Thank You Veeky Forums

I want to give a shoutout to the based motherfugger who posted their presale address publicly and thus enabled me and many others to contribute heavily. And shout out to those nimble individuals who like myself who violated all conventional wisdom and sent thousands of dollars to an unverified random Veeky Forums link when there was no white paper and everything was uncertain and now as a result will become richfags. Love yall

Other urls found in this thread:

god bless user

I'd also like to thank the kind German user who gave me one of his extra crowdsale links.

Yep, I got 500 ETH in this all thanks to the presale links that got posted here. I spreaded it out onto 4 links and got my LINK tokens earlier today without issue and with the full 20% bonus.

See you on the moon richbois

-Sergey Nazarov

This. Currently sitting cosy on the chainlink gravy train thanks to a based biz bro

I bought 15k work - am I gonna make it lads?

Thank you, anime-chan, for giving me the gift or riches.

Get ready for rich people problems, bizzers.

put in 200 cause i'm a poorfag am i still gonna make it

200 ETH?! or you bought 200 LINK?

I've only made like $2k off of LINK. Fuck you Veeky Forums for not telling me to buy even more of it in the pre-sale. Where do you guys get off in not making me more profits than this?

But for real though is 15K LINK gonna do nicely late down the line?

How much do you predict LINK will be worth by mid 2018?

Depends on if you actually think they can pull off the partnerships with banks, if so and you hold longterm you'll be in lamboland. Personally I don't think they can though, I'll probably sell mine into the FOMO as the conference next month approaches and only keep 1k just in case I'm wrong and it really does hit a multi trillion marketcap.

god bless you anime-chan, not only did the pre-sales not get refunded but I even got the bonus.

200$ right?

no risk. no gains.

I posed the presale address and shilled this as a strong ICO. The presale link was this one:
37 eth over a 1500 cap.

Glad we made it guys. I was just as concerned as everyone else about getting LINK since Chainlink failed to provide any solid details.

I was the second transaction on this presale link pool address. 1.8 eth. All I had.


biz is racist and sexist much... but at the end we take care of each other (except souless chinks and scammers pajeets).

now return the favor, you fag

A real hero.

I just bought 1.7 ETH worth on etherdelta. I missed the ICO, but even at the markup I hope this moons hard enough that it wont matter