Why should we care about people who aren't family?

Why should we care about people who aren't family?

Why should we care about people who are our family

Cause they're you're family, user. You're tied by blood.
Other people though completely dispensable

ethnics groups are sort of an extended family.

>Cause they're you're family, user. You're tied by blood

blood of the covenant before the water of the womb

align with your mental peers, not your physical ones

Because you share DNA with them, 50% with a sibling and 25% taking one for the team every now and then helps promoting your genetic variant. For this reason evolution has equipped with you with a basic set of social emotions, like empathy and altruism which helps your social group/genetic pool as a whole and not just on a individual base.
This is of course completely wasted on strangers, except you think species wide.

>Because you share DNA with them

>Because you have similar genetics
That's why you shouldn't care about them. If your family members died, there would be no risk of inbreeding.

t. guy from shitty family

t. cultist

your family took care of you when all you did was shit yourself and wail. The rest of the world didn't care until you could do something for them. I believe I owe my parents loyalty. Don't you?

All are the children of God

there's no right or wrong thing to care about

Parents invest into their kids like anyone can invest into his friends. I think the feeling of being indebted to your parents is the driving force for that strong family link.

It doesn't mean it's all coldhearted business, there are infinite emotional reasons, I suppose.

>the nazis were neither immoral nor moral

>you're tied by blood
And? It's actually fucking hilarious that you think this is a good enough answer.

they were spooked. still doesnt mean wrong.

stirner can't even show his face to the world so I wouldn't go to him for moral guidance

>t. guy from a shitty family
I'm from a very good family. I'm just being objective as I can like I should.

>t. guy from shitty family
You're basically proving their point. Families SHOULD care for themselves. Parents SHOULD treat their kids well and look out for them. But many don't. There's no reason for the kids to be codependent and suffer the assholiness of a shitty family just cuz they fucked once to make them then neglected their biological duty.

Why would genes be so important? Can humans only get attached to things that are almost exactly like them? The quality of the relationship is mainly psychological. The genes are just a little irrational sparkly cherry on the cake.

We don't, and people who pretend to care are lying. Dumbar's theory pretty much proves we are PHYSICALLY unable to care about more than around 150 to 200 people we know personally.
If you hear about some girl you never knew getting shredded in a car accident you might think it sucks but it won't ruin your day, and you will forget about it in ten minutes.

the first bond in mammalian life is between mother and child.


>Why would genes be so important?
because your only purpose as a living organism is to eat, shit and spread your genes, and as a social species you do this by helping yourself and others that share DNA with you.

Why should I care about anything?
