was he actually ever right about anything?
Was he actually ever right about anything?
He's actually got some pretty good critiques, that being said it's easier to criticize than do.
Only the innumerable horrors of late stage capitalism, skinhead.
Marx wasn't perfect. It took other woke thinkers to fill in the gap, especially wrt racial inequality, sexism, and ecological justice. But he gave us a blueprint saying how to stop the evil shit and be good human beings.
It's funny how Marx haters always compare his ideas to a religion. Well, if that's true, then Marxism has done a million times better things for humanity than every other Invisible Sky Faggot religion combined. A single week of Nordic socialism beats the fucking shit out of every penny pinching, stick up the ass opiate of the people charity ever.
Marx was basically scary close to Jesus Christ. Except, you know, REAL.
is this how the right thinks anti-capitalists are? lmfao
2/10 r8d
The tendency of the rate of profit to fall is pretty lit
cringe my goodget dude
this tho. our latest answer has been "LET THE POOR MAN TAKE A LOAN, BAH GAWD" due to capital accumulation on the side of the rich and things slowing down financially for the poor. It's gonna suck when this next crash hits BUT that's one less trick capitalism can pull out of its ass to prevent the rate of profit from falling.
He was mostly right in Das Kapital
are you a happy wage slave, or do you still live with your parents?
He was right about Russians being too stupid and mentally underdeveloped to achieve Communism.
Generally, his racist opinions were all confirmed true.
t. Schlomo Gutmann
t. Russian Communist
Neither Russian nor a communist. Communism has been tried in various countries - Russia, Germany, the Baltics, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Albania, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Cuba, China, North Korea. And in each of these places it either became total shit or reverted back to capitalism.
He's right about several sociological phenomena. But I find it is incidental that he was right about them, more than his methodology in general is accurate.
For example, his concept of alienation in the workplace seems pretty accurate. But I think that's a consequence of the development of technology more than it is just an unfair feature of the system.
East Germany was the closest thing to functional Communism though, although West Germans have the purer genes and I'm sure Marx intended them to be a part of real German folk Communism.
Nah he got that wrong too
Eastern Germany was a total shithole and the BRD needed to spend several trillion Deutsche Marks to bail them out during unification.
in this
His criticisms in general were solid. Solutions are shit though.
Well, anti-capitalists tend to be pretty retarded, usually ranting about a system they know nothing about because they're failures at life and seek to blame something else for their actions. The same way a neo-Nazi blames the Jews, or a third worlder blames not sacrificing enough people for the drought.
Just the most loathesome 'people' on the planet, Marxists are. The climate change deniers of economics.
He was right about history repeating itself in the form of daily low effort red-baiting threads on Veeky Forums
yes, everything
>Source: My fractured red ass
What a fat biych
>Yezhov mind controlled Yagoda into arresting the Ziniovievite and Radekite terrorist cells
> Implying
Nice leftypol meme comrade!!!
Honestly when you read the stuff the guy has written, he was generally right when it was in criticism of something. But he never had particularly good ideas for his solutions.