Is it fair to say that in some ways, communism is a secular update of Christianity?
What's the historical relationship between Christianity and Communism?
Communism being Christianity with the serial numbers filled off is a remark made by many people over the decades.
Of course communism doesn't resemble any practicing form of Christianity, but many of the underlying ideas and principles, right down to its evangelism and universality, are distinctly Christian. But then I imagine any ideology to come out of Europe in the past 500 years must have been highly influenced by Christianity.
t. neopagan LARPer
Fuck off.
Why is it so hard to understand that Christianity was originally a religion of the poor?
Christianity revokes itself of all material possessions because it is not of this world is the idea
Marxism is materialist as fuck, secular as shit, and everything about it wants you not have private property because it's their anarchist dream, not because earthly desire puts you father from god.
There is none, the only people that say shit like 'Jesus would be a communist/socialist' are neckbeards who only ever touch the Bible when they're secretly moving it to the fiction area in the public library.
Was originally a religion of ascetic, it's not the same.
Then it has even less to do with communism, because.
a) communism is by far the most 'bourgeoisie' ideology there is, unless you think middle class brats and college kids are 'working class.
b) communism has killed more poor people than any other ideology in existence.
Communism derives from enlightenment, which is influenced by the humanitarian side of christian morality. It's indirectly related to christianity I guess, even though marx tried to make his works scientific and amoral.
>Fuck the old pagan ways. Jesus is the only way forward.
>Fuck the old capitalist ways. Socialism is the only way forward.
Most of the philosophy post Middle Ages is influenced by christianity.
Really makes you think...
is this like one of those "atheists are the tr00 christians" things?
Well, pretty much the only thing they have in common is a linear look at history as opposed to cyclical history which was widespread in antiquity, particularly in Greece.
>Is it fair to say that in some ways, communism is a secular update of Christianity?
Not really, no. That would signify ignorance of both christianity and communism.
But Jesus fed people, not starved them
No, since communism is not based upon normative moral but the analysis of society and its relations of production. It does not describe that which ought to be, but that which will be.
Keep believing statistics that make you feel good
t. excommie nation
> can't feed it's people for more than 30 years
> A logical and successful system
Ideology isn't a cause of death
>Facts aren't real!
t. buttblasted porky
You understand the food distribution collapsed when Gorbachev, a liberal, took power?
>Your stats are wrong!!
You're getting desperate
The last famine in the USSR was in the 40's.
I'm not getting desperate at all, my family ate dog meat in cans from Germany. That was pretty desperate I'd say.
But you can keep posting unsourced graphs and being a kaviar socialist.
>You understand the food distribution collapsed when Gorbachev, a liberal, took power?
>What is the soviet famine of 1932-33?
>What is the Great Chinese famine ?
> What is the North Korea Famine
All of these happened without a liberal government
>This wartorn country that had just been in a 6 year war had a famine! Socialism does not work because of my personal experience!
Spare me the guilt trip.
Why don't you spare me your communist bullshit and fuck off to North Korea or some shit? There, problem solved for both of us. You get to be a good communist and hopefully get shot and the rest of us don't have to listen to you anymore.
>What is the soviet famine of 1932-33?
Russian famines happened literally all the time. More would go on to die in the Bengal famine, a capitalist state.
>What is the Great Chinese famine ?
A result of shitty maoist plan that attempted mass industrialization and poor crop management
>What is the North Korea Famine
North Korea isn't Socialist. It removed mentions of communism from state legislature soon after the fall of the Soviet Union and is just a mass nationalized isolated state.
haha, he's run out of arguments.
Tip: if you're telling me to literally die a few replies into a discussion, you need to calm down
>people living in cold environments require slightly more calories to function properly
wow color me surprised
But you never presented any argument.
protip: no one likes commies
>But you never presented any argument.
Despite my factual chart?
All you said was 'Waaaah my nazi family starved'
Cry me a river, kraut
Fixed that for you. Here is another factual chart.
>A result of shitty maoist plan that attempted mass industrialization and poor crop management
So commies caused it thanks for admitting it
>Russian famines happened literally all the time. More would go on to die in the Bengal famine, a capitalist state.
So famines only count if its a capitalist country not communist? Also 2.1 million died in the Bengal famine
anywhere from 2.4 to 7.2 million UKRAINIANS died as a result of the soviets
so no more people lived through "evil capitilist famine" than the soviet one
>North Korea isn't Socialist.
North Korea officially describes itself as a self-reliant, socialist state
>So commies caused it thanks for admitting it
That's like saying capitalism caused the Holocaust. Maoism isn't Socialism.
>So famines only count if its a capitalist country not communist?
No, but it shows that Communist countries didn't lack food anymore than capitalist ones.
>anywhere from 2.4 to 7.2 million UKRAINIANS died as a result of the soviets
>Believing American Numbers
Tell me how that many died yet the population of the country increased by nearly 3%?
>North Korea officially describes itself as a self-reliant, socialist state
not socialism
>posting sources you have not read
Great job plebbit, nice spacing.
"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's."
