What is the historical lesson we should learn from Sparta?
Should we admire or detest the Spartans?
What is the historical lesson we should learn from Sparta?
Should we admire or detest the Spartans?
lesson: everything with a beginning has an end
admire or detest: admire
All that nonstop training and the terrorizing of helots doesn't seem to have been worth it. Athens, not Sparta, was the predominant city-state that kept out the Persians. Sparta was then defeated by Thebes at Leuctra. All of Greece later fell under the domination of Macedonian and then Rome, and Sparta faded into insignificance.
why admire them though. They were pretty terrible desu especially to the helots.
that movie is more fantasy than reality
The Spartans teach us two things, that human societies can be very extreme while still functioning, and that inflexibility and hostility to change is the death of a society.
Whether or not you admire them largely falls in line with how "right-wing" you are, I know some liberals who are fascinated by them but don't exactly admire them, but lefties in general see them as proto-fascists while rightists see them as a strong martial state to be emulated.
>what is art
that if you want peace prepare for war. And to pay your soldiers well.
The lesson is we shouldn't give women too much power.
Sparta is literally the preserver of Hellas and saved Athenians from being raped and murdered, or murdered and raped, by Boeotian savages. Without Spartan wisdom you can kiss the Athenian legacy goodbye.
It's tough to have a meaningful conversation about morality without first agreeing on a moral framework. Therefore, I am going to say that you are wrong and that Spartans were saints.
what kind of 'rightists' do you know that want their kids trained from toddler age to be soldiers?
Never get to close to that big hole
Go to /pol/ and ask them about the Spartans. Nazis LOVE them, and so do many much more moderate rightists who don't know a huge amount about them but know them as a warrior race who "stood up against foreign invasion" and who "honored the traditions of their ancestors".
>Daily reminder the average Spartaboo would scratch his head if you said the word Lacadaemonian
This documentary has a lot of interesting detail and is well researched, if you can look past the fact its narrated by a thot.
It also freezes at the 26 min mark
Too be fair,nazis also loved rome and athens
+they knew that there needed to be some measures to adjust inequality among the electorate to make governance stable and efficient
+making the leisure class dedicate to training and exercise is a smart idea for a pre-industrial society
+they had a pretty solid political system for a pre-industrialized society (having democratic referendums, democratically elected legislature, a supreme court, and two hereditary executives that could be punished by the rest if they over-stepped their bounds), perhaps the best.
+their political system deterred ambitious imperialistic strongmen.
-their view of what the electorate should be was too narrow and structurally flawed that it gradually degenerated into a very small aristocracy by the end of the 4th century
-they literally based their lack of any city-walls / defenses on some shitty saying from Lycurgus, even though it bit them in the ass when the Thebans invade and started destroying their country-side / economy while they had to literally spread their troops out around the perimeter of the city and watch their livelyhood go up in flames like cucks. Seriously, this shit pissed me off when I read about that. They fucking tear down their enemies' city walls after defeating them knowing that it puts them at a severe disadvantage during invasions.
-raising your electorate to only be hoplites wasn't a wise idea. They should've gone the Roman route and make citizenship hereditary and not based on wealth requirements, and select each class to their own units (i.e. poor being light and missile infantry, the modest wealthy being hoplites, the wealthy being cavalry) and have their own legislature councils that report to a larger general one.
-they should've promoted literacy more.
Their biggest issue was the lack of social mobility to become of spartan citizen. The essentially ran out of citizens, so the other classes would have no interest in carrying on the system.
Thanks for writing my History paper, faggot hahahahhahaa
don't put women in charge of anything besides pushing out babies
Athens not so much, Hitler claimed they were Germanic because he was a retarded person but most modern Nazis and rightists see Athens as the enemy.
Post more documentaries about Sparta
>built something like the Acropolis
>not Germanic
>rightists see Athens as the enemy
I thought that Neo-Conservatives saw themselves as Athenians but with the advantage of knowing the mistakes that brought down Athens.
Neocons aren't really rightists, they're basically right-leaning liberals. But yeah (((civic nationalists))) admire Athens because of all the race-mixi- erm, because they have a boner for democracy.
The most delicious irony is that Spartans were Dorians, detested as latter day immigrants by most Greeks.
Yes, Spartans are literally civilization-wrecking illegal immigrants.
They may not be "far right" but make no mistake: they favor a "tax cuts cures everything" approach to government, they favor a bellicose foreign policy, and they favor socially conservative domestic policy. They are more right wing than most
>Athenian women were so shrewish that Pericles had to make a law to force the men of Athens to marry them
On second thought, I think we should all admire the Spartans.
Rightists don't want reduced taxes, they think the state should be supreme and that means it should basically control the economy. Neocons are right-leaning but in their support for reducing taxes, shrinking the state, and promoting free trade, they are 100% liberal.
It was Spartan clemency after the Peloponnesian war which prevented Athens from being sacked and burned to the ground by simple savages from Thebes and Boeotia. Athens had done a fine enough job on their own of pissing off everybody around them, and had it not been for Spartan leadership, western civilization would have been sniffed out in its crib
The vast majority of right-wingers favor a stronger state only in as much as it supports capitalism.
Sparta didn't burn Athens because they wanted to maintain the balance of power. They DID impose a pro-Spartan government on them tho, and Athens never recovered from its defeat anyway.
Idk who that site is or why you imagine it represents a majority of right-wingers.
Because Athens had turned into an aggressively expansionary state pillaging its allies to pay for grandeur back home. Imposing a pro-Spartan government is a lot more forgiving than sacking and razing the city like what most city states wanted to do to them.
Its not forgiving you dolt, they literally needed Athens to keep the likes of Thebes in check. It was purely pragmatic.
Even Nazis emphasized a policy of privatization, giving more power and authority to the capital owning class, with a state whose main purpose is enforcing this social hierarchy both at home and abroad.
Fat lot of good that it did them, considering that Thebes wrecked them at Leuctra and permanently crippled their ability to project force.
Even if it was for pragmatic reasons it was still more far seeing than what basically every other city state wanted to do to Athens
Yeah except no they didn't. Even hear of Herman Goering Works? The Nazis allowed private companies to exist... but those companies were directed in what they must produce by the Party, they didn't want or promote a free market in anything they considered important.
>they're basically right-leaning liberals
I fucking hate americans and their retarded ideas of politics. What are liberals if not right? Not everyone on the right is a NatSoc
Sure it didn't work in the long run, but that was more because of Sparta's demographic decline (caused by their overly strict citizenship rules) and not because they goofed by sparing Athens. They sacked Athens and killed everyone there they considered a danger, they didn't just say "oh adens ur such a joker lmao" and let them off with starting the war.
>more far seeing
Precisely, Sparta was well-known for its careful and well-considered foreign policy, they didn't act like a vengeful mob like teh Athenians did but always considered carefully what would be the best solution to their problems. This is pragmatism, not mercy.
>What are liberals if not right?
The fuck kind of stupid are you? Liberals are the original left, read a book you dumb nigger.
Liberals are left, monarchists are right. Marxism evolved from liberal capitalism as a populist movement and fascism evolved in reaction to Marxism as a populist movement equally extreme but in the opposite direction.