From an humanist viewpoint, is homosexuality acceptable?
Don't bring religion or /pol/ unless is it relevant society-wise, thanks.
I'm genuinely curious of what you think are the consequences of accepted homosexuality in society.
From an humanist viewpoint, is homosexuality acceptable?
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>Bunch of poofters voluntarily take themselves outside of the breeding pool
I don't really see the problem
homosexual attraction is not voluntary, sodomy is. the issue with homosexuality is the same as with transgenderism, that our society praises ignorance to the defective nature of both
homosexuals can be accepted as subordinates and contribute to society while indulging in their lust for male feces. there are no "rights" to be given
Many societies had it without issue before Abrahamic religions took over. There's nothing same sex relations contributes negatively inherently. It's useful for soldier bonds. The Hittites I believe (may be mixing up with Assyrians) would only punish it in cases of rape and if the penetrated was of higher social status. They also impaled women for carrying out abortions.
The whole population stagnation argument is only valid currently because for some reason having a harem of women for breeding is now looked down upon. The whole belief that contradicts history that women are capable of contributing more than child-rearing.
There's no issue I imagine, only problem I could see is if it becomes super commonplace and population stagnates. But when you consider only that a fraction of men in history managed to have offpsring compared to women, it shows that it doesn't really matter if some or even a lot don't have children.
The funny thing about the second picture is that you could literally.apply that to any straight person who chooses not to have children and it's also centered around the idea that you're only contributing to society if you have children.
In the event that homosexuals are not to be accepted, what exactly is to be done with them? If you're still supposing that homosexuality is a real thing, and not something that can be changed through outward methods (I say outward because there are people who were explicitly homosexual, or at least believed themselves to be, but became heterosexual through their own internal machinations), what exactly is to be done?
Shitpost about how a whopping 5% at most of the population are unapologetic faggots on an imageboard while wondering why you can't find gainful employment?
>Don't bring religion into this
Sodomy is the problem.
Read before you post
Same that was done before fag propaganda conquered so many minds?
>you need to reproduce to justify your existence
what if I am sterile?
You do realize what sodomy is right? Getting head is sodomy and I doubt you'd refuse some suck
>producing children is the only reasonable goal for a person, the only way for self-fulfillment, and the only way to contribute to the society
Are we talking human society or a herd of cattle?
Producing the next generation is A fundamental aspect of life. Not the only one, but a crucial one nonetheless.
>Producing the next generation is A fundamental aspect of life
Sure, if you're an animal.
And how does negative traits like poofterism doing so benefit that biologically? Show your working
have them do it in secret? or you talking the ISIS way?
>history and humanities
Really makes me think that this thread is mostly people's personal opinions as to why homosexuality is bad.
He's on your side, tard
Yes, I'm an animal. You're one too. Are you a creationist or something?
Please explain yourself again, I'm not sure what you're asking me to do.
Do it in secret
I'm wondering why you care about some faggots not producing life, they've left the gene pool, it doesn't matter anymore at that point
>Only one discussing it from a historical point of view
The state of Veeky Forums
The faggots aren't exactly paragons of virtue or health.
What does your shitty comic have to do with humanism?
>If you're still supposing that homosexuality is a real thing, and not something that can be changed through outward methods
Maybe you should look at what the experts say about the subject.
You don't need every person reproducing. With the way automation is going only the smart people's DNA is going to matter. Whether we have a few more food service workers isn't a top priority. Hell in a couple centuarie's we'll probably just start cloning and traditional reproduction will be considered uncivilized.
They fuck other faggots so who cares?
I'm an animal too but I'm also something more, namely, I have my high-level mental capacity which allows me to control my biological instincts and recognize that eating and fucking aren't the most important things in life. "Having children" is another such instinct, it can be good, like some food and some fucking, it can be bad, but there's nothing fundamentally and universally important about it.
I think he cares because he can't get laid and takes out his sexual frustration discussing gay penis.
>but there's nothing fundamentally and universally important about it.
Drop the teleogy bullshit. There are enough people having children. Even if the 3-5% population of homosexuals started having kids it wouldn't change the demographics very much. The 30-40% population of straights that REFUSE to have kids is a much bigger concern. Why aren't you discussing that? Because your talk of having children is just a front for you to neurotically rent about 'the fags'.
10:1 odds you yourself do not have kids.
I think people behaving in certian ways has an effect on other people.
> recognize that eating and fucking aren't the most important things in life
If you don't eat you die you fucking idiot, why you'd even compare that to sticking your cock in some slut is beyond me
Mate, I agree with you so why are you arguing with me lol.
>Drop the teleogy bullshit. There are enough people having children.
That's not how teleolgy or teleonomy works at all.
So you think being a faggot can be caused by osmosis? If I showed you 200 gay porn videos do you think you'd suddenly want to fuck a bloke in the arse?
>So you think being a faggot can be caused by osmosis?
Well sure, see ancient greece, but that's not what I was saying.
I was talking about hedonistic and unsavory behavior in general, more of it doesn't benefit society at all.
Mind your own business. Get a life.
