Is it fascism based on fear?

Is it fascism based on fear?

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Yes. Like socialism and other collectivist ideologies, fascism is in large part based on fear and ignorance.

No. it's based on preservation, if anything.

>fascism is leftwing
nice meme

Fear of starving to death?

>The political left is defined by revoking rights
>The center is also defined by revoking rights

Almost too stupid to even be a shitpost

No. It’s based on unity and pride in culture.

No its normally based on nationalism.


where do people who think fascism is left wing assign monarchism on the political spectrum?

>Le right wing is freedomz, everything else is commies, praise Pinochet >:/

No, in its most basic form it's nationalism plus anti-marxism

Depends, what exactly was Fascist Italy afraid of?


white people

Not true, Mussolini implemented communist-like ideals in terms of private property and thought Karl Marx was a genius

ITT: butthurt fashies

The Greek warrior

I don't think corporatism and class collaboration are compatible with marxism. the very marxists make this clear.

Isn't the alt right just as bad as the alt left?

Good point

stop spreading wrong info, son

Social Fascism thesis confirmed for correct.

Truth is it seems fascism ideologies suck up elements from both the left and right, but it is neither.
They are the alternative that people came up with to counter the Jews' political left-right wing deception.
No one wants to be associated with fascists, so the left classifies these groups as right, and vice versa. But no one ever understands that they are essentially an ideology that cant be marked on the political spectrum because they want to challenge the very creators of the spectrum.

That's a straw man argument because you forgot to mention Mussolini's double-dealing with the socialist party in order to join the ranks of the Italy's government and then turned it into a nationalistic fascist dictatorship...

My point was that clearly they weren't afraid of the communists

never mind just forget what I've typed.



I dunno

>wants no part in multiculturalism/globalism and seeks to protect and preserve their own.

>"Ingorant coward, whats to be afraid of!?"

well at least we know which side you lean cuck.

>implying you have a culture worth preserving

Pinochet ignored the Chicago boys and pegged the Peso to the Dollar leading to a financial crisis.

I prefer the circular chart of political ideologies which expresses both the traditional conservative vs progressive struggle and freedom vs state control. The "new" right-left axis on its own just reeks of trying to rehabilitate the Republican Party.

All populism is based on fear. I guess you could have a non-populist fascist movement, idk if anyone has ever tried tho.

Losing out after WWI and the growth of the Communist party in rural areas.

Regardless of opinions and politics, we can all agree that that flag is fucking hideous.

Is that why they banned the party? Because they didn't think it had a possibility of winning?

>It doesn't matter that our entire civilisation is built off the soulless accumulation of disposable goods at the expense of raping the natural environment, at least our RIGHTS to do that aren't disturbed!

You fuckers will be the downfall of humanity

society's fucked man, the popular political battle is against late stage capitalism or communism. either one leads to destruction of society.


An authoritarian ideology that forces its constituents as well their neighbours to conform to a unique idea will always be an ideology based on fear

Its literally about taking a group in your population, saying its responsable for watever shit your country may be in and then exterminating it to keep the rest of the population in check

Fascism is just outright authoritarian.

>meme history
why are you here desu?

>An authoritarian ideology
Technically every idealogy does this, user.

>Objective standard 2012
>Defining right wing (a term that was used for monarchists in the National Assembly)
>As capitalist liberals


>Fear is ignorance
When will this meme die? Fear is what builds walls and stores reserves for when the bad times come. Fear is not bad or ignorant. Its just recognition of dangers with enough emotional punch to keep you from being complacent.

Fake and gay

>meme argument
why are you here desu?

So one might call it a...third alternative?

yes retard because you brought a meme explanation of history. if you want an intellectual argument, bring one

Not classical liberalism/libertarianism.

amerisharts need to go to their own planet.



>Not classical liberalism/libertarianism.
we literally fought a war to implement it, and it authoritates itself through wage slavery

>cult of kek
>profoundly retarded
truly the child of chanology.


Fascism is based on complete indoctrination.
The initial populace is brainwashed into loving the leader.
Then they feed the children propaganda since early childhood, making them believe whatever the state tells them.
This process is intended to completely control the populace without a high chance of rebellion after the initial resistance is crushed.

wow, so funny. you must have a big dick.

kek is a normy belief

I agree that user is very smart. I also think he has a large penis.

trips confirm that the user has very large hands


>Anarchy as authoritarian as Fascism

wrong,the communist were rising up in more urban areas (the north,emilia-romagna) in fact,all of the factories were there.The south was basicully in control of the church whom was doing an awful lot of propaganda against the communists

I read somewhere that Right Wing Authoritarians tend to be galvanized more by disgust than fear. Basically they want to cleanse their nation/tribe/clan of outside contagions. Most fascists are germophobes anyways.

All politics is based on fear. Clinton was the centrist career politician in 2016 and her campaign still ran on the fear of trump destroying the country and bringing back white supremacy.

what the fuck

>Midevil Guilds

People who claim otherwise need to do some self-examination.

>Theocracy is left-wing

Ayn Rand is normie-tier. Belongs in political outsider at worst.

You act as if socialist didn't back stabbed socialist all the time.

See, what Alexandria Solzhenitsyn lays out in his book, the Gulag Archipelago,...

But there is private ownership in fascism, as long as you collaborate with the state and do as they say, communism is entirely private property abolishment

>no force

Unless you're a party member

>ignored the Chicago boys
LMAO lie better

Unless you are a tankie


Tankie-fascist alliance against liberals when?


Not really.
Mostly cathartic systemic violence, militarism, and killing minorities who are either "inept" or "the masterminds"
There's more to it but violence is a word that comes up a lot.
I guess the only real fear is that society will change through revolution by lefties. Rich people (mostly small time business, farm, and land owners) get shook, so instead they try to "evolve" society to maintain power structures by tweaking them.

>not normie reddit scum

>Revolutions of 1848
>The constant nation building of the Middle East
>Implying social darwinism influenced no wars or massacres

>Hey join our anarchist commune!

>I guess you could have a non-populist fascist movement, idk if anyone has ever tried tho.
It's called "electoral politics"

Can we get a different safe for work version of this without le Jews memes?

this was made by a neo-nazi who tries to bait the centrists to their side

All extreme ideologies are based on fear.

this post was written by some one from /leftypol/
pls go back


is it even a thing?

Why wouldn't you ban other parties when you're trying to make a one-party state?

How fascism was born:

>be the leader of italian marxists
>your comrades fear you are becoming too strong, kick you out of the party
>autistic screeching , muh revenge
>found a party whose goal is to beat up his old party friends
> somehow manages to get into power, be as much populist as possible
>idiots from other countries idolizes you and you finance them

I was thinking about the Reds in Tuscany.

>fascism is just authoritarianism

I'd imagine it'd be similar to anarcho-syndicalism with a greater focus on traditionalism and acknowledgement of hierarchy.

can the meme historians ie /leftpol/ fuck off back to there

Everything is based on fear.
Capitalism is based on many fears, like the fear of being poor and starving or the fear of being worse than somebody else.
In fascism you fear of being persecuted or not fitting at least the basic ideal of a person, but ao do you in modern society. Any policy is based on a fear ( of persecution, be it state persecution or social pressure).

so "comies" killing comies