What age is too old to still be living with your parents?
What age is too old to still be living with your parents?
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Depends on the country you live in. In some cultures it's socially acceptable to live with your parents until you're 40 (spain)
What the fuck? Im 21 and starting to feel like im growing out of the nest. You people live with yours until 40??
No I don't live in Spain. I'm 20 and feeling the same. I wanna leave so bad!
I'd say that it starts to get awkward around 25 in most of Europe these days (Spain excluded, apparently). Dunno about burgerland.
>tfw 26 yo
Feels bad, I swear I will move out once I get rich from crypto.
I'm going to do it soon. No later than 22-23.
Get your fucking shit together and get a real job. Do cryptos on your spare time with the spare money you'll have, which will be more than you have now.
>tfw my oldest brother is a chad who went to berkeley fraterniry with 4.0
>he is now 26 and lives at home going to a community college for nursing
really makes you think...
>I will move out once I get rich from crypto.
So you will never move out?
>tfw your parents own a huge house and i live with em cuz why not
>tfw you're 31 and a loser even amongst NEETs
a friend of mine is mid 30's living at home...
he's been fucked pretty bigly by his choice to stay at home, like a man child. no concept of the value of money, personal responsibility etc.
get out as soon as you can is my advice.
user, living with your parents after 18 is an admission of failure.
But often, admitting you've failed is the only way to get better.
This is exactly what I'm did minus the Chad and frat part.
I mostly look forward to watching all the boomers get dementia and go bankrupt giving their cash to me to stay alive just a little bit longer, while I chat up all the Stacys
I've tried it belive me and I hated it.
I'm halfway there only 500k$ more.
>Once I'll win the lottery with the few buck i have i'll get on with my life. Likelihood extreme low.
>Get steady gains each month
>Move out
>Do cryptos on the side with all them monthly gains
>Even if the last part fails I've gotten further in life than the first plan
IMO it it's okay if your a student in your twenties or working to save for your own place. Now if you start inching into your mid twenties and still have no job, no studies, just bumming around the house ... yeah that's a little sad and pathetic.
stay as long as you wish and feel good. leave when you feel like you want to move on your own. not that complicated. in europe they live until 40 years old
Because it's pathetic. You're a manchild and a parasite. One day they'll be gone and you'll still be mentally 11 years old and mom won't be there to cook tendies for you anymore.
Meanwhile other people are manifesting destiny.
you sound like somebody who got kicked out
Working is not fun, it never was and never will be. It's just one of those things, you gotta fucking bite the bullet and take it like a fucking man for a while.
Join the military and get off your ass
>tell dad I'm working something out with my friends to move into an apartment once they evict someone
>says I don't need to and I can just stay until he dies
26 and I live with my parents and my girlfriend, feels good.
No dude, my parents are chill and wouldve let me live with them forever. However, I choose to do something about my pathetic position instead of trying to justify on an internet forum.
if you're still living with your parents at age 19 you'll never make it
Parisitic degenerate scum. Kys.
As soon as you finish your bachelor's degree in my opinion. 21 or so. Maybe a year or so later because you need to actually find a job after graduating.
people who came from poor families getting mad because their parents kicked out at 18.
>hurr durr parasite
if they are OK with that and you don't live in insane conditions... why even care? even better if you have a well paid job. you can just keep saving, help them a bit, and live comfortably
t. ex NEET, lived like shit because poverty.
>ITT manchildren justifying being leeches and losers
t. brainlet trying to justify him being a manchild, living at home with his parents, not being able to take care of himself.
>"W-w-would you like to go out with me. Stacy?"
>"Ok, teehee!"
>"My mom will pick you up at 8, is that ok?"
>"Never fucking talk to me again"
>at a bar
>"I wanna suck your cock, lets go to your place!"
>"I live with my parents"
>"...fucking kill yourself"
I'm European so we stay longer than Americans typically do. I've had American friends who moved out when they were 18 but thats almost unheard of here. Most people stay with their parents till they get married and in some cases even after marriage (especially if the parents are going to leave the house to them after death).
Tfw still living with parents at 29.
because they are butthurt that they fell for their parents bullshit reasons of making them a "strong/independent" person by plunging them into a shit ton of debt the second they turn 18 and letting them live paycheck to paycheck for years on end.
Yeah that's a good way to make sure your kids life turns out as mediocre/shit as possible. Instead of letting them go to school/work while living at home and saving money for a down payment on a house/condo so they fall into the pitfalls of renting.
Keep thinking your parents cared but really they just wanted you the fuck out because they hate you and don't really care.
if you're american it's understandable. the average 20 eomthing american is so coddled and manchildish that he'd have to stay home, even with a job.
who the fuck said living with your parents meant they will treat you like a child, or that you won't have your own place for yourself alone, you fucking retard? perhaps YOUR parents are retarded, or they see YOU as a retard who can't take care of himself? don't project your own shit on other people, faggot
i've talked to lots of foreign scum and they all say america is way too individualistic. fereners are much closer with their families and live with them longer.
