How did the Counter Reform manage to contain Protestantism to Germany and northern Europe? What tactics did they use besides muh torture?
How did the Counter Reform manage to contain Protestantism to Germany and northern Europe...
They had these cool guys on their side.
>lose nothern Europe faster than they lost the east
>successful containment
Elaborate pls
people started to realize they were being heretics and ended up stopping being heretics
It's like a magic trick. Every time you seriously use the term "heretic", every vagina in the world turns into a desert.
Western Christendom must've been like the Eurozone of the Middle Ages. Medidniggers wanted the most productive parts of Europe to continue contributing gibmedats money to the church.
1. First of all, they created the Jesuits. The Jesuits literally see themselves as soldiers of God and go around the world committing great heresies. They cover it up by creating schools and usually try to indoctrinate anyone who enters them. This has been extremely effective in Protestant strongholds.
2. Rome actively engages in destabilizing and destroying Protestant nations so that they can enter them and convert them.
See John Surrat who helped kill Abraham Lincoln and then was given refuge by Catholic Priests and the Vatican.
Or take a look at the gunpowder plot. Those are just 2 examples out of MANY.
3. Rome significantly changed the faith after the Reformation in order to be able to sell it to people. As time went on, Mary became more of God than a mother of God which reached its climax with the false doctrine of the "assumption." Moreover you get things like "partim-partim" in the council of trent.
4. Rome doubled down on hating other Churches. While Protestants became more tolerant of Catholics, Rome continued to double down on its position against any Christians outside of her control. Though recognizing Anglican Holy Orders in the same camp as the Orthodox, they decided to make those orders null and void in the late 1800s once British law stopped being so harsh on Catholics. Then they used the "One True Church Tm*" label to scare people to come back.
There are hundreds more reasons but I think you can google search or go to a local library. Rome is the most effective thug Church in the world. God bless all Roman Catholics though, I believe that 99% of them are true, believing Christians and can be saved. I just wish they would see the light and restore their misguided polity and church.
Literally nothing wrong with any of that.
If you believe there is nothing wrong with assassination, lies and destruction of civilized nations (that Christians built) then woe to you. I will pray that you receive some wisdom and see that our Lord Jesus Christ would never encourage such horrible, sinful behavior.
>While Protestants became more tolerant of Catholics
That's a meme, right?
The Catholic world was far richer and more powerful than the Protestants ever hoped to be.
Maybe they shouldn't of converted to a heresy and should of stayed with the Church.
What about England?
That's a fact. After the reformation it was considered treason to believe in transubstantiation in Britain. 100 years later it was fine to be Catholic, you just couldn't serve in government. 100 years later you could be a catholic, you just couldn't marry into the royal family. Present day there are as many Anglicans as there are Catholics and its doubtful whether royal marriage laws would be upheld.
CofE has for hundreds of years allowed Catholics to take communion at any Anglican Church. Rome says it's a major sin for any Catholic to join in communion with an Anglican.
Maybe you should read the New Testament again.
if the pope told you to shove your ass up your dick would you do it?
Anglicans pretty much couldn't decide whether they were proper Protestants or just a weird (heretical) form of Catholicism, they're pretty much an in-between.
It's actually called the "via media" and no true Anglican would ever claim they were Catholic or bloody confused about it. Anglicanism is the most moderate version of Protestantism, but understand that we ARE protestant. "Anglo-Catholic" is just a term for someone who wishes to preserve as many right traditions of medieval Catholicism as possible, but the Anglo-catholics have never flirted with bringing back communion with the Pope.
Maybe you shouldn't be worshiping a King who isn't related to any of the twelve apostles.
No, and the Pope can't do a thing about it because he's not omnipotent and all seeing.
Were there any Protestant movements that weren't violently suppressed by the Church?
>and no true Anglican would ever claim they were Catholic
Henry VIII disagrees about this. He broke off with Rome but never truly realized he'd be creating a whole new theological movement.
>Maybe you shouldn't be worshiping a King who isn't related to any of the twelve apostles.
The only king I worship is Jesus Christ. The Monarch of Britain is merely the worldly defender of our faith who shields us from heathens who would rejoice in seeing our nation fall into darkness and paganism.
No. Rome's response to those who questioned the Pope or the authority of the Roman bishops was essentially always death and extermination. See Jan Hus, Tyndale, the Lollards, anabaptists, waldensians etc. etc. the list goes on
>Henry VIII disagrees about this. He broke off with Rome but never truly realized he'd be creating a whole new theological movement.
First, The Church of England did not begin with Henry. The Ecclesia Anglicana was around for years and had many within it who saw the CofE as unique from Rome. Henry VIII only managed a break with Rome because of Archbishop Cranmer and the theologians in Britain who stood up to the Pope. Shortly after, Henry killed more protestants as king than he did Catholics as he had no patience for Protestant theology. All he cared about was the King being free from rogue-papal authority. The first monarch to embrace Anglicanism was Elizabeth.
The monarch of Britain is a heretic and is trying to be one of the twelve when in reality he has no such claims!
No Monarch has ever claimed this and the current Queen has almost never mentioned religion through out her entire life. She is privately an Anglican and probably doesn't take her title very seriously. It was your Roman Pope who bestowed the title "Defender of the Faith" to our monarch, by the way.
>The Jesuits literally see themselves as soldiers of God and go around the world stopping great heresies.
But it's the facts.
You're a heretic who worships a king instead of Christ our Lord and Savoir and you wish to kill off the Irish.
England was piss poor in the 16th century, mate.
>all this butthurt papist damage control
Well done, user
>16th century england
rich in sheep pellets lmao.