What is the deal with African ethnic conflicts?
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What do you mean?
Pretty much the same as Slavs not liking each other
it's just like Yugoslavia only bigger
>has the veil and the glove on
Just a bit of banter
And everyone has a -20IQ debuff
So it's exactly like Yugoslavia.
You take tribes of people who compete for resources, have men with guns come in and pick a side, enslave the loser, and then let them all go loose after 100 years, leaving behind military stockpiles
And then remember that some warriors of the Mtimbwe stole a goat from them 300 years ago, before the Belgians enslaved them both. Now is the time for the Mtimbwe to pay
Malnutrition and meth is a helluva drug.
It was a beautiful wedding.
That pic is completely lacking in a lot of things. I honestly think using one size fits all screen caps(that are basically restricted in the same ways as twitter and it's 140 character limited but different) are pretty shit vs actually posting motherfucking links and resources.
Except the the Slavs have reasons
Haha, nice one.
>multiculturalism is great
>niggers keep genociding each other because colonial powers made African countries too multicultural by drawing bad lines
what did liberals mean by this?
Back you go, redditor scum.
t. rabbi sheckleburg
What is the deal with European ethnic conflicts?
What is the deal with Asian ethnic conflicts?
/pol/ack shitblood out
>Police in the south-east African state of Malawi say they have arrested 140 members of lynch mobs who attacked people suspected of being vampires.
There is no 'deal'. You have to appreciate that there are different cultures, bigot.
Is that guy on the right wearing a wig?
lol racism?
>Them cracking down on the really retarded segments of the population
uh, good?
What if they WERE vampires though?
From an ancient slate article-
> According to the soldiers themselves, cross-dressing is a military mind game, a tactic that instills fear in their rivals. It also makes the soldiers feel more invincible. This belief is founded on a regional superstition which holds that soldiers can "confuse the enemy's bullets" by assuming two identities simultaneously...
>...Rebels dressed in gowns and wigs and adorned with bones, leaves, and other "forest culture" trappings are practicing a modern variation on this technique of using symbolic "clothing" to access sources of power far stronger than their own. And in common Liberian initiation rituals—which exist in memory throughout the country, if not always in practice—a boy's passage to adulthood is symbolically represented by the donning of female garb. He must first pass through a dangerous indeterminate zone between male and female identity before finally becoming a man. A soldier dressed in women's clothes—or Halloween masks, or shower caps, etc.—on the battlefield is essentially asserting that he's in a volatile in-between state.
So the wedding dress is their folk religion's way to gain access to Divine power, as well as a way to let your opponents know that you are overcompensating, brash, psychotic and rebellious as a teenage boy.
Excellent...the masquerade remains strong...
How do they tell the difference between each other?
Not an argument. Feel free to try again, kiddo.
To be fair, this is something that hasn't been explained enough.
Multiculturalism CAN WORK, but only when an actual nation exists. Without a common purpose and society, all the little groups splinter off and vie for dominance.