Is nationalism dead?
Is nationalism dead?
I hope so.
No nigga
time really does heal all wounds
>Italy for Belgium
Can someone explain this to me? I've lived in Belgium and find it very hard to believe it isn't either Poland or Morocco. Why so many Italians?
It isn't but it should be.
On a side note:
>that polish iceland
Post-nationalism is the future.
Let's hope so.
I fear they will need to be defeated once more.
No, there are still retarded nationalists/separatists threatening global peace (see Catalonia)
Why are countries colored the way they are on this map? Does brown UK with India inscription is supposed to imply something?
How the fuck did so many Poles end up in Iceland?
Wait, An*ta is still alive?
she singlehandedly killed gaming
The Western Nationalist vs the Slavic Neo-National Socialist.
>Bosnians flee their country en masse
This map is shit
For Switzerland it should be Albania
For Austria it should be Turkey
For Germay it should be Turkey/Somalia/SYria
For Norway it should be Somalia
For Sweden it should Iraq or Syria
For Belgium it should be Morroco
For Netherland it should be Morroco
>For Germay it should be Turkey/Somalia/SYria
>Abloobloo, why isn't data supporting my gut feels.
For 2016, it's
>my gut feel
I'd rather trust my guts than some fake datas from corrupt govs
Cologne's rapes are a good example of government lie
>I'd rather trust my guts than some fake datas from corrupt govs
The absolute state of the average /pol/let
user, your gut's for eating.
>Any data I don't like is fake government propaganda!
Okay Alex.
I hope so, french nationalism is cancer and is the reason why we're getting invaded
Top kek, how about some sauce on that?
Currently being killed for capitalist gain and retarded liberal pot brownie DMT dreams of humanity holding hands and colonizing the solar system together. The blowback will be a thing of historical proportion and I envy future historians if there is time or willingness to record the events to unfold.
>why we're getting invaded
RICHARD COUDENHOVE-KALERGI isn't a French name but g*rmnigger name
ERICH OBST isn't a French name but g*rmnigger name
The concept of EURAFRIKA isn't a French concept but a g*rmshit concept
MERKEL isn't a French president but a g*rmshit chancellorv
The kikes do not have a French names but g*rmshit name
Absolutely not. The normies just like to call it "patriotism".
>left is comppletely unfounded claim
>right is also completely unfounded claim
At last, I truly see
Natinalism is a dumb meme. All current nations are descendants of former playgrounds of kings and emperors with constantly moving borders.
There is no such thing as "rightful clay" either because the only thing hat changed for the common people after moving borders were the person the paid taxes to.
Therefore all forms of bitching and moaning about appearing and disappearing countries is baseless.
t. Enlightened citizen of the world
*tips globalism benefitting only the ultrarich*
Nationalism wasn't a thing before the late 18th/early 19th century. Everthing was just kingdoms and empires and we were just pawns under the hands of a few inbred monarchs.
>All current nations are descendants of former playgrounds of kings and emperors with constantly moving borders.
If the government is covering up the origin of top immigrant countries, why did they do it for Germany and Sweden, but didn't bother for France and Spain?
I'm french m80
It's on the rise again, nobody can deny that, but unfortunately it will probably only be temporarily and it will die within this century.
Because Sweden is hyper-Canada and Germany lost the war. France has been going on about muh multi racial empire for a while, and Meds are practically groids anyway.
It could simply be that only citizens are counted and not residents
This doesn't add up. We have up 20 million foreigners in Germany.
Ten million, of which 4 are EU nationals.
>We have up 20 million foreigners
I'd say it's more like 10-12 million, which woud include all the turks whoo are German citizens
Ah, Poland.
>>Also Poles:
>oh shit, an MS paint comic.jpg
Is Ireland ones a bit bias. Should probably be Poland. Can't really count UK becasue of muh north.
Well, the young people around me seem to hate their national identity for some reason. That being said, this is hardly a Veeky Forums-related thread.
It should have never been alive in the first place
Yes, nationalism is the worst thing to happen to Europe since black death. We could have been a great empire, instead of petty little nation states
>bosnians emigrate to croatia
>croatians emigrate to bosnia
Top kek what the fuck
>For Belgium it should be Morroco
Stop talking out of your ass, there's twice as many italians living in belgium as morrocons. The difference is italians don't actually cause trouble.
If you live in belgium you should have been taught this in school. Italians were invited over to work in the mines after ww2 because belgians didn't want to. After the mines stopped being profitable they didn't go back to Italy. Most of them live in Limburg.
There are twice as many Finnish immigrants than there are Syrians in Sweden.
More like
>Thise countries are shitholes, nobody migrates there
>Their partition was imperfect so a Bosnian minority was left stranded in Croatia and vice-versa
It's like you've never heard of the 1990s Balkan Wars.
