Is it possible to have a capitalist society without the hypermaterialist, soulless, culturally vapid society the West is today?
Is it possible to have a capitalist society without the hypermaterialist, soulless...
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No. Its an inevitable concequence. This is why stalin killed the kulaks. Those farmers would become like the rothshits one day.
What's stopping you from creating a soulful and culturally rich sub-society within the overarching framework of Western society?
Why do you care? Isn't one of the benefits of modern capitalism that you are free to pursue the things that interest you? Are you harmed by your neighbor's obsession with Instagram poets?
balkanize china
The short answer is no.
And this is going to derail the thread something fierce but this is what Marx ultimately believed would be the end result of capitalism, it would break itself until socialism was necessary to keep it going until post scarcity could be reached giving birth to communism.
humans are social creatures
do you want your pool of potential friends and partners to increasingly shrink and be converted to morons?
capitalism isn't hyper materialist, thatd be like the spanish or arxtec empire. Most capitalist countries aren't soulless and people have been more pious than in the past within them. Vapid just means people don't have jobs or familys, so getting rid of the feminist and welfare laws would fix that.
The internet has made this largely irrelevant. The most niche pool you can find is still in the order of thousands.
The Spectacle.
No, the demand of markets to expand would overpower whatever you put in place and again propagate anti-values to prop up consumption
>free to do what you want
Unless you deny the holohox, that you cant do.
There are multiple people in the United States who have made a fair amount of money pushing exactly that theory in books. You could have at least picked something that's actually illegal.
>capitalism isn't hyper materialist, thatd be like the spanish or arxtec empire
It is, but it's hard. The cause of all this is inflation, something which is a very easy trap to fall into when you value your time and energy higher than you value the same that's been put into a product you want. So we constantly put upward pressure on our expectations of wealth and remuneration, while downward pressure on consumption.
tl;dr pay farmers a decent wage
not really
people are more isolated than ever
i doubt i will ever meet someone irl that i met online
How does it stop you?
I'd appreciate an actual response. Most people who form capitalist goverments did so becaused they were poor, not because they wanted to God, Gold, and Glory the place.
I doubt you actually have any facts to back up that opinion. You could pretty easily meet quite a number of people you meet online, and many do. As I recall, online dating is now the most common path to marriage in the US. I think you just want to be sad.
>Progress for the sake of progress is the ideology of the Kidney Stone
This is fun!
Dear american, your country is not the only one on the planet.
No, but it is a capitalist society that disproves the claim that you can't deny the holocaust under capitalism.
mass media sanitizes all views that don't uphold consumerism. It would be futile.
>what is the constant calling for traditionalism in books, tv, news media etc.
So what's stopping you from forming a sub-society by just talking to people and using alternative media (which pretty soon will be viewed as the new mainstream media, the way things are going).
People are designing new eco-friendly cities, poverty level has been on steady decline since 19th century, there's fewer wars, technology, medicine etc.
Climate sensitivity might be a problem though. Join a commune or something.
This, there has literally never been a better time to be alive unless you live in a communist shithole.
I can tell you from fist hand experience than online dating is a joke and dating girls you already know is much easier.
They're aren't any mainstream traditionalist that oppose capital.
1) The merits of alternative media are exaggerated. Just look at what Youtube is doing with the apocalypse. 2) You could but it would only compromise of a small minority of people and meeting people on the internet is not the same as having something in common with your neighbors. Natural groupings are always based on production but in the current state of affairs everyone is jammed together.
Where? In your basement?
I don't doubt it, but that doesn't really derail any of my points.
>capitalist goverments
>Europe rocked with terrorism and poverty
>AFrica in ruins
>South America crime has become international and rivals small countries
>USA on the warpath to conquer the middle-east
>Israel at their side to colonize it and ethniccly cleanse it
>dictators all across Asia comit genocides
you should stop drinking the cool-aid that our age of republican fervor is so grand
eat shit you sophist you can fuck yourself
David Irving has literally made his living denying the holocaust. Capitalism has in no way impeded him.
yeah the peasant illuminati is no joke bro.
monetized communal convalescence.
>when society was totally libertarian like in the 19th century, western culture reached its peak
>when the (((60s))) changed the culture into establishing (((social democracies))) things went to shit
Really makes you think.
Geroge RR MArtin, Jules Evola, The British Royal family, socres of artists from music to plays, shakespeare etc.
Name a century you would rather live in
My friend. I am sure you can make a fortune doing anything under capitalism( exept something contributing to society). My argument was different. Rather than making moneycan this David Irving reach out to the common person and make some changes happen? Or is it all just entertainment for the mases?
>Most people who form capitalist goverments did so becaused they were poor
Roman Empire in 2nd century AD
How does capitalism impede him from doing so? Under what system would he be more capable of doing so?
>exept something contributing to society
Spotted the bernout.
>im a broken record
your teeth are going to get broken if you act like this in front of someone
>relevant or mainstream outside of Chans.
>you can't make money helping society
You're equating the 'resource extraction' of the new world with capitalism like they're interchangeable. As if the ethnic, social, and religious dimensions that characterized the relationship to a much greater extent than any fidelity to private property, open markets or free exchange don't matter because there were silver mines.
literally a best-selling author
>Is it possible to have a capitalist society without the hypermaterialist, soulless, culturally vapid society the West is today?
