Why PoS sucks. Is there a better alternative to PoS or PoW?

1. It allows the rich (those who have the most money and hold the most ETH) to become richer. If Bankers put hundreds of millions into ETH and become stake holders it will allow them to reap the most rewards over small-time stakers.

2. Someone will eventually get enough stake to manipulate the blockchain. There's lots of whales who will form groups and stake together which allows them to manipulate PoS to their liking and make the most mining rewards.

3. PoS is no different than the current corrupt capitalist system. The wealthy become richer and the poor get poorer.

Ethereum isn't any better than PoW controlled mining in China. It only gives power to the wealthy.

Other urls found in this thread:




"DPOS leverages the power of stakeholder approval voting to resolve consensus issues in a fair and democratic way. All network parameters, from fee schedules to block intervals and transaction sizes, can be tuned via elected delegates."


And when all those stake holders are bankers & wealthy assholes... do you think they will ever care about the small town guys who invested in the currency?

Once again.. dPOS doesn't help the little guy. It only allows the "wealthy stakeholders" to have a say.

Go make a commie coin then, faggot

I sense a chopper in your future commie-kun

>little guy/

get a load of this loser

Care more about those who have less than you..
give to those in need.

That's what all currencies should be based on.

True wealth is helping others become abundant and successful. Not by enriching yourself and bank account...

The largest delegate on ARK is the Veeky Forums delegate, which also has the most number of total voters and the lowest share-per-voter rate.

POS is much more accessible to the average person than POW -- you don't need to know anything about computers or have the minimum amount and capability necessary to set up a mining rig.

The thing is, you have to disincentivize the 51% attack, and you should reward people for investing in the coin. There's no way around that. This "rich get richer" argument doesn't really make sense... they are getting the same percentage you are, they're just putting up way more money so they end up getting way more too. They're the ones taking on all the risk that the coin could just collapse at any moment. They should be rewarded for that.

>person with large amounts of coin splits their amount into small wallets
>now they get 90% of the weight with a small minority of coins

You commie cucks are intelligent.

Why is there no fair crypto currency that looks like this....

Wealth should be distributed back to the poor...

Those with the least coins should reap the most rewards.

Is there any upside down pyramid coin like this?

$100000001 - $10000000 - 10% share/stake
$10000001 - $10000000 - 20% share/stake
$1000001 - $10000000 - 30% share/stake
$100001 - $1000000 - 40% share/stake
$10001 - $100000 - 50% share/stake
$1001 - $10000 - 60% share/stake
$101 - $1000 - 70% share/stake
$11 - $100 - 80% share/stake
$1 - $10 - 90% share/stake
This would be the best decentralized network.

abuse wouldn't be tolerated, you lose

also there be no real benefit of wealthy splitting their coins into multiple wallets. a 10% reward at their level of riches is good enough

>make a million 1$ addresses
>get 99% share/stake
Genius user.

What if the £1,000,000 guy splits his wallet into shit loads of £1 wallets?


>we'll wave our magic wand and make abuse go away!

Like welfare? Food stamps? Education subsidies for inner city subhumans?

This doesn't make any sense... why would anyone with any real amount of money want to do this?? This is a socialist pipedream.

Obviously there is no system that will ever work.
All currency needs to be abolished.

Everyone should work together in various jobs to make things free for all in their communities through co-ops.

>no real benefit
>90% returns vs 10% returns

How trite your pipe dreams are once you admit you want to mongrelize all the nations into one consumer society.


I. O. T. A.