Why do some Northern Indians, Pakistanis and Afghans have blue eyes? Is there some historical explanation for it ?
Why do some Northern Indians, Pakistanis and Afghans have blue eyes? Is there some historical explanation for it ?
Some of them liked to fuck their white slaves, they're not that distantly related to Europeans to start with, they are descended from nomadic confederations that had several ethnicites ranging from the Chinese frontier to the steppe, there are several reasons
Stop lying, Turknigger filth.
Its true mongols had a lot of white slaves who took eastern europeans as slaves back east u fucking ignorant cunt
Mongols have practically nothing to do with Indo-Aryans and had no effect on their genetic makeup.
Turkposts on Veeky Forums are almost exclusively BBC memes so I don't know where you're getting this idea
indo european migration // general greek migration/invasion
His posting style is very distinct
Original Indo-Aryans looked basically like Germans
Only because he always has some black guy, uses "whi*Te", and loses his fucking mind if you say LARP
How would Greek influence give them blue eyes? Keep in mind that genetic tests have shown ancient Greeks were even darker than they are today.
>genetic tests have shown ancient Greeks were even darker than they are today.
more on this please
North Aryan - south Dravidian divide
i thought egyptians weren't black
Not ethnically, just tonewise
I'm pretty sure that's some butthurt Greek or Kraut LARPing as Turk
I don't know, Turks are pretty fucking terrible posters on /int/ and /pol/, they seem to feel Syria has made them relevant again
Probably not since he's very active in /int/ and usually makes the Turkish general there(with a black worship theme)
Multiple instances of migration.
First the "Aryan" migration, aka the nomads from the Yamna culture. Second is Alexander the Great's Greek colonists who settled in Pakistan. Third is Yeuzhi group pushed by the Xiongnu invading Pakistan/Northern India, also known as the Kushans. Fourth is the White Huns who are most likely a mix of Yeuzhi that stayed behind near China, Sogdians, etc invading the Northern India. Fifth is Arabic Muslim invasion from the west. Sixth is Anglo-British intermingling with the locals (minor instance).
>"Aryan" migration, aka the nomads from the Yamna culture
Aryans weren't from Yamna but Khvalynsk. Yamna were dark shitskins.
>Yamna were dark
A meme made up by an Iranian on Veeky Forums. They were slightly darker than Northern Europeans but lighter than Southern Europeans. It's called the North Pontid look in present day.
Why wouldn't they? Blue eyes aren't limited to Europe. Blue eyes are said to have originated from the Black Sea.
>virgin wewuz kangz """""""theory""""""""
>chad minoan/mycenaean facts with fresco evidence
Funny Reddit meme faggot.
The Yamnaya were dark, their beaker-culture descendents were light however.
Yes, well done you posted it correctly
>beaker-culture descendents
R1b-M269 is 6000 years old. Yamna and BB both had it.
Yamna was Z2103, not M269.
Z2103 is from L23 which is from M269
L51 is the Western European clade and also L23 derived
Baltic coast actually.
Black sea is outdated
The better question is why are they significantly poorer and less cultured than the southerners?
Because blue eyes are not a "white trait," and all people who have blue eyes are descended from a single common ancestor.
>north Pontid
So thry looked like modern day Ukrainians?
There's just more of them, much more fertile land, lots of food to go around -- until there are too many of course.
If by "looked basically like Germans" you mean "were violent savages who destroyed an advanced civilization," then yes, I agree.
Their descendants are in east Ukraine/south Russia, you know Crimean's, Cossacks,