Does anyone else look at images for motivation ?

Does anyone else look at images for motivation ?

Here's one I look at everyday when im feeling down

Never gonna make it

I'm not a faggot.


my motivation is to have at least 200k saved by next year and lose 120 pounds so my dick can be 7 inches

You need money to get boobs just like women have to attract muscular men?

Yes fucking normie

top right is you signing divorce papers when your wife sells your btc

So this daily:
30 pushups x5
30 squats x5
15 pull ups x5
15 dips x5
1 hour of cardio
7 days a week for the rest of your life.

Go easy at first do pushups in bitchmode and use assistance machines for the pullups and dips.

Each day you eat 2 eggs an apple, an orange, a banana, chicken and rice with broccoli and for desert a protein shake and nothing more for the rest of your life.

Youll be fine.

mfw dont have to get rich to get women but will get rich anyway to buy gf nice things while girls drool over me and make my gf want my cock even more choking her out fucking her in the ass. Played video games like a neet all my life but still always good with girls. How is life so fucking wesome

we are God's chosen people


That sounds terrible

Dude I know it's not supposed to be funny or anything, but u put a couple of stock photo's of guy's being stock photo for "friend-motivation". I can't fucking stop laughing man.

no, I just look at my bank account and assets

>Does anyone else look at images for motivation ?
Become the Jew.

A Cayman, really? At least have standards you cuck, you ain't getting those girls if your dream car is a fucking Cayman, kek.

It's affordable

yea my goal is a stupid watch


i feel even more down
fuck you

Do tell, that's the only reason I'm trading too.
Once I've got this baby I'm all in until I've got half a mil

if you are a normie from plebbit who copes with r/redpill or r/MGTOW shit then those 'motivational' pictures might motivate you but if you are a legit Veeky Forums autist who isnt a newfag, such motivational pictures are the subject of my ridicule and EVEN disdain. reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fuck off normie.

this shit cost me $12 on amazon and keeps time better than yours

sort yourself out normo

Thanks for the laugh, OP.


I wear a speedmaster and I hate the new seamasters. That fucking helium valve is so retarded. Buy a speedy or a submariner.

>tfw you will never have a perfect belly even though you are getting swole because you used to be overweight and have a bit of excess skin that hangs like a nasty flab.

Quiet son, the grown ups are talking.

>the absolute state of a below than average intelligence norman who's never going to make it

Yeah you fucking poorfags need to stop shitting up this board with your dumb girl images.