I was booted on my 18th b-day, realistically I think about 20 is getting too old to be living with mommy and daddy.
Checked, rekt, kekd
My parents had to move back in with their parents in their mid 30's
"Move out at 18" is a western meme only sustainable because of the post war boom.
I moved from my rents at 18, almost 19 which to me is late, but I graduated at 17 - so needed a lil time to buy my own apartment.
Sounds like you're trying to justify moving out.
Because most people, especially on here, are essentially manchildren, and you fucking know it. They wanna get comfy, taken care of, play some vidya and never have to take part in that scary world outside - a child, essentially.
That's the case for the vast majority of people living with their parents.
Are you retards fucking retarded? Europe is huge and varies greatly. Look up statistics when people move out, some European countries people move out even earlier than Americans (nice meme of getting kicked out at 18 btw). And then some lazy parasite countries like Spain or Italy they suck mama's titties and gargle daddy's cum until 45.
maybe you're just projecting.
Depends where you live.
I'm from the world capital of mama's boys (Italy), so here isn't considered socially awkward live with your parents even if you're 40-45.
In the US I would say not more than 23, I guess.
It's obviously fucking true look at the ports on here
"TFW $200k blockfolio but virgin with no friends"
Fucking sad
>lazy parasite countries like Spain or Italy they suck mama's titties and gargle daddy's cum until 45.
you mean they live with their parents until their parents finally die?
It would be kind of a nice thing to do to take care of your parents when they get old, but honestly I can only stand being around my parents for a few hours at best before I am willing to chew my own arm off to get away from them.
He isn't doing you a favor. He is in fact signing your future suicide note. Tell him thanks but no thanks. Live your life, it's worth it.
>tfw was gonna move out over the summer but my mom bought a brand new house and I don't want her to be lonely
I'm only 22 so I guess I can stay for a couple more years
This is Veeky Forums. People do larp about being poor/pathetic as retarded as it sounds.I digress though kicking your kids out strictly at 18 is just retarded and shit parenting no matter how you put it.
Yeah, I'm projecting from my own apartment, with my own car, with my steady monthly gains and a great social life.
Read the fucking posts trying to justify this shit and tell me I'm wrong.
Actually fuck it, you fucks are dug in too deep actually trying to defend being a neet loser. I'm just trying to fucking help.
sounds like an excuse to justify your anxiety and fearfulness of leaving the nest.... its time to fly little bird
yeah but once again this is Veeky Forums, You tell just as much of the truth as anyone else on here. So why the fuck would I care?
My master plan (accidental) is going to end up with me getting my parents home and being their favorite child.
Siblings btfo
In my culture you must live with your parents forever, the only time you can move is when you marry, otherwise you must live in your parents house.
everything above 20 is delta fags (unless you live in spain), literally the bottom of the food chain
does your father buy your bride by trading a goat and 2 chickens too?
>I'm just trying to fucking help.
So mature, degrading people you claim you are trying to help.
I guess moving out didn't count for much, eh?
>Yeah, I'm projecting from my own apartment, with my own car, with my steady monthly gains and a great social life.
Also, you know the rules, pics or it didn't happen.
All of this.
America is really individualistic. In some ways its good because the kids become independent adults quickly, but at the same time like you pointed out families become distant.
I had no idea Europe was made up of so many countries! No shit sherlock. "In general" European's stay with their parents much longer. Im from southern Europe so it's even more so than the north.
there is alot of real estate jews itt, unbelievable
id live with my parents if i could just so i can save up for a house deposit. leaving home at 18 fucking sucked i tell ya hwhat
>So mature, degrading people you claim you are trying to help.
Assuring someone that things will just magically turn out great doesnt work and shouldnt make you feel any better unless youre female or an insecure faggot.
Normally I'd tell you to kill yourself by now, but you might end up doing it, so I won't.
Depends on your circumstance. Personally from 19-24 I had a job that made me travel non-stop so I basically lived in hotels. Had a week here or there home, but there was no point in paying rent someplace that I didn't stay in.
From 24-26 I switched jobs and moved out, had a decent gig going, and then out of fucking nowhere the company started folding and I got laid off halfway through my lease. I got dicked hardcore because I was overqualified for mcdicks type jobs and underqualified for anything that made decent money - and the job market at the time was garbage so there was basically nothing in the middle. It took me 8 months to find a job, and in the mean time I went into crazy debt.
My lease was up, I moved back home and I'm still here now. Turning 28 soon, so it's been almost 2 years. I paid off all my debt and have a decent stockpile of cash now actually, so I COULD move out, but my GF has debt issues she's paying off so I'm just coasting along atm saving thousands per month living at home.
I want to move out but it's also not a bad situation.
Look. Guys. No one's saying move out at 18 or when you're building up savings. That's a retarded strawman manchilds use.
But once you have savings you should get out sooner rather than later. It's important for maturity, self actualization and better opportunities (let's be honest, you likely arent living in the best area for work unless you're lucky).
