You invested in a team with TWO team members?

You invested in a team with TWO team members?

Other urls found in this thread:

they have a working product and will hire more

r-right guys?

at least it wasn't just 1 team member

satoshi was a 1 man army
these guys literally have TWICE the amount of people that satoshi did

As long as they solve the oracle problem, I don't really care

LINK 2x bitcoin price confirmed

imo satoshi was 2 people

this could be the next bitcoin

Two halves of a whoracle.

Lool, Satoshi was the US government dude

ethereum, 3 members.

just fucking lol @ thinking it's all about huge teams

>Nazarov's vision

OK name beg fag let's see

>No woman in sight


I don't see the problem

This desu. Vid related

More solid than the coins where in the "mett our team" section provides 200K people.

You're forgetting about Ari Juels.

wtf I just sold all my Eth fuck womem

> tell me about a founder who can do this

actually I didn't invest after discovering that this was a 1 dev 1 marketing team. Gonna need more than that to fix the oracle problem

Don't care already made back my initial investment, still have over 50% of my position, and am now letting the remainder ride.

Presale master race.

this dev is better than vitalik

They's gon solve teh oracle problame

Ari Juels is actually legit. He wrote the Town Crier white paper which you can find here:

>not stratis
>no black CEO

what happened to the surefire 100x, faggot? seems like your confidence has been shaken a bit :)

>Town Crier white paper
Interesting. I will have to read it. He wrote most of the Chainlink whitepaper too.

good going goys

that's a Russian name though. doesn't sound particularly jewish

plz use the high res version i took the time crop out,

retard fudder,
they have LITERALLY like hundreds of devs working in beijing office

Yeah its good stuff. Made me go all in on LINK.

Here's more of Ari Juels

Non-white devs don't matter, that's a /pol/ meme

Women, however, do. If you see a woman listed on the dev team get out ASAP.


hope you sold 100k like I did

>slav scammer with some shitty experience in investing who "joined" the crypto revolution and "believes" shit. no experience with blockchain tech

used to work as a software dev on some buzzworthy automation system (reality: wrote some shitty scripts for an existing system and did jack shit for the rest of the time). "fan" of cryptos. no experience in blockchain tech.

People are throwing millions at literal whos faggots who couldn't even set up a smart contract and deceived their investors.

Can't wait for ICO regulations.

Quality not quantity bitch!


>Non-white devs don't matter, that's a /pol/ meme

/pol/ is always right though

how do you reconcile this?

>source claims to always be right
>someone else says that source is wrong
hurr durr how do you reconcile this

Hai durr nolinker.

Might as well just call it two memebers.