>Poles everywhere
What's the Polish end-game?
neoliberal is great if you're an educated patrician. I used to be somewhat conservative before I realized that modern liberalism is just the natural outgrowth of the inescapable individualistic slave morals of the west so I gave up. I'm just going to build skills and wealth until the west comes crashing down while I'm fucking asian thotties in Singapore.
It's dead in the west, especially in the anglosphere. I think instead we will see larger transnational movements due to the increasing connectivity of the internet. Radical Islam is one example.
What is going on in this drawing?
Looks like a mix of several time periods of Polish history desu.
The german bugaboo has passed to poland. A hundred years hence we will hear of poland invading neighboring countries to reclaim ethnic polish land
>Slav squatting
Top kek
No the problem is that nationalism went out of fashion before a European nationalism could emerge.
There was no muslim minority in Croatia to emigrate to Bosnia tho. It was actualy the serbs that fled after operation storm
Dont act smart next time when you dont know shit
Based god Perun in the background
Wianki from girls for bois
Slav squats
Baltic beach
Husaria rider, also a Teuton knight
Shitty communistic architecture
Just can't make out the flags and the book writing... "Trojan horse unicorn"???
The knight looks more like a Silesian knight desu.
>all these lefties trying to shit on nationalism
>their entire ideology is based on the same collectivism except replacing ethnicity with social class
At least tribalism is the natural state.
I am sure there are some disgusting individualists among them too
Nice quads
map is probably talking bout legal immigrants
But that's Indian boomers, who were born in Indian in the 50s/60s then moved here and started working in corner shops etc. We don't currently have a problem with massive influxes of Indian immigrants.
Same with Nigerian/Ghanaian immigrants, same with Pakistani, same with Caribbean. All 20th century waves of immigration, and now their kids are growing up/have grown up in working class urban environments. There's misconceptions about immigration to the UK. If you want to find a 30 year old who isn't English, doesn't speak it very well and who wasn't born here, chances are they're gonna be Polish or Romanian or something.
This, of course, is without talking about the migrant crisis.
Yeah, 10 years ago.
>This, of course, is without talking about the migrant crisis.
Oh, yeah, if we're NOT talking about the millions of people flooding into Europe while we're talking about immigration you're totally correct.
You're missing the point, I'm discussing the flaws in this image based on my personal experience of my country's immigration history. Clearly, Indian-born people outnumber Syrians or Iraqis in the UK right now, this is an undeniable fact. But it's not because there's some massive influx of Indian people in the last few years, it's because after the ending of the Raj and the Partition, and also because of the UK's decision to bring in railway workers, foundry and textile workers and medical staff all from the Indian subcontinent to work on British Rail, work in the factories in the Midlands and the Northwest industrial towns and cities and to work in the newly-founded NHS. This is ignoring the Gujarati and Punjabi store-keepers and wholesale retailers who had been working in colonial East Africa and Southern Africa and then moved to the UK to open shops.
All I mean is that to point at this map and cry about mass immigration to the UK in terms of the overall 'death of Europe' or whatever is flawed. Of course you could, in theory, complain about the migrations of Indian, Nigerian, Pakistani, Ghanaian and Jamaican people to the UK after World War 2, but this immigration is part of the UK's colonial history in relation to the new Commonwealth. It's not part of some massive cultural Marxist plot to absolutely destroy British values and culture and subsume our mighty Anglo-Saxon heritage into the sludge of Islam, as proven by the fact that most foreign-born people in the UK are from India, and migrated here generations back.
The migrant crisis is a different issue, and I think it will take time to properly talk about that, since the whole discussion is fucking flooded with misinformation and hyperbole from ALL sides.
Do you think I'll believe you because you wrote a long paragraph?
If Burgundy survived as a State, what would the their ethnicity be? Same with Savoy.
This is because most Muslims born outside the UK are Bangladeshi and Pakistani in origin, meaning they're middle aged and moved here in the 50s, 60s and 70s, rather than in 2011 or what have you.
>Natinalism is a dumb meme. All current nations are descendants of former playgrounds of kings and emperors with constantly moving borders.
There is no such thing as "rightful clay" either because the only thing hat changed for the common people after moving borders were the person the paid taxes to.
Therefore all forms of bitching and moaning about appearing and disappearing countries is baseless.
Can you then explain why the Muslim population in England and Wales doubled in the past 10 years? Can you explain why only 4% of Muslims in the UK are over the age of 65 if they came here in the 50's, 60's and 70's? How come only half the Muslims in the UK were born in the UK? Can you tell me why 21% of them never worked (excluding students) if they came here to work?
Go on, explain it all.
They once owned it according to polish hobos wich are high.
Or that,yes
LOL all of you nationalist hating cucks on this thread are pathetic. How much has Soros paid you?