Society has always been and always will be a materialistic society according to Marxism if that is your solution to "Capitalism". Capitalism is also a very vague definition. Are you attacking trade, private property, wage labour, all of them or none of them?
>culturally vapid
Society has been culturally vapid and materialistic for most of it's history. The conspicuous consumption of elites can be seen in every time and place. From the statues of the Easter Islands, to the Renaissance of Western Europe, to the pyramids of Egypt, to the tombs of the Chinese emperors, etc.
And all of these artworks were painted in worst of kitsch colors, because colors were expensive back then. Gothic cathedrals were originally in the most vivid colors and the acropolis in Athens was dolled up like a prostitute.
keep going you homo. I want to hear how they did it because they were racist, not because they were literally looking for a way to india, thought they found it, and then reaped and pillaged the continent for centuries.
Try telling anybody that you care about mankind and want to altruisticly help people. You will be locked in an insanec assylum by the same people you tried to help.
charities don't help people. Starting a business and giving people jobs do. Just look at africa vs south korea
This sys tem doesnt exist because people are evil and hate one another for superflius reasons.
literal teenbro
>some dumb bitch keeps talking about identity politics
you're sad
You misunderstand me. I am not talking about charity. What people need the most is to hear the truth. First of all the truth about themselves but people dont like that. They dont like to be called fat and stupid and childish. In capitalist society everybody is good boy and girl and deserves candy. They do this so they can sell you this candy. Now you understand.
You sound like a low IQ individual.
What the fuck are you on about?
would that person be telling them to do something or just lambaste them like a priest?
English is not my native language. Excuse me if i made mistakes.
Pal, are you going to try and tell me that Microsoft wasn't good for society?
He would tell them to stop trying to feel up the emptiness inside them with prepacaged productes from stores and instead focus on the iternal. We are all born on this earth to die one day. When dying we feel very lonely because it is something we cannot share with anybody. The trie meaning of life is to live in such a way that you are no longer afraid of death. When dying you will not remember how many houres in computer you have spended or chocolates tou ate. You will be thinking what a world you libe behind you. This the truth. Man mustmake a work of art of hos life and capialists dont want that. The want cattle to eatthier corn.
I'm not talking about your english, I'm talking about the content of your post.
>In capitalist society everybody is good boy and girl and deserves candy. They do this so they can sell you this candy. Now you understand.
Like what in the fuck?...
It's not capitalism, it's not jews, it's not moral degeneration, it's just the plebs being plebs.
Is like telling screwdriver or tracktor were bad. These are only tools. And look what we use them for. Televisions for stupid films that corrupt the mind and soul instead of learning. Computers for burning presious time on pointless virtual entertainment instead of advansment. Not the tools are bad. We are.
Capitalism promotes consumerism by inserting inside people's mind that they deserve a treat like a good doggy. Never does a person ask do i need this? Did i earn this? No. People eat cake today until they explode. Its called Homo Uzurpator. People are not people anymore but instead walking stomacks. A stmack is always hungry and when is not fed he attacks and takes by force.
A person who knows his rights but not his duties.
What you're saying isn't true, capitalism has supported people getting education and understanding existentialism and theology. Though your own is wrong to a degree, most people do not become better through wisdom. Rather, they become better through piety. Hence, they should look to the actual spirituality of the world, realize they are immortal, and get married and have children and live forever with their wife/husband.
>Capitalism promotes consumerism
False. If anything the ideologies of communism and socialism put "material well being" at the top of the importance pyramid.
You sound like someone who lives in his mom's basement.
Take a close look at the last sentiry under capitalism. The countryside is dead. Everybody is living in boxes in big cities full of noise and pollution. Whereever tou look its a fall. Fall of family fall of fatherland and fall of social order. Humanity is roting from the inside. Material goods have replaced the flame of the ideals that once animated us all. And we the people made this choice. We continue to make it day after day as we go and buy chocolat cake and lemonade. We nail the savior to the cross each day.
>We nail the savior to the cross each day.
thats because hes a pagan demoagouge
>the fall of capitalism
the only way to actually improve upon it is to follow Socrates who wasn't a Christian, so you really have no way to improve society with your ideas.
What metrial well being was there in country that had a space station but no sauceges in store? I know i live in the ruins of this country.
You sound like you live in your dad's roof.
I am not christian. Maybe its language problem. I used this analogy because you live in a christian country so it would easier for you to understand.
The West is the best. Havn't any of you gentlemen ever heard of the world globalization? The whole world wants to form a system of trade and profit, where nature looses out, and humans take and create stuff and sell it.
globalization has made the world poorer. Just look at all the Chinese garbage people pay out the ass for
It's made you poorer, it made the rest of the world richer actually
Really? BEcause I bet you're poor as shit as you try to shrink the world rather than conquer it. If you want their money, Gods going to make you fight people for it. You don't get paid to buy cheap chinese shit bruh. Im actually illuminati-rich.
Why commies hate farmers? Is because they hate food too?