laws. I hope this PPK wipes out the educational burden of communists and leftist indigenist-retards.
Actually Amerindians are superior to europeans.
holy shit
America had to make their own ethnicity far more than other countries did, so America made racism the thing instead of classicism
Don’t worry your country is filled with non-whites in the first place.
I know that in Peru there aren't schools that teach into aboriginal languages like Quechua, something we do have in many other countries. Probably the most hard fact I have about discrimination in there, unfortunately I don't know enough about Peru to speculate about why or how
Also I agree that the left's efforts in creating a bigger divide need to stop, they're only going to cause trouble in a region that has plenty of things to worry about as is.
>destroys subhumans
And you say you had a problem with it because...
lol why the fuck would anyone want to go to your turd world country? nobody even knows you exist
>nobody even knows you exist
the plan worked then
>Spaniards and Italians
I guess because blacks represent a greater proportion of the South American populations, including the indigenous people. So they're all fairly mixed. But I wonder if someone would rather be black in, say Brazil, or in the US.
Aztecs got a taste of their own medicine.
yes spanish and italian aren't white there's no reason for you to come here we are diverse enough
go to america instead
Just havin a giggle, Montevideo (and Buenos Aires) are really underrated cities.
>I guess because blacks represent a greater proportion of the South American populations
No they don't it depends on the country.
Stop generalizing an entire continent you shit for brains.
>wiped out by a Conquistador's mere sneeze
the absolute state of brazil
>I guess because blacks represent a greater proportion of the South American populations
Only true for Brazil, a lot of Latin American countries are literally whiter than the US.
Didn't know there were so many Pajeets in Suriname and Guyana
>be injin
>literally get sneezed to death
Mulatto = blacks
Except for Argentina and Uruguay, the proportion of whites in every South American country is lower than the US. My response is just as generalised as OP's post.
Yeah the British and Dutch set up plantations there... they follow the Hindu religion as well it's pretty weird.
Only Argentina and Uruguay.
Maybe Costa Rica.
But yeah lots of whites in South America, particularly the further south you go.
Blacks are non-existent in Mexico as well though. Really, it's just Brazil and the Caribbean that have them in any significant numbers.
I also mentioned Natives. My point is that the US was for a very long time whites and blacks while the natives went pretty much extinct. In South America, the whites mostly mixed up with the natives and way more black slaves were transported to South America than to North America.
America is mostly run by Puritans who hate racemixing, spain is run by racemixed moors who didn't see a problem with fucking natives instead of shooting them on sight.
Yeah but you are comparing a continent with a country when the situation is very specific depending on the place.
It's like saying "Africa has significant Dutch populations", the statement is true but it's misleading or says very little.
OP's question was to compare a nation to a continent so that's what i did.
Everybody else ITT was calling the OP retarded though
I guess i should have contributed to the thread by calling OP retarded as well.
Yes. That's one of the problems. It's also a problem that those lots of those kids aren't going to practice some aspects of academic life. As they are going to inherit the lands of their family and the agrarian work interrupts their studies most of the time. I think that a reform should attend their demands and focus on mathematical and agrarian technologies, including bussiness oriented education. Most people are ignorant about it.
>left's effort
I think it depends, as some of them can't be considered leftist as they just point out the problems of villages and indigenous populations, some don't involve in politics.
The problem are the people who don't want to change the educational system, when it comes to the defects of unions, obsolete books, betterment of the infraestructures, local corruption.
Because America is a culturally Anglo country, and the Anglo's are anal about racemixing, obsessed with maintaining purity of their race despite being a bunch of inbred islanders.
>Race mixing is communism
Now how did they reach that conclusion
Is there anything you people wont blame on Jews?
Aussie rekt.
In Chile people are making a mess about black people (mostly Haitians) coming here as immigrants.
The question shouldn't be why is it divided, but rather why is it STILL divided?
The answer is policies. Immigration that favor Europe, immigration policies that prohibited Asians, immigration policies that limited non-whites of their choosing, policies that supported segregation, etc
Its a given that every new country faces racial divide. However how the country shapes up generations later depend entirely on policies.
>the pinacle of eurangutan superiority are pigs
That sounds pretty comfy. I was thinking about moving either there or Argentina
>racism in Latin America is basically nonexistent
this is totally fucking wrong, mexican police don't even bother prosecuting people who commit crimes against central american immigrants
>latin america successfully integrated their races and everything turn out fine
I need to know the kind of life you've led that has left you so utterly ignorant.
The liberal media brainwashes people pretty bad, most normies think south america is one big brazil
>Race mixing is communism
What did they mean by this?
I mean, yes, 'race' is one of the problems but if you ask every mexican, they will say the main issue is the government corruption.
the promotion of race mixing was done by jews, and jews were godless heathens who loved to push communism
that doesn't mean that all race mixing is communism, just that in the modern era, the propaganda that race mixing is a VIRTUE, is pushed by communists aka jews
you can look at this today. all of the jewish owned liberal media and the jewish professors in universities push racemixing big time
>The liberal media
I've seen what you call "liberal media" in U.S.A, they are better news source than the conservative media. I've heard better information about Latin America from the left.
The media when reporting on strictly objective things is fine. It's when they report on politics that it all goes to shit and the bias comes out
Yes, but as you said 'the media' in general does that, both liberal or conservative.
how is that racism?
Protestantism vs catholicism is a pretty good answer.
Protestantism encouraged dientrantalsed church authority, while Catholicism eased racial tensions by having all followers in the same church. Religion greatly eased the Casta system since there was a great deal of intermarriage between the castes over the centuries. The Protestant anglo saxons on the other hand did not view the christianization of natives as useful and expelled all of them during the Jackson presidency. The fact that slavery lasted a great deal more in the US unlike the rest of the world also worsened the status of african-americans compared to whites.
>Latin America
>Brown majority ruled by mixed/white minority
>Brown majority, while serfs, weren't slaves
>Black minority ruled by white majority
>Black minority are literal slaves until 150 years ago
In the second case, you have a recipe for disaster.
What you said applies for Mexico only
Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia had widespread slavery.
Latin America is not a single country you can summarize in three lines.
>When compared to the rest of the world, racism in Latin America is basically nonexistent unless you're the kind of faggot who whines about "microaggressions" or some shit.
Thats because niggers and injuns know their fucking place and shut the fuck up, lest another Civil War starts up and the White Hispanic and Mestizos try to remove them again.
From what my parents told me, and they from the urban and rural parts of their old country, niggers are looked like 2nd class citizens and if you're look as a second class citizen in a shithole, you know you're fucked
can you fuck off to /r/donald or atleast keep it in your containment board
>El Salvador
Unironically kys... and stay away from America
lolwut? they were still ethnically cleansing natives until the 20th century.
Bit too late for that, also, there seems to be a communist problem in CA, luckily I come from a line of Commie removers.
Gotta live up to the family business somehow m8
>Latin America in contrast successfully integrated their ethnic minorities and turned out fine?
Prove this isn't just a narrative
Brazil at least seems to have castes
argentine eurangutans did that though
real (brown) latinos in the rest of latin america are not racist
>The fact that slavery lasted a great deal more in the US unlike the rest of the world also worsened the status of african-americans compared to whites.
What is Brazil?
Wanna know how I know you don't know a god damn thing about Latin American race-relations?
What the fuck are you talking about