Anyone getting in on this?
Dev is dedicated, website looks slick, has only just hit exchanges and most importantly it has a cool logo. Could pull some MNE level gains.
Anyone getting in on this?
Dev is dedicated, website looks slick, has only just hit exchanges and most importantly it has a cool logo. Could pull some MNE level gains.
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>Could pull some MNE level gains.
It will and then some. This coin actually has potential and unlike MNE the dev doesn't hold most of the coin's supply. This is the Andromeda mission you've all been waiting for.
Devs are working on a blog to promote their MVP.
How do you convert TME to ELIX?
How do you know how much devs are holding?
Yeah been buying up a bit while it's still cheap. This is were the real money is made. I missed the MNE train from 0 to 10$+ so hopefully this makes me a happy rich faggot
Check the ANN mate. You've just gotta send it to a contract and you're done.
I missed it as TME,
I bought on NOVA,
I missed the Address Distro,
Now I'm buying on coinexchange becuz ED blows.
Sitting on 20k myself. Would buy more if I had some crypto that wasn't sitting in other moon missions.
If you lost it on Nova, dev is sorting that at the moment. There are instructions in the ANN I believe.
Nothing explicitly says "send TME here to receive ELIX", it should be corrected.
But I guess I have to send to
Chain was snapshotted a while back and TME holders were credited 1:1 with EXOR. Don't think you can convert TME directly.
This. You can only convert exor to elix. If your shit wasn't in your address during the snapshot you will need to talk to the dev and he will give you a hand. Just be patient because he's a very busy guy.
Also, I totally misread your question the first time. Apologies m8
He's a champ. The way he's handling the nova situation is admirable, especially because he's really not obligated to anything.
So ELIX should appear in MEW without doing anything?
I'm not sure with mew since i don't use it, I think so if it can use other ERC20 tokens. myethwallet for sure does.
Assuming MEW is My Ether Wallet, all you need to do is add the EXOR contract address as a custom token and you should be able to see your balance! All that info is in the ANN.
In the first post? I must be blind.
Thank for the info tho.
Np. Go get that ELIX ready for the moon trip.
I bought 2.2k and then the price went down 20%
Should I buy more or watch if it dips further?
Kinda just gearing up, so I think the price is gonna stay fairly low at least for the next couple of days. Keep an eye on it.
Oh yeah and I put the order in to sell it when it hits $0.80 cause you guaranteed it to hit that
>only $0.80
This is easily a $1+ coin
That's the spirit.
Ok then I'll buy 10k for a penny and put the sell order at $1
How much ELIX people currently holding then?
10k here...feels ok-ish
200k and accumulating.
at current price? fuck dat. I want it to go down a bit first
20k here. Shuffling my portfolio a bit to try get to 50-100k.
the dev is making bank off of this swapping bs. fucking timereum and minereum shitcoins.
TME and MNE are not connected in any way.
I was in since the TME days.
Avg 400 sats, so it's not so bad. Again this is easily a $1+ coin.
similar coins that were created by the same guy though. have you seen the timereum and minereum websites? literally the same color scheme and layout with a different name, and now he's doing an artemine ico that accepts minereum and this elixir ico that accepts timereum. he's making a ton of money for sure. i wouldn't be surprised if he comes out with another self "mining" coin in the future. not saying you can't profit off of his projects, but be careful out there, user.
- timereum website changed to elixir and he can't even get the heading right baka
You're making it sound like the devs are the same people. It's not actually an ICO, there were problems with TME and so he snapshotted the blockchain and issued EXOR (redeemable for ELIX) to TME holders. Really nothing too sketch about it imo, dev seems pretty focused on making it a decent coin.