Fell for the STEM meme

I graduated as a mechanical engineer 2 months ago and I'm having trouble finding positions that don't require 3 years of experience before they even look in my general direction
How hard did I get memed on? How can I get fucking hired?

By not being shit

just keep applying, wage cuck :^)

fuck, how do i do that

Keep trying senpai

And start working on a Master's

civil engineer here
was searching for a job for like 6 months after graduation
don't give up sad fag

Where do you live? If you're in the U.K. then you need a masters and you're retarded

If you're in the US you are doing something wrong; too picky, living in a swamp in Louisiana, etc

man I had a job lined up before senior year even started and I'm fucking retarded you must have shit grades and zero internships

you need to ler game theory
especialy theory of games with incomplete information

apply to graduate school (masters) this fall as well as looking for employment

you are fucked if you didn't get a job offer from the place you did you internship

t. unemployed for 5 years mech eng, graduated best of the class, autistic

>civil engineer
less intelectual than mechanical

thanks senpai

California. What sort of places should I be looking for that aren't going to buttfuck me on experience?

My senior year was rough because I was doing an internship and a bunch of capstone courses, I dropped the ball on job hunting. Did alright grade wise.

I did interviews, I keep losing to people with more experience including for the place I interned with

>less intelectual
you're the fucking moron amigo

ITT: people learn that grades dont matter as much as sociability and networking do in the corporate world

Unemployed chem eng here, how do i go about getting a job in the US with little experience? Not a pajeet btw, im from an anglo country

the fuck
fuck you

Unfortunately, all my good friends are bankers or software engineers. I am getting referred to the software companies, fingers crossed.
I agree with you tho

is this loss

>undergoing graduation at mechanical engineering
>terrible grades so far, 4th semester
>the course takes 5

>mfw electrical engineers don't have this problem

How fucked am I?
Can I get a job even having scored only B's, C's and some D's so far?
Do I make up for my shitty history if I start scoring only A's from now on?

I've been told by older people that grades don't mean shit when applying for a job, but I'm scared

Just write down that you are an illegal Indian migrant and willing to work for minimum wage. You will get hired right away.

Currently falling for this meme. Graduating in the spring, but have done no internships. Probably doesn't matter, but I have a ~3.3 GPA. I'm also probably autistic with no friends. How fucked am I, Veeky Forums?

>being good at math
>Not understanding supply and demand

If you aren't picky the degree should be enough

goodluck user hope you dont kys

STEM is a meme, sure you can get all the cool finance jobs but that's only after you slog through working years in wafer fabrication labs.
Meanwhile business majors like myself get one right out the door. Hahaha.

Some jobs require good grades. Others won't bother looking at them. It's about 50/50. In Canada it's more about work experience because that gives you hours towards your Professional Engineer designation.

>STEM is a meme
tell that to the people working and getting well paid, me included
really, STEM is about what you can do with your knowledge and skill.
people DO notice when you show curiosity and interest in what you do, so DO SHOW INTEREST when getting a job.

>listening to the eternal b**mer

thanks user
the only thing keeping me going is the knowledge that I'm getting the hell out of here once I amass a good chunk of money

So according to MOTOROLA, it's impossible for an engineer to be happy in the modern liberalized workplace.

This is correct


Spot the civEng cunt. I raise EE . we are the only gods ...maybe SE. fuck off glorified builder...

>what makes an engineer happy
when they aren't constantly being told they are hopeless and can't design a fucking Lego house
Which is never

Engineers get gud you all fucking suck
But what do I expect when they're all pajeetd

isn't this just a circuit with a battery a resistor and an LED?

Looks like an inductor, diode (could be a LED), and capacitor

I somehow mixed up capacitor and battery. I guess its been a while since I've used middle/high school circuit skills. Still isn't something that user should be bragging about being able to read

travel back in time and do internships during school fag.. maybe be born in India so you work harder and master street shitting for frugal living

Look for Pathway or Palace Acq intern positions on USAJOBS