faggot go back to pol
nigger go back to africa
Only Americucks would get mad at having universal healthcare.
American literally should be a 2nd world country. Almost every other 1st world country has universal healthcare. Step your game up burgers
>he doesn't run a business that is forced to use obamacare
Your country isn't a first world country if you're too poor to afford your own healthcare
>eurpoors can't even afford cars
what's wrong europoors, guess you guys don't have universal carcare yet HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
youre some dumb retard fag who doesnt have to pay the obamacare investment income tax.
its brutal
Healthcare is a fucking joke. I wish we could go back to the days of private health care man, everything was so much cheaper when we didn't have to fucking subsidise everything.
Also, you ever notice how the people that most need "universal healthcare" are fucking losers? Leeches and deadbeat drug addicts. We would be better off just letting them die from their illnesses.
>universal healthcare
Pick one. They're not the same at all
Agreed, and that sums up your typical yuropoor.
They have trucks but they keep running into large crowds of people for no apparent reason.
>Wir schaffen das!
Those trucks are just trying to bring people together and they get a little carried away.
If you think Healthcare is a right, youre a fucking faggot.
I'm sure this post was made ironically, but every person I've ever met who actually believes that healthcare is a right has been a faggot.
>water is a human right
dafuq does this shit even mean
[insert thing I can't afford] is a human right
Poorfags, when will they learn