Convince me cryptocurrency isn't just a ponzi scheme that people in the beginning got rich quick...

Convince me cryptocurrency isn't just a ponzi scheme that people in the beginning got rich quick, the people now will lose it all and the entire industry will eventually collapse in the next recession

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Convince me fiat isnt

Sorry friend, it's just not possible to teach a boomer something new. Enjoy buying my bags at 1000x in a few years.

A crypto is about to solve the oracle problem and you think its a ponzi scheme? rofl.

congrats you just described fiat

at least with bitcoin the currency controls are publicly auditable unlike your shitty (((FedBucks™)))

ITT: People who believe bitcoin will have the same relevance as fiat money in a few years

convince me social security isn't

convince me fiat isn't.

Say you have a private club of 10 people, each of these people work on something different, one is a fisherman, another is a butcher, another builds houses, etc.

Say that all of them decide to trade between each other using privateclubcoin(PCC), a cryptocurrency. Your exceeding production is traded for other person's exceeding production.

Does this club need more people to increase this cryptocurrency's value? Not necessarily, if these 10 discovered a method to grow their productivity x2, the amount of wealth backing this currency would grow x2, the purchasing power of this currency would grow, instead of being able to buy 2 steaks, you would be able to buy 4, instead of being able to buy a sardine, you could get sword fish, instead of buying a 1br house, you could buy a 3 br condo.

A system that does not require new members to grow is, by definition, not a ponzi scheme.

This is the worst analogy I've ever read

Most of it is a scam. BTC isn't, and like a handful of others maybe.

Most altcoins are indeed ponzi schemes.

bitcoin will be way more relevant than fiat because of hyperinflation.
give my regards to (((yellen))) goy.

crypto isn't a Ponzi because of the tech backing. the USD is a Ponzi because there's nothing backing it

Except for a bunch of guns, tanks and nukes

as you can see in this board are only market speculators who want to buy low and sell high, nothing else, they don't care about coin as coin or to use it, they want to make fast profit. and yes, in the end is just a shit hole to drop money in.

how long are those soldiers willing to fight for worthless dollarydoos?

I mean it pretty much is. But biz will convince you otherwise meanwhile they shill other shitcoins to pump and dump on others.

I’m a coiner and I believe a few in years to come will revolutionize the world.

However, I’d say the other 99% of coins are ponzis

Is silver a ponzi? People only buy it to "store their wealth" and hope to resell at a higher price. Not much different from people choosing to store their wealth online instead.

>in years to come will revolutionize the world

This is true, something solid will come, right now most of them are pieces of shit in general, starting from security ending with wide adopting and use. I feel like only market speculators actually have majority of coins.

The point is, the revolution have started, we will see how will continue.

you really dont get it

its actually a really good analogy if you understood what cryptocurrency is... a decentralized ledger

that create more problems then solving

t. Brainlet

then its the same as rocks with stamps of those 10 people

XMR is the only true crypto
All others are scams

unchangeable, teleportable rocks.
gold is also a rock, user.

>muh gold
your rocks would only work if people accept it and the only one thats accepts your rock is your clique that has keyboards and only has 10 people while gold rock is accepted by the bigger clique with guns and bombs

user these rocks are only weighted by its acceptance and confidence

youre a big fish in a small pond

you guys have to much blind faith and dont question why and how

So you're telling me that cryptocurrency, worthless numbers on a computer that can be created at any time, is somehow less prone to devaluation than fiat currency, which is required to pay taxes by all governments around the world.

Okay dude, keep believing the lie that crypto is scarce LOL

your pic is correct poor fags trying to get rich overnight buy this dream

>the entire industry will eventually collapse in the next recession

I tend to think this is true, but something you cannot forecast.

And in that case, the proportional drop in Crypto will be nothing like total value of the drop in nominal (fiat) terms

>convince me social security isn't

People can vote themselves out of Rights and Privileges.

... Historically, especially after a long period of time where their rights and ability to assert themselves politically and economically have been degraded.

Gaining rights takes a hell of a long time. Losing rights takes time, but sometimes faster. Regaining rights could take literally 1000s of years. Similar to the climate or environment, Eons to establish, a generation to tear it down.

there's a good chance that happens

lmao, crypto can be copied and replaced with hundreds of shit coins that also can be publicly audited.
Thats why they will crash and burn, they can be copied like monopoly money.

idiots who think they will retire from bitcoin, lmao.

Its only worth AMERICAN DOLLARS. because people are willing to pay for the pyramid. When it does crash, it will be instant and clifflike. You will wake up to a zero "portfolio" and a lambo poster above your bed in your parents house.

No ur getting it wrong. Gold and silver are rare, that makes them valuable. They invest in it so if something hits the fan, the gold and silver will be the exact same value as the time they bought it. Those commodities are not to make profit, but just to keep their value as years pass by.

Do you really think you can just fork Bitcoin and spend those tokens on the Bitcoin blockchain?

Just trying to get a general idea of how retarded you are.

but now american dollars is worth btc

You are literally retarded my man. Baby-tier idiocy. Do you even know what blockchain is? Do you know what the federal reserve does? Your stupidity is astounding

It's basically the same as stocks. Wealth is generated with investment and investor confidence.

No smoke and mirrors or anything. Early adopters get huge payouts if something is successful and minimal losses if it isn't. Meanwhile once a currency is established it's more or less the same as any currency or business stock trading, the only difference is that there isn't anything physical to really back thing up.

idiots who think they will retire from gold, lmao.

Its only worth AMERICAN DOLLARS. because people are willing to pay for the pyramid. When it does crash, it will be instant and clifflike. You will wake up to a zero "portfolio" and a lambo poster above your bed in your parents house.