"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
Capitalism is an extension of Christianity into the entire sphere of human existence; Western civilization is indeed founded on Christianity. Enlightenment ideology viewed the entire universe as literally a deterministic machine, a clockwork universe where no effect could be greater than its cause, such that all the effects of the universe require a cause greater than itself: God. God was defined to have infinite clockwork, and human beings were excluded from this mechanistic crushterfuck by positing them as having a piece of God's infinite clockwork, hence reductionistic Cartesian dualism. Most of what is attributed to "materialism" is just Cartesian dualism with the head cut off.
This paradigm spurred tremendous technological advancement because it implied that the universe was amenable to rationally understood laws, spurring the search for those laws. However it also turned human beings into components of socioeconomic machines with capitalism, which reduced humanity to mere parts of the process of capitalist accumulation.
This mechanistic theistic philosophy began to be undone with Darwin's theory of biological evolution, which described the rules that govern life as being emergent and completely unpredictable based on the laws of physics; biological evolution operates with its own set of rules. Reductionism in physics was annihilated by 20th century physics and cosmology that described a dynamic universe where physical phenomenon could be utterly unpredictable even if literally everything about the causes was known. However the machine God of Christianity persisted in culture, and has only gotten stronger, with humans being reduced to self-interested agent-automatons. Capitalism and Christianity has gone full circle with the religions of futurology and the technological singularity, which describe a God-machine invented by capitalism to save itself from its contradictions.
You sound underage.
that's because the "kingdom of god" literally is nirvana
most people who reach it first sit in a quiet monastery for decades
if you're distracted with rich busy life chasing success and living 2000 years ago the chances you're going to awaken to eternal life are practically none (0)
It is easier to love humanity as a whole than to love one's neighbor. … Some of the worst tyrannies of our day genuinely are "vowed" to the service of mankind, yet can function only by pitting neighbor against neighbor. The all-seeing eye of a totalitarian regime is usually the watchful eye of the next-door neighbor. In a Communist state love of neighbor may be classed as counter-revolutionary.
t. butthurt belter
>Le communism breadline joke xD
I actually dont know if this is pro or anti commie
Very good post
Actual brainlet
Only relation i know of is that they both are historisist to the core
mmm blasphemous...
What's the deal with the jew having only one eye?
>historical relationship
Historically they were enemies. Ideologically they are very close, however.
>secular update of Christianity?
Materialistic version, that disowns it's original Hebrew (Old Testament) roots. But yes there are many simmiliarities.
>Focus on hard work/disregard for "hollow money" (e.g. usury)
>History ends with prophet/revolution who will bring utopia
>Popular appeal
The USSR was forced to import Western grain throughout the entirety of its existence to ward off famine, they were outcompeted by capitalism at literally every turn.
Better dead than red.
>gigantic drought in the food producing heartland US combined with one of the worst economic crisises in history
>malnourishment in certain affected communities at worst
>minor drought in the Ukraine
>millions starve while food rots in warehouses
Thanks for proving communists objective inferiority.
>every communists are young murican middle class
nigga Zizek is like 60 years old
>communist christian anti-zionist
/pol/ absoluetely btfo
The whole deterministic First Cause thing was articulated by the Greeks far before christianity ever existed, though. Chrisitianity integrated those Greek concepts into its theology but it's not responsible for their emergence.
Marxism was also a produt of a materialistic, deterministic view of a universe with intelligible mechanistic laws, though.
> pol btfo
So ,is /pol/ zionist now?
>Implying Zizek is not pandering that specific demographic of NEETs for profit
Because he sees only one thing: money. It's a symbolic representation.
>I posted one graph without source
>Believe me
You know that "factual sources" still need to prove their credibility right? Especially in the study of history.
I don't think so because in communist countries people did not treat each other kindly. Most people were spies for their neighbors and lying was something people did all the time every day, else you'd be imprisoned or shot for suffering/saying something out of line. They also created a large army and vast stores of nuclear weapons. Marx's theory sounds good on paper but all implementations of it are terrible. From that one can conclude that there is something flawed with the theory. Christianity has been around 2000 years and created large empires that lasted for hundreds of years, from it sprung the scientific method, and it has spread the idea of universal human value. They're not similar unless you remove a quote from its context and place it in the other.
American commies are butthurt about Zizek after two decades of sucking his cock because they finally realized he doesn't support the diversity train.
>what if were just livin in the few hundred years before christianity (communism) truly spreads like wild fire
>america is rome
Both were made by Jews
And both were destroyed by Jews.
Didn't Christianity delay scientific advancement for 1500 years? And to claim all the dividends for its benefit while ignoring things like its outspoken support of slavery and things like the inquisition, is to lose the crucial difference between Christianity v. Holy Roman Empire and Stalinism v. Communism.
No. Christianity might have some concern for the poor but it's always moralistic and idealistic. Communism is materialist.
>"And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common." (Acts 4:32).
And... were Jews...
relatively harshly worked people at that
>russians only got 200 calories more per day on average, even though they lived in much colder conditions and worked much harder than americans
why can't tankies into context smdh