>I was talking about hedonistic and unsavory behavior in general, more of it doesn't benefit society at all.
What do you personally do to 'benefit society' that you are judging others for?
That's really not an argument and it is my business how society is shaped.
Again, that is not an argument? In this precise case, I don't do drugs or spread stds which puts me in a higher position compared to the average sodomite
In Greece it was a norm, it also wasn't being a faggot it was fucking young boys which is universally condemned even among the homosexual community such as it is
>In Greece it was a norm,
So sexual behavior otherwise unaccepted can spread through osmosis.
Also, lol about the homosexual community condemning buggering younger dudes. Especially given how close the pedo movement and the gay movement were.
There is no pedo movement, no one has ever tolerated their bullshit, go and watch Boys Beware for the 900th time
>no one has ever tolerated their bullshit
Yeah, age of consent protesters totally weren't marching with gay activists.
Got a source for your shit here my man?
Not at the ready, but you can probably find this stuff on wikipedia IIRC.
A pedo protester in my country is still working for a fag magazine.
The consequences would be that people who are gay don't need to worry about living out their sexual orientation. I couldn't care less about what people are sticking into their holes. It's just like a chess club, people who are into chess can go and surround themselves with likeminded people and people who don't simply go on with their lives wihout giving a shit about consensual interactions between other people. I don't see anythig harmful here.
That sounds awfully anecdotal, I guess Trump is Hitler too because of superficial coincidences
>indulging in their lust for male feces
excuse me?
Mate I'm not trying to convince you, if you want to look it up, do so, if you don't, hey, still friends.
I just can't help but feel you're being facetious user
The butt is for poop.
Or r u a grill
>their lust for male feces.
>He haven't done anal with his gf
Top beta
anal sex isn't about a lust for male feces, not all gay couples even do anal sex but when you think about homosexuality you go right to that, why?
>Shitposting about faggots rooting other blokes up the arse
>Not virgins
They obviously don't know the treasures hidden within the chocolate fountain
Because men don't have vaginas
>I don't do drugs or spread stds which puts me in a higher position compared to the average sodomi
Are you a character from a Jack Chicc comic? 'the average homosexual is a drug addict' Seriously how many homos have you met in real life and how many have been drug addicts?
Basically this
It seems like whoever wrote OP's comic is projecting sexual frustration a-la /r9k/
It's an aberration of nature and should be tolerated, but not accepted or encouraged. Furthermore every effort should be made to prevent future occurances. Like leprosy it's an unfortunate reality.
Also... you DO have kids right?
You arn't like those evil sodomites right?
But they do have mouths. Or is enjoying blowjobs a lust for human spew?
Is this what homesexual do to express their love?
Depends, when you "make love" to your girlfriend is that the only time you show her affection? Hypothetically speaking, of course
Of course not, we also parade half naked with dildos and music
Let me guess.
You don't have girlfriend. Sexual frustration hurts might as well go online and complain about people 'not reproducing'
>'the average homosexual is a drug addict'
Didn't say that, this is what, the third time you've strawmanned me?
The average sodomite is a person who is far more hedonistic than the average straight man, uses drugs as greater rates, is far more likely to be diseased, far more likely to be mentally ill, do I need to go on? Not one of these things should be encouraged at all.
How is being chemically imbalanced to want fo fuck other men promoted? Is Alex Jones Mens Vitality a cure?
I don't have a girlfriend and I don't plan to get married and have kids.
You don't need to be someone who complain about not reproducing to not be ok with homosexuality
>How is being chemically imbalanced to want fo fuck other men promoted
Chemical imbalance isn't the proven source of sodomy. Also, my argument has never been about preventing homosexuality from being more prevalent but about preventing hedonistic behavior in general of which sodomite behavior is a subset.
as much as not being able to have kids but searching for "gay friendly" laws and being able to have some, like that's the most important thing some couples have to do in their lifetime.
i'm not him, but modern life is surely been hijacked from the past lifestyles
then what is your argument for why you're not ok with homosexuality
what gives you the right to control what other people do?
Well good fucking luck champ, because being a degenerate fucker has been western tradition since the Greeks set up shop
Straight people who choose not to have children are mental defectives as well, what's your point?
In a sane society they would be viewed as what they are, people who aren't right in the head and have chosen to embrace genetic suicide. The fact that our contemporary society thinks it's normal for entire generations to voluntarily refrain from reproducing is an indicator of how depraved our society has become while no one was paying attention.
If a physical disease was causing infertility across vast swaths of the population, there would be an international panic, but since the source of modern infertility is purely mental somehow we are expected to believe everything is fine.
>Many societies had it without issue before Abrahamic religions took over.
You mean besides collapsing?
Both Greece and Rome have lasted longer than your meme "Nordic" Germanic societies already
>>I don't do drugs.... which puts me in a higher position compared to the average sodomi
Your own words.
Not doing drugs>average homo
You're literally telling us you beleive the average homo does drugs. As in 51% of homos are drug addicts. These are your words. Your hilarious man. You sound like a southern preacher.
>I don't have a girlfriend
So your motivated by sexual frustration and take it on a group of people that get plenty of sex. That's really your entire case. Pathetic.
