is there a western equivalent to the eastern ninja?
Is there a western equivalent to the eastern ninja?
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Define western
Hashashin but they weren't like movie ninjas, they we're more like actual ninjas, aka Thugs
>Define western
Then no
>western europe
i was thinking the same thing, the nizaris seems the closest thing to a japanese ninja or a chinese lin kuei
what about rome or greece? with such giant empires they should need some kind of elite assassins and spies
wh*tes are nothing without their guns
Ninja were just the Special Forces of their day, equivalent now would be Navy Seals, etc.
Spies and assassins?
you need to be 18 to post here
Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Asking this question is what made me conclude there is no such thing as ninjas. Every nation has had espionage, so what supposedly is so special about Japanese espionage? Conclusion: nothing once you strip away the orientalist bullshit and mythology.
t. history conspiracist
It's the bog standard r/askhistorians answer.
And it's probably pretty close to the truth if ninja are real. Ninja historically should be a type of samurai. To do ninja work is to be the samurai that's good at poisoning wells.
Iga and Koga clan were just normal fiefdoms that were associated with a highly mercenary nature as retainers and unproven associations with assassinations. At least I think it's how it went. I'm going off an old podcast.
>or a chinese lin kuei
>lin kuei
What is the Roman Empire?
Chinese ninja warriors, with hearts so cold
>It's the bog standard r/askhistorians answer.
AskHistorians, for all the good they do, have absolutely no fucking idea what Special Forces are beyond vidya and maybe a propaganda movie or two from the early 2000s.
Every society had people like this, it is just that for whatever reason they were glorified instead of kept totally secret in Japan.
Another glorified spy/assassin was the Hashishin whomst bore some similarities like coming from an isolated mountaintop religious community. They were possibly more open about their activities because they lacked conventional military power and needed a bargaining chip.
Not white
>Every society had people like this
So who were they in the West? Who are they right now?
No assassins here. It's not uncommon for inconvenient people to get a heart attack, fell into a river or eat an agaric mushroom.
ok, muhammad
Historically speaking, where else would there be white people if not in western Europe, you hopeless idiot?
Some people in the west have weirdest fetishes.
the lin kuei(demons of the forest) actually existed, they were a group of mercenaries who lived in the forest
Black ninja costumes as they are known today came about from theater stage staff who did all sorts of moving crap. They were supposed to be unseen and not part of the play itself so they were dressed in black.
Not in the sense of cool costumes or a vague mystic tradition, but assassins and spies have been employed by many nations.
Actors, sic semper tyrannis.
ninja is mostly a modern term for any Japanese solider who engaged in espionage or covert warfare so yes
In the islamic world, there were Hashashin ( assassins ), come from : " to do hashish " ( weed ), they had a famous way of executing others by drugging them with some hashish mixed with poison or slitting their throat right away. they were also famous for smoking weed.
That the news reported this with a straight face blew me away. Legit Fake News
>ninjas weren't rea-
That's not a hashashin though, that's a romanticist painting of a Moorish execution.
>we wuz
>took 1st photo i found depicting medieval muslims execution ( which is assassination )
>implying that i'm wewuzing
>why would i ?
Nope, they were more like CIA agents, as in their only real objective most of the time was to collect information for their lord, or client. Assassination almost never happened.
Alri Cletus Cucksson
They were anyone who engaged in espionage or covert warfare, its more a modern term since there were all sorts of nuanced and regional terms at the time
Ok... It doesn't surprise me that much actually, but since they are much less famous than ninjas and assassins, and also because I'm not much into China, I had yet to hear about them. Most of the quick research gives more MK references than actual historical ones.
Guess getting back into MK2011 doesn't help either...
it shoots wax coated porous micro marbles infused with poison.
The wax melts in the body, allowing for a small delay
There was no real "organisation" of assassins in western Europe, like the ninjas or the harashin, but individual assassins did exhist.
The one and only,
>serb from straya answers the call of the motherland
>goes to krajina and trains volunteers
>trains them to become effective infantry, and gives them martial arts training
>they become known as KNINDZE, NINJAS from KNIN
>straya extradites him to croatia despite not having an extradition treaty
>lol serbia and croatia have extradition treaties
>he doesn't have serbian citizenship
How do you define white since the alt right cant even stick to blood haplo groupings without outing themselves as 99% nonwhite
The Spartans had the Krypteia, but it functioned mostly like an ancient NKWD, not Ninjas.
it existed. The european counterparts were just better at covering it up.
Hashashin were actual professional killers who later evolved into also accepting contracts to "hit targets" but had their own specific code of conduct, warfare, and fighting. Less thugs and more contract killers.