Past 23 years old is when it gets bad. There's pretty much no one who lives with their parents past 25-26 that doesn't have severe, immediately obvious personality flaws.
>b-but MUH saving every penny
The freedom and other benefits of moving out in your 20s are worth more than any money. Besides it's not even that much you lazy faggots unless mummy never asks you to buy food or chip in for anything. In that case Kys
In america, its not about age its about your place in life. NEET? Get off your ass, get a job, and save enough to get the fuck out of your parents hair.
Have a job and helping with bills while saving for a place of your own? Seems fine to me, you're actively trying to improve yourself while not being a financial burden on the people who raised you.
I moved back in with my parents when I was 29 due to my mom fighting cancer. I had my own house about an hour away so I felt it best to just move back in and help talk care of her during chemo.
No shame boys, sometimes circumstances are beyond anyone's control.
23 or so id say is the cut off.
At that point: you have a bachelor's degree, two years exp. Should have decent assets if you didn't just party through school and take shittiest job.
Or you've got $100k+ networth MINIMUM if you didn't go to school. No excuses
I dont think this thread is about doing something like that. Its more about shaming the faggots who are still sucking their mommas tit and not trying to change it.
Any older and you're a fucking loser
I’m in my mid 20s. Work in family business. Live with folks, help out. I actually do want to enlist. I feel that it would be a great experience. Get me in better shape and see things. And I would feel proud to serve under Trump. Would never have felt proud under a Barack Saddam Hussein Osama Bin Laden Obama.
Almost have 500k in BTC/ETH/ALTS
Started at the end of last year. But it would really suck to go and then die as a boots-on-the-ground grunt.
If I ever get drafted - I will answer the call.
>trump breaks every promise
>no wall
>against "Nazis"
>loves jews
>sells daughter to jew
>kisses jews
>no wall
You like this guy?
Does every board have to turn into r9k?
>tfw have a gf that also lives with her mom
I've heard more often that all boards are turning in to /pol/
He hasn’t even been president for a year. Great things will come of his presidency.
One thing you have to love is that he’s literally taking a sledgehammer to the entire left-right political establishment.
Just wait.
Who gives a fuck. How is this Veeky Forums?
ya that list is bad. its been a difficult and dissapoointing presidency. wich is extra painful after obamas destruction of america tour and bushs total collapse of everything
Used to be 19-20. I was out a few months after 18 and had the time of my life (college, then own place). But that was 20 years ago. Seems many can't afford it these days and seen news articles of many folks in 30s still at home. I can't imagine that..being 21-25 going to bar and not having my own place to have people go back to.. that stage of life was a blast..don't you miss out on it
Isn't it fine if you're still a university student and your home is close to school? I mean, why waste money when you have perfectly good lodging right there.
I'm 21 already though and I'm starting to get sick of living st home. I might borrow some money from my parents so I can move out soon.
37 here, its getting pretty bad now, I cant show my face at family gatherings
college costs are absurdly high now compared to when you went. students leave college with 60k+ in debt, and thats being modest.
Dude, you don't understand these "people", they couldn't care less whether Trump makes due on his promises or breaks all of them, they have already formed a cult of personality around him where they worship Trump and think he literally can't do any wrong.
Just don't bother.
37... what the hell man
>tfw just bought a 300k home off with my crypto gains all in cash and going to move out soon
>tfw little brother is going to MIT on scholarship which is 8 states away
>tfw parents will be all alone now
feels bad man, we all got to move out but our home is going to be so silent its just going to be them two from now on
I'd definitely say so. 23 is the cutoff in my opinion
it gets even worse when one of them dies.
>I'm halfway there only 500k$ more.
dude just cash out $30k you can live on that for a year paying rent
italian families do this too
only 500k away from 500k
if you really had anything over 100k you would have moved out by now larpy
>staying with parents
>paying a third to two thirds of your paycheck to (((them)))
ez choice
oh but wait... I know what buttblasted wagies will say - WOMEN
Well guess what fags, is she really wants to fuck, the backseat is enough :D
>But once you have savings
>tfw i was forced to use all my savings to buy my shitty '96 civic
>tfw 400 dollars left and i'm headed to college in two days
what am i supposed to do about money? buy crypto coins at a huge markup compared to just 7 months ago? this whole thing is so depressing if you came in late
>two thirds of your paycheck
Try getting a job better than part time retail you fucking retard
I got kicked out and sent to a correctional school run by a cult at 15. Have not lived with them since. 31 now and have my own house.
>What age is too old to still be living with your parents?
When they start dying and requiring you to care for them you're doing it wrong
Up to that point though, any time to jump ship is best time
27 and living at home still with 200k saved. Fuck the haters.
the problem isn't how old you are and how long you've been living at your parents home. its how pathetic you make yourself feel.
>Almost have 500k in BTC/ETH/ALTS
>If I ever get drafted - I will answer the call.
Talk is cheap.
Only poor people fight in wars