Is being poor something inhereted? When you watch them they seem primitive, brutish...

Is being poor something inhereted? When you watch them they seem primitive, brutish, violent and with a lack of capacity to learn. Is this completely nurture or there's some natural tendency in them?
Also, don't turn this into a racist /pol/tard thread, I know white people who are like this and dark skinned people who are completely educated. I'm not fully white myself for instance.

>Is being poor something inhereted? When you watch them they seem primitive, brutish, violent and with a lack of capacity to learn.
Being a nigger is inherited, all of this applies to even the rich ones.

It's proven that children of educated parents tend to be more educated, get better jobs and have a higher standard of living when they grow up.

I guess it has mostly to do with the parents' wish to have educated children, so they place an emphasis on education.
Also there is a huge incentive of children to imitate their parents. Thus kids of intellectual parents want to be smart too.

But i guess some sort of genetic factor might be involved too...

In conclusion:
>Let's kill the poor and stupid

A poor person can crawl out of poverty but a nigger will always be a nigger no matter how much money you throw at him.

The behavioral genetics / HBD crowd claims:
>First Law: All human behavioral traits are heritable.
>Second Law: The effect of being raised in the same family is smaller than the effect of the genes.
>Third Law: A substantial portion of the variation in complex human behavioral traits is not accounted for by the effects of genes or families.

I can't figure out if these guys of full of shit or not though

It's all just a part they've been given in a stage play. Most snap out of it once they leave and are subsequently forced to meet more tempered individuals. Assuming they are able and want to leave.

I'm poor even though I'm from a rich family, wealth comes and goes. If your dad is rich it doesn't mean you will be rich too, but if you're dad is a nigger, well, guess which one is more inheritable.

I often see smug leftists act as if you improve the intelligence of everyone as long as you shovel enough money into it. They use the argument that it worked for formerly marginalized Catholics, so it must surely work for inbred North African muslims too.

Thing is Catholics weren't retarded. They were uneducated/illiterate but not legit stupid like niggers are. Think of intelligence like hardware and education like software, you won't be able to run Crysis on a 386 the same way you can't make a 70 IQ nigger into a nuclear physicist.

>Is being poor something inhereted?

Yes. Pretty much.

>high IQ people are more successful
>high IQ people have high IQ kids
>high IQ kids are more successful
>high IQ kids have high IQ kids
it goes on.

This is anecdotal, but my high IQ parents chose the lower middle class life in favor of public service, including me going to absolutely shit schools, and I still turned out successful.

Those aren't HBD claims, they are mainstream science supported by decades of evidence.

IQ is 80% genetics, and IQ correlates with success in life. Therefore, ...

>IQ is 80% genetics
That's incorrect, what heritability estimates refer to is the amount of *variance* in a trait that is explained by genetic differences.

>That's incorrect, what heritability estimates refer to is the amount of *variance* in a trait that is explained by genetic differences.
Are you retarded?
>That is incorrect, it's not genetics. In fact, it means that it's genetics. Look at me, I'm so progressive.

It's literally the opposite of what you said.

No, you're just ignorant about the subject.
IQ is 80% genetics means that given a single individual, 80% of his score is due to genetics. That is not true.
What I said, which is what science actually shows, is that 80% of the difference between individuals in a population when it comes to adult IQ in first world countries is due to genetic differences.
If you still can't understand the difference, you're a fucking brainlet.

>IQ is 80% genetics means that given a single individual, 80% of his score is due to genetics. That is not true.
Yes it is, you fucking retard. Saying that height is 80% due to genetics is the same as saying that the variance in the distribution of height is 80% due to genetics.

Or tell me, Einstein, how a trait which shows a variance 80% due to genetics is environmentally determined...

>, is that 80% of the difference between individuals in a population when it comes to adult IQ in first world countries is due to genetic differences.
Right, and if you're not a drooling niggerloving brainlet retard, you can extrapolate the conclusion from this statistic...

>Yes it is, you fucking retard
No, it isn't, you're a proven moron who has probably never actually read anything about behavioral genetics aside from shit on the internet.
>you can extrapolate the conclusion from this statistic
It is not that given a single individual, 80% of his height is due to genetics. This is literally behavioral genetics 101, it's one of the most explained things when getting into heritability "no, heritability estimates don't refer to the amount of influence that genes have over a trait in a single individual".
Read a fucking book, will you? Behavioral genetics by Plomin et al.

