Hiding money

Hey guys. I'm long time Veeky Forums (oldfag) but never posted on your board before, never felt the need before.

Long story short I'm getting divorced, been married but separated a while. I've got about 10-12k US dollars I need to hide. We are divorcing on good terms, but she doesn't know I have this money, and even divorcing on good terms supposed to put that info down.

So my question to you guys is, how can I withdraw this money, and hide it best. Obviously I could just hide cash, but any good investment tips? They'd have to be untrackable like buying gold maybe? Something tangible that can't be tracked online.

I really appreciate any helpful replies or suggestions.

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untrackable from who?

I don't know. First divorce. Anyone who looks at my account if she wants 50% of my assets.


do you have to show a banklog of the last years to the divorce court? if yes that could be problematic, they might ask where the money suddenly went.

Check out dogecoin, you'll hide it from even yourself.

Ignore every other comment. Monero is your best option, as it's the best current privacy based coin. Completely untraceable.

Only problem is going from fiat to crypto is traceable. You have to buy btc first in order to buy Monero.

I don't follow.
I think if we divorce on good terms no. I think they just check total amount.
I'll Google it but never heard of it. I know of bitcoins.

Is your 10-12k in cash, or in a bank?

If cash, you could buy gold privately without leaving much of a trail behind.

Otherwise if it's in a bank, you're better off buying btc. then XMR, it'll look like your assets just went in a black hole.

If you're questioned, use the old "wrong address" defense.

dude, when they see he just cashed out 10k from the bank and cant give them info where it went, they might just assume he is hiding it and demand he gives 50% of that sum to his ex anyway.

and there is no court and no authority, aside from maybe secret services and special investigation units, that can see your bitcoin wallet. you dont need a privacy coin at all if you just want to fool divorce courts and tax authorities.

Buy bitcoin off of coinbase, or your choice of exchange that accepts fiat.

Send the btc (bitcoin) to Bittrex, or your choice of exchange.

Buy Monero (The ticker for it is XMR).

Transfer that Monero to a computer based wallet (Or leave it on the exchange, but that's way riskier).

Boom, that money is now untraceable. Without access to your private key, no one can touch it or even know how much your wallet has.


Still a better option than buying gold.

the problem with asking /biz is that everybody is going to spout you some crypto shit as usual

finding something to invest in is the easy part, there are plenty of options, the hardest thing for you os going to be making sure no one knows you have it.

you came in 2017 where the only "biz" people on this board do is talk about crypto. Unless you plan on putting your money into that we can help you, otherwise nobody else knows shit here.

XMR is actually good advice fgt.
But yeah I agree.

It's in the bank. Any links you can give to this XMR? I'm not too lazy to Google but you could help me avoid the bullshit sites.

Also, as I'm new here, what is wrong address defense?
I can delay the divorce proceedings and take them out in smaller amounts. Say $1000 every two weeks. I was thinking "midlife crisis" went clubbing or to strip club a lot if asked.

>I think if we divorce on good terms no. I think they just check total amount.
you assume a lot, maybe ask a divorce lawyer first about how this divorce on good terms actually works in your specific country.

If it's in a bank account, it'll be traced.. withdraw it as cash, then buy up anything that don't spoil in cost.(go down in price). You do research and but what you feel is comfortable. And if ever asked what you did with that money, say you gambled (lost) and got strippers while you was depressed from divorce

Local monero

>bet $1000 increments on ethbet
>stop when you have 10 losses
>hide the wins


Your best option is small withdrawals (if you have the time) every week or so into XMR.

Use bitrex to buy XMR.

Avoid coinbase to buy btc.

I'm from Australia, and it's pretty much impossible to buy btc. without a card (leaving a trail).

Not sure what it's like in the states.

It's good advice. I've thought about it and will do. You guys as I'm drinking and thinking is my first step. That's second.
USA, Wisconsin.
Sort of what I was thinking. Claim midlife crisis, lost it all.
I'm not a biz wiz, but I've never considered gambling a legitimate way to make or keep money. I'd rather stash my cash.

If you have to leave a trail to buy btc.

Then you might as well just hoard cash. Take a few hundred out every day or so, and stash it.


Basically, if you know a bit about bitcoin XMR is a private version of bitcoin that can disguise transactions, unlike bitcoin which shows all transactions on the blockchain evertime you have sent or recieved some money. XMR is the same except they use a ting called 'ring signatures' which disguise the amount sent to one wallet to the other,

basically Bitcoin is like connecting your ip to a server and Monero is like using a vpn to disguise your ip.

go to the link i posted and click on the tabs to see where you can buy xmr and how much its worth, gold is the easiest and safest thing to get but if you need to buy items online you can use monero because it is untraceable

Just use localbitcoin, man
withdraw as cash and purchase bitcoin with the cash. If you ever get questioned, say you bought bitcoin but sent it to the wrong address and could never recover it


Just buy a motorbike.

He is saying that you will lose your money if you buy doge jesus

just put it into BTC and prepare to either lose some or make some

Withdraw cash

Go on a trip in Thailand

Stay in a cheap hotel for a while

Buy btc with cash from localbitcoins

Convert into monero on bittrex

Withdraw to a private wallet

Pretend you blew all your cash in Thailand

>It's in the bank
Anything you do to that money will leave a paper trail. If you want to take some any of the suggestions in the thread, do what you will, but know that there will be a paper trail, and if someone looks hard enough they will find it. If they do, the story will either be "I have this 10k I never told you about", or "I have this 10k I never told you about and I clearly tried to hide it".

That's pretty plain Jane, why I came here. You guys might help me do something dubious. Of course I know can just hide dollars.
Appreciate it user. But I want my money well protected. This shit is Greek to me.
Isn't Bitcoin a Ponzi scheme? I thought only guys who got in early stood to gain.
You're just retarded.
Don't want to gamble.

Buy a nice musical instrument. Something like a luthier made guitar or violin. Or a piece(s) of art.

The oldest monero there is.

Says the guy that can't fucking figure out Bitcoin or how to hide money.

Just fucking withdraw in cash and hide somewhere. Say u lost it betting or shit. Crypto is still traceable. Also your crypto may well drop in value by half or more.

I can hide it. Just seeking the best way. Like says, hide the dollar bills.

I wanted to know if I could hide it with a profit.

Give it all as payment for a pointless item to a trusted family member. Literally buy a broken down used car for 20k and she can have half of that.

its a tradeable currency as much as any fiat value
and can be traded for any fiat or gold or even rhodium bars