Veeky Forums, this is a snake.
Aside from emu wars, what are some great historical events which had animals involved?
Veeky Forums, this is a snake.
Aside from emu wars, what are some great historical events which had animals involved?
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Tunisian elephant autism immediately comes to mind
Steppe horse archers in general
I heard the Mongols liked horses a lot
The bubonic plague
Hannibal loved using animals in war. Besides his famous use of elephants crossing the Alps, there's at least one naval battle where he lobbed pots filled with snakes onto the enemy ships.
Beat me to it! Hannibal's march across the Alps with fucking WAR ELEPHANTS.
That one time in Burma the Japs got BTFO by crocodiles
Does anyone have the Hannibal elephant greentext?
Tell me more pls...
>In the winter of 1916-1917, the Eastern Front stretched for more than a thousand miles from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south. During that winter, half-starved Russian wolves converged on both the German and Russian lines in the northern part of the front in the Vilnius-Minsk region. As their desperation increased beyond their fear of humans, the wolves started attacking individuals but were soon attacking groups of soldiers so viciously and often that something had to be done. The soldiers tried poisoning them, shooting them with their rifles and machine guns and even using grenades against them, but the large and powerful Russian wolves were so hungry, fresh wolf packs simply replaced those that were killed.
>The situation grew so severe that the Russian and German soldiers convinced their commanders to allow temporary truce negotiations to enable them to deal with the animals more effectively. Once the terms were worked out, the fighting stopped and the two sides discussed how to resolve the situation. Finally, a coordinated effort was made and gradually the packs were rounded up. Hundreds of wolves were killed during the process while the rest scattered, leaving the area once and for all to the humans. The problem was solved, the truce was called off and the soldiers got back to killing each other properly.
Also I was deeply saddened to find this page was not in fact about elephants being trained to do pic related.
I really don't understand how it was possible to get elephants over the Alps. They don't have hooves, how could they have tolerated such broken rocky terrain?
>That night [of the 19 February 1945] was the most horrible that any member of the M. L. [motor launch] crews ever experienced. The scattered rifle shots in the pitch black swamp punctured by the screams of wounded men crushed in the jaws of huge reptiles, and the blurred worrying sound of spinning crocodiles made a cacophony of hell that has rarely been duplicated on earth. At dawn the vultures arrived to clean up what the crocodiles had left.... Of about one thousand Japanese soldiers that entered the swamps of Ramree, only about twenty were found alive.
It's obviously exaggerated but crocodiles did pick off the Japs who were too slow and malaria ridden
more pics like this pls.
A massive pack of wolves sieged Paris at one point.
the Gombe Chimpanzee War might interest you
Kahama absolutely BTFO holy shit
That short ass sword isnt going to do shit, give that nigga something else
The ongoing coon wars in Germany,
most of them died crossing the alps, look it up
Honerubu sambearai
Surprised no one mentioned this madman yet
>reddit phrasing
fuck off
>incendiary pigs
When warfare goes too far.jpg