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this pen fixes the oracle problem

Haven't looked it up but i think it has something to do with having a way to always have unbiased information/facts etc that's decentralized in order for checks to happen against the DB. Is this correct?

Ian Balina solved it while driving a lambo

The fact that NEO wasn't the one.

>he doesn't know what the oracle problem is



you don't need to know what it was because it's been solved.

its a thing of the past

it would be too embarrassing to tell you now what the problem was.

This is basically correct user

Imagine you wanted to use a smart contract to bet on sports game. How would the smart contract know when to execute? It relies on an Oracle to provide the information.

Current Oracles are centralized and are the single point of weakness in a smart contract. If a bank wanted to use eth to make a large transaction, how can they ensure that the oracle will be secure and not hacked? What if someone hacked the oracle and sends false info to the smart contract?

ChainLink is a decentralized oracle network and is the middleware bridging SWIFT and other legacy systems with existing blockchain tech.

I'll go with "Google That Shit" for $500 Alex my nigga

It's that currently smart contracts have no access to external apis(data)


This fucking oracle meme has me crying i am laughing out loud at work and getting looks from my managers

>decentralized oracle network
Nah they'll just show up with a centralized solution and try to pass it off as decentralized.

so the oracle problem is literally that genie website game where it keeps guessing with yes or no questions until it finds the person you were thinking of

Fully sentient AI, wouldn't this solve the problem?

This sounds about right, given Oracle's sue-happy history over android

They already have a product. You can literally go and try it out yourself right now

fuck this is a really good explanation.
the "oracle problem solved" shit is just salty nolinkers trying to make it seem like "the oracle problem" was a scam made up by the devs to pump their coin and doesn't actually exist, without realising that the "oracle problem" was a problem with smart contracts, and not with any tokens or coins themselves, that wouldn't affect end users/coin holders unless it was abused (which wasn't going to happen to anyone here any time soon because smart contracts aren't all that widespread yet). It's still very ambitious, and really good tech if they actually manage to make it work, not that that really matters considering crypto is based entirely on hype and marketing.
t. someone who actually read the whitepaper

nice blahblah man, and where is the solution?

I skimmed through the whitepaper. My understanding is that they allow you to pick an oracle, person or company, to oversee your contract, much like escrow. This is far from decentralized.

Augur is the only one who has solved the decentralised oracle problem...

It allows you to choose to receive data from several sources to confirm as explained by Sergey in his interviews.


I wonder what happens if, say, you have an oracle looking at the score of a game, and it goes final. But let's say it uses for official stats and scores. lists a game score incorrectly for a brief period, but the smart contract has already executed and paid out. Now what happens?


This Oracle isn't Asian

No, Auger is just a prediction platform. Synapse Market is fixing the oracle problem

>decentralized oracle network
Nice meme. This is the next big buzzword

>quantum resistant
>decentralized oracle network

decentralized oracle networks are impossible. that IS the oracle problem


Has something to so with distributed Oracle databases for small to mid size financial services firms desu