Anyone else hoping crypto crashes? I'm sick of waiting for GPU prices to drop. I want to build another computer. Fuck you assholes.
Fuck you, Fuck crypto
show us her tits
Oh yeah, btc isn't even decentralized. You can't even buy anything with it. It's a fucking joke. You aren't fighting the gubmint either. They created it.
>can't afford a new GPU
>hates crypto, i.e. easy gains
only have her ass
hasn't gained shit this month.
>hope crypto crashes because muh gpu
literal wtf
is anyone able to make sense of this brainlet
built my PC last year before the GPU spikes
get fucked kiddo
gpu prices are too damn high because of miners. fucktard.
He's a manchild that plays video games all the time and can't afford to pay an extra couple hundred dollars.
It's not about affording so much as I paid less for better 4 years ago. Very original talking point btw.
I built my last one in 2013, but I sold it before the spikes because I wanted to do an itx build. Now everything has been so high it does not feel worth it.
With crypto money you could buy a GTX 1080Ti easily. Stop being a brainlet.
She seems like the type of anime girl that washes everything apart from her asscrack.
only poor people think GPUs are expensive. you wouldn't be poor if you traded crypto
>build Bitcoin miner
>Mine memecoins
>Buy gold with memecoins
crypto is in the red from last month. you would be better off investing in the dow 30. Buying GPUs now would be like buying high and selling low. It isn't about being poor, retards.
I bet you would like that. Fuckin weirdo.
user, I.. I'm in Europe so these prices are normal anyway. Fucking burgers DIE
Who gives a fuck about video games when there's money to be made and a leech-like banking system to attempt to topple
Hey, vidya is not bad, i love to play from time to time.
But you are correct, priorities.
>go to an electronics store this summer to look for a vacuum cleaner
>decide to check out their GPU selection
>the shelves are dont have any high-end models with signs going along the lines of "GPUs are in a shortage due to high demand etc."
Apparently Russians go to these stores with carts and buy every single high model.
We're on Veeky Forums, probably everyone plays video games. Video games are fun and can be great experience but they are just a pastime. We're talking about the greatest wealth transfer in the history of the planet earth ffs. Yeah
learn basic supply and demand poorfag
>crypto's in the red from last month
>he can't make money in a volatile bear market
git gud faggot
This is more like price gouging. Are you Rick Perry?
My money market account has been doing better than crypto. Git a real life faget.
Fuck off to /v/ dude. Literally nobody agrees with you here. You'd barely have luck at /g/. I almost feel bad for you in a way just sitting on shitty "real" stocks with your 1% gains and caring about video games to the point where you're missing out on thousands.
>monery market
>2% interest
LOL poorfag
Some of the DOW 30 are up 30% YTD. Your shit has plateaued and constantly crashes.
>needing more than 2%
Found the real poorfag.
Volatility is an excellent tool for making money if you aren't a panic-ridden fool. Does any of this need explaining? 30% is also fucking miniscule compared to literally 3000% moon missions that happen in crypto. Even without the money making just participating in the historic development of a new technology like blockchain is way more interesting than killing the bad guys in sequel #12 or whatever the fuck. Good grief boyo
3000 sats is still fucking nothing. Nobody here has a lambo
3000 sats =/= 3000% but now it is clear to me you are trolling and/or have no idea what is going on in this market
Nice just bought 1000 more gpus
I might not have bought a lambo with my gains but I have bought a house with them
what's up, it's /v/, just came here to tell you I cashed out maybe 1% of my crypto gains to buy a gtx 980 for $160 today, in case you weren't sure, it's just as good as a rx580 (8GB) or gtx 1060 (6GB), and I hope you stop blaming other people for your problems.
/g/ out
peace man
oh, and it's one of the best gtx 980 ever made, way better than a reference card, quieter, cooler, better performance, even without boost clock.