"Heritability refers to the genetic contribution to individual differences (variance), not to the phenotype of a single individual"
"The nature-nurture problem is nevertheless far from meaningless. Asking right questions is, in science, often a large step toward obtaining right answers. The question about the roles of genotype and the environment in human development must be posed thus: To what extent are the differences observed among people conditioned by the differences of their genotypes and by the differences between the environments in which people were born, grew and were brought up? (p. 55)"
"This issue is critical for the interpretation of heritability (Sesardic, 2005)."

If there's one thing I hate more than morons is arrogant morons like you.

Yes and no, IQ is 90% heritable and anti-social personality traits are as well. That doesn't mean if you're born poor you have to stay poor (keep in mind John D Rockefeller was a self made man) but yes usually the traits associated with poverty or "the hood" are genetic in nature, which then are strengthened due to environmental factors.
>Inb4 hurr /pol/

No, it's actually just that strongly associated with direct inheritance. Anyone who says otherwise is a pretty hard core ideologue when it comes to behavioral sciences and neurobiology in particular

this is pretty much undeniable, the point of contention is what to do with this knowledge
many try to deny it outright because it would turn their collectivism against themselves, or use it to damn the whole group.

Hey, nigger, why did you dodge my question?
>Or tell me, Einstein, how a trait which shows a variance 80% due to genetics is environmentally determined...

I'd like to hear you wiggle out of this.

Also, nice strawman you've constructed about my statement. When I say "80% of IQ is genetics", I was talking actually talking about the variance, but you decided to virtue signal... anyways still curious to hear your answer about my preceding question.

>to virtue signal
Truly a brainlet.

Another moron. see here

Still not answering my question. Guess your neurons fry when you're not quoting other people.

>To what extent are the differences observed among people conditioned by the differences of their genotypes and by the differences between the environments in which people were born, grew and were brought up? (p. 55)"
Would it help you if I said IQ is about 80% genetic and bio-essential? Sheesh, how much of pseud moron do you have to be to get butthurt about mindless semantics like this?

Really nice refutation is coming to follow this comment and not just a terse "n-no you're stupid" , I'm sure.

>Is being poor something inhereted?

Well gosh and golly gee, can you inherit money?

I fully believe that if 2 100 IQ people have a child and by circumstance cannot provide that child with a satisfactory education then it would get around an 80 on any IQ test, skirting the legal level for mentally handicapped but still pretty fucking stupid. This chain of thought also would kind of explain why so many people hover around that sort of IQ in low income areas, because even though they have the genetics to be of average intelligence an environment that only provides an unsatisfactory education guarantees that they will test lower than average and "Just pouring money into it" will not magically bring them all to 140 test scores (or an equivalent being that the "average" for the 100 score to be measured off of would undoubtedly be higher) because they just do not have the mental capabilities of reaching that score.

The fact that Modern society is incredibly fragmented between specialized professionals knowing quite a bit about their field of expertise while knowing little to nothing about unrelated fields kind of hints this way as well, at least discrediting the whole "the average intelligence of a person over the years has gotten higher" by adding some context in favor of the idea that combining a decent education while specializing the workforce is what grants society to reach the heights it has today.

>this is pretty much undeniable,
tell that to the majority of the USA who is denying it

>Is being poor something inhereted?

Considering you start out with your parent's level of wealth when you are a child, and build up from that level of wealth when you move into adulthood, yes, poverty is inherited.

I grew up middle-class in an area with lots of rich people. The idea that rich people are some holy "cognitive elite" that earned every good thing they have and work their asses off to keep everyone else afloat is bullshit.

That's bullshit. Intelligence is somewhat heritable, but not all behavioral or mental traits are heritable, and the outcomes in people's lives certainly are more complex than a two or three digit number.

>usually the traits associated with poverty or "the hood" are genetic in nature
My ancestors on one side were dirt poor coal miners in Pennsylvania slums in the early 20th century. My paternal grandfather managed to get into school, trained to become a lawyer, and entered the middle class by the 1950s. Other members of my family in my generation (millennial) were born middle or working class but are now facing financial issues despite their intelligence and skill. People and their fortunes are made of more than just their genetics.

>That's bullshit
No, it's not.
>Intelligence is somewhat heritable
Intelligence is HIGHLY heritable
>not all behavioral or mental traits are heritable
Literally all of them are, those are called the 3 laws of behavioral genetic, written by a guy who is as against genetic determinism as you can be.

Similar story here, my dad came from a rural working class background (farm laborers) got a scholarship for a boarding school, excelled. Social backgrounds and the need to belong to one is more likely a factor (e.g. having an anti-academic attitude being common)

Yes, but it dosen't have to be that way.