>You don't need to be someone who complain about not reproducing to not be ok with homosexuality
If you're complaining about them not having kids than this is hypocrisy.
>If I showed you 200 gay porn videos do you think you'd suddenly want to fuck a bloke in the arse?
It's funny because this argument against homophobia relies on homophobia to function, and falls apart the moment it's target admits that neuroplasticity is a thing and that if given enough exposure he would come to consider homosexual sex sexually stimulating.
And are you going to make a shitty argument that somehow homosexuality led to the fall of every society?
>saying that 51% of homos are doing drugs is ridiculous
>saying that someone who hasn't a girlfriend can't have true opinions about things is ok
What the fuck are you talking about? If you want to fuck blokes that's on you mate, stop pretending your desire to lance some gay cunts asshole is about cosmetics
Once again, an argument against homophobia that relies on homophobia to function.
It quite literally dosen't, if you'd fuck a guy and you're a guy you're gay, I bet you're a fucking trapfag
You don't seem to be particularly interested in actually discussing this.
>You're literally telling us you beleive the average homo does drugs
Yes, as an abstract, the average homo does drugs even if just X% of the time, I don't at all therefore I'm better on that point.
Not that difficult to understand.
human sexuality doesn't change that easily. environmental factors can influence your sexuality, e.i. fetishes, but once you're an adult your sexuality is more or less set in stone.
t. someone who started watching gay porn just to see if I might be at least a little gay and couldn't get off but actually got very bored
I'm fascinated in discussing this, what excuses can you pull out out for Greece and Rome having so many faggots yet setting the stage for modern civilisation? Regale me
What the fuck is with all these fag apologists in this thread? Did your parents never take you to church or something?
My point was that some people just shouldn't have children user. Those 'mentally defective' people are probably doing more good to humanity by not having children than Tyrone and LaQuisha living in the ghetto on welfare food stamps with their 12 kids. There's other shit you could do in life that contributes to society besides having kids, just look at the intellectuals who didnt have kids but still left an impact on the world. Also why do you make it sound like it's some sort of nationwide epidemic of people who don't choose to have children? I'm sure for every one person that doesn't want to have children there are at least 100 more that do, hell even high IQ individuals have kids even if they are a low amount. Quit fear-mongering.
Traps are REALLY not gay though.
In that case why the fuck do you even care?
>Wow, you want a medal boy.
Suddenly all pedophiles are gay. If you fuck a little girl you're still a pedophile.
Mommy looks at you and wished she swallowed you instead. All "aberrations" such as yourself should be eliminated.
What are you basing any of this off of. And even if you didn't say that Homos are drug addicts, you're clearly saying that right now.
Fun fact buddy, you don't represent all heterosexual individuals. You're implying that there's a correlation between Homosexuality and drug use, but you've done nothing to prove this. And on top of that, you've done nothing to prove that they actually do more drugs or other "hedonist," behaviors. What makes you such an expert on their behavior?
There's no such thing as gay, "gay" is an identity created by homosexuals to turn their mental illness into an innate and static natural trait like gender.
It's as if psychotics declared that psychosis was an identity and then the argument was made that anyone who says that psychosis can be induced must be a closet psychotic.
You can just look up surveys on the matter or epidemiological studies about this stuff, it's not secret gnostic knowledge.
If you believed the "just like you" propaganda line, you're in for a surprise.
You don't believe in God, do you?
Traps are gay
>I'm fascinated in discussing this
You don't seem to be, you're frequently uncharitable with anything people say to you.
>what excuses can you pull out out for Greece and Rome having so many faggots
They had such things in spite of that. If you actually read up aristotle, he never has kind words for sodomy or pederasty.
Also, romans attitudes towards homosexuality were of a fundamentally unbalanced relationship, as it was only passable if it was between a man and a non-person.
There is nothing wrong with not believing in God.
>human sexuality doesn't change that easily. environmental factors can influence your sexuality, e.i. fetishes, but once you're an adult your sexuality is more or less set in stone.
You must be new here.
>it was only passable if it was between a man and a non-person
Like fucking another man in the arse? Kansai Poofteru
You worship a jew's wife's son don't you?
Not that user but
>The average sodomite is a person who is far more hedonistic than the average straight man, uses drugs as greater rates, is far more likely to be diseased, far more likely to be mentally ill, do I need to go on? Not one of these things should be encouraged at all.
Correlation =/= Causation
The main reason why so many homos even are mentally ill is because a good majority come from a generation where being caught with another dude guarantees will get you lynched. Add that on top of the fact that their father figure completely disowned them after finding out they diddle with the same gender.
Ostraciszation from society and disowned from ones own family is obviously a recipe for a broken mind.
What? You think people are just born a degenerate?
Yes, you're being really mature now, truly demonstrating your interest in the subject. The men they could penetrate had to be non-people or close to, like actors, slaves, prostitutes.
You worship a shit covered dick
>Just ignore all the countries whose birth-rate don't meet replacement and stop noticing there's something wrong.
Anti-natalist social engineers should be sewn into sacks and drowned.