We are officially starting up Chadcoin on Waves!

>What is Chadcoin?
Chadcoin is a community driven digital currency made for imageboards, discord and those who wish to become strong across internet communities on the world wide web, one that integrates not only the exchange of coin, but the knowledge of what it means to pursue self improvement.



>Where to buy
Waves market place

>Wallet - Wavewallet is fine.

This is not so much a coin as it is a movement. Join us. Reject the greed and desire that other cryptos feed on. Put your bitcoin and faith in Chad. He will reward you. In Chad, UNITY. In Chad, PURITY. In Chad, PEACE. HEIL CHAD!

oh look, another chancoin tier shitcoin.
fuck off

filthy virgincoiner detected!

This goes far beyond the chan. We have an active dev team of Chads spreading this to the real world. Big stuff in the pipe brother.

where my chadelites at?

I really wish a coin like this could reach at least $1B market cap, I just wanna see this in my life time.

SERIOUSLY? HAHAHA... Sign me up user holyyyy fuck yasssss!

We have the means brother.

What the fuck is that?

This is by far the greatest idea I've ever heard of. Thank you so much to whomever had the mental superiority to create such a forward moving asset to humanity. I'm going to immediately invest my entire stock portfolio into Chadcoin.

$1B market cap can be cool and all but what bf% is this coin?

This is fucking retarded,
This better be trolling

Wait so if I hold this I'll finally get laid? Thank you chadanon


Only 1 mil coins in existence. We are letting you guys in first before we spread this on r*ddit and some alt right communities. Big names already in on it. Expect over 100k market cap.

Sure thing champ

But does it solve the oracle problem?

No trolling, you fucking virgin retard.

Chadcoin is going to change the entire fucking world.

I'd rather just give you some BTC than go through all that effort to scam me.

This is the future I have no doubts

There are no CHADMARINES.
CHADS do not need to assemble
CHADS are financially independent, buy every dip and sell every high

Yeah, the future of garbage.

Not so fast you fucking shape shifter

shameless copy of the original chadcoin which is far more scarce
nice try virgins

reminder that the only true ChadCoin is 8AJVij8KGPoMXdUxvLTePKouLLkJCpUEc4ZapYDz4YXY

in all srsnss you pol fags should really work on this and make it look good, this is the only shot you have at funding your island

The oracle solution

thats a virgin scam, none even actually went in circulation besides in the creators wallet. It was abandoned

then give me 100 using proof of chad

just confirmed the chadswap. Does this mean we are gay now?

thanks chief, its ok, balls only grazed

Dont let that nigger from the first chan coin near this.


is he the one I just traded my nuChad to? Did I get scammed out of 100 chadcoin?

idk man I just had like 1000 of the original chadcoin but I looked at the creator's wallet and he does have like 90% of them so it's true about it being shit.

at least this one seems to be somewhat active

any plans to add it to a crypto exchange?
CryptoDAO or Tradesatoshi seem good for a start

We are making big moves.

Yup. Plans are underway. Making more social media tomorrow and the next day then going on a blitzkrieg on that front, we need more people in the community to help us get on those exchanges.

Bump! this project seems promising!

also that means I have(had) 5% of the old chads. I don't mind parting with another 500 of my old dusty Chads (2% of supply) the rest for even a 0.05% stake in nuChads. They are up on the exchange as of now if any virgins wanna buy my permadump. I'm on team nuChad now.

>trading worthless chads for worthwhile chads

Nice try virgin but I won't be tricked

but you could be an oldChad whale for such a low low price

Do you guys plan on implementing a system like DIONS bro into your coin?


Seems like this isn't a chad coin after all

>waves platform shitcoin

pick one.

Filthy nocoiner detected


Sup, Chad here.

Where my coins at?

Sent :^)


I sure hope owning chad coin helps me get with the girl i like

Where my chadcoiners at? I can't eat alone