How can I buy crypto currencies safely in Canada?
How can I buy crypto currencies safely in Canada?
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first you need to fuck a guy. then smoke a joint. then kill yourself for living in canada
will probabbly pay more than the market's price tho
t. third worlder with no other option.
bank -> kraken wire transfer
coinbase dumbass
what kind of retard buys cryptocurrency shit is a scam
They want ID verification and im scared of providing that
I'm scared your mom will find out I've been scalping the camwhore money to buy LINK, she's the best place to go for coins
Have you heard about
It's this ultra cool site that lets you enter search terms and pull up info off sites all over the internet! I bet you could even find the answer to the question you're asking this very moment!
I don't want to show them my drivers license
they're the most legit outfit in Canada and are communicative and are sure to stick to the changing regulatory field, I don't know what you're worried about. If this is what's going to stop you, you're not cut out for this and you missed your shot, you can try buying muhnero off some shady folk OTC maybe, good luck.
I just dont want them to use my info for identity theft
I'll be frank user, you're actively posting on a malaysian basket weaving forum. Who the fuck would want to steal your identity.
Anyone would
QuadrigaCX is the best you've got unless you want to use a bitcoin atm and pay high fees
I just bactraced both of your ips and am in the process of stealing your identities. Try and stop me. Protip: you can't
reported to the cyber police
the consequences will never be the same
what he said & there are plenty of measures you can take against the practical damages that identity theft can have. It sounds like you've just heard a lot of horror stories, I used to feel the same but it's just your driver's license. I even censored some parts out and they were okay with it. The people who become victims of identity theft are typically much greater suckers than even the dumbest Veeky Forumstards, normies and vulnerable old people - people who don't actively monitor things like their bank balance because they only check it every few months and don't have a smartphone to receive alerts on.
I have heard many horror stories and im very scared now.
I am also stealing your identity right now. This place is a goldmine!
What are they seriously going to do with it dude? How else do you expect the exchange to do proper Know Your Customer procedures to keep up with FinTRAC regulations? How does this even play out in your paranoia wracked brain? Bitcoin crashