
Should I buy this now on EtherDelta or wait?

Buy now before it hits exchanges
Will go up everyday from now

Wait so you can be the fuel to propel us past 0.001 ETH per LINK.

The only thing you can wait for is it being listed on liqui in less that 24 hours. Tell me, how do you think being listed on a relatively large exchange will affect the price?

buy some now and some later if it dips

Prob go up quite a bit and then tank over the next month like ZRX, DNT, TNT.


tfw bazzilions of Veeky Forums shills in the hand of 2 unknown people who just acquired 30+ million dollars from them

if you're not just a shill, and actually considering, AVOID AT ALL COSTS
this will burst far worse than bancor

Pssst, He wants to remind that this wont dump like them. Why?

The oreo portlum


Jesus is this real...? I'll FOMO buy if that's the case

Kek demands it

Burst up you mean my man lmao!!

only 1 000 000 000 coins!! BUY BUY BUY before it hits $1 !!

Can you provide any source? Will gladly buy if it's getting on exchanges like that.

Everyone who didn't buy ZRX on ED regretted it.

user, if it was obvious everyone would do it. There is a slight bit of uncertainty that is keeping people on the sidelines cuz they wanna "see what happens"

Uncertainty is THE best buying opportunity. Don't be a cuck and chase pumps, buy this now before it hits a real exchange

If you still can't take this free advice then I've wasted my time

This. I bought in at .000725 and never looked back. Get some skin in the game before it hits liqui.

wait, how come EBET isn't even listed on coinmarketcap yet... :/

350m circulating supply

I love human psychology, price is low, don't buy,price pumps, buy buy buy!!!!

Sometimes bag holders are destined to be bag holders eternally.

Please don't come into LINK threads and post your blatant P n D shit coins. Take it to your little Discord.

There's digimarines even in some of my telegram groups. It's so sad. The biggest pump chaser group of them all.

There is no fucking source. If there was the price would 5x what it is now.

It's basic fucking deduction: use volume = huge transaction fees. This is melting EtherDelta right now with volume, and exchanges want that volume.

Fast forward one month from now. Fuck it actually - one week from now

Do you REALLY think the hottest ICO with the biggest volume isn't making it into exchanges? Really??

>not even 24 hours of trading, using the term bag holder unironically

Where the fuck did I advocate buying pumps? If anything I said you're a cuck for chasing pumps

Possible moon mission occurring on ED as we speak. When is it supposed to be listed on liqui?

I just scooped up 30k on Etherdelta for 20 eth
its a bargain desu, I even got in at ICO just not enough

Bitcoinfan from Liqui is a pretty open guy, if enough people demand it and the Chain Link team gets on it we'll be on in the next 24 hours easy.

This is pure speculation but I also have a sneaky feeling Bitfinix will take a liking to ChainLink.

If BMC just got listed, I have a feeling LINK will too.

bc ebet fucking sucks dont be deluded and get yourself a real coin, LINK with an ico that sold out in mere minutes

If BTC and ETH fall hard now (as it looks like they might), how is this likely to affect the price of LINK?

how the FUCK do you use this stupid shit site?

>Do you REALLY think the hottest ICO with the biggest volume isn't making it into exchanges? Really??

Bittrex and Poloniex aren't adding any coin, chinks exchanges shutting down, it's not what it used to be

It will hamper any chances of a solid price appreciation, but shouldn't make LINK bearish.

>muh rex muh polo








because hitbtc and liqui are so great amirite

how about yobit that's a good one rite?


Almost 3 million in volume on ED alone today. That has to be some sort of record.

> oreo portlum

For the record that's isn't out of the question. DNT also broke 200 M market cap without ever getting on those

You're right let's just stay on ED shall we? Fucking imbecile.

I think coinexchange will be a good one!

how do i add this to MEW?

Your logic is scewed homie, liquidity is good for trading, irrelevant of it being good or bad exchange.

go to add custom token
Address: 0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca
Symbol: LINK
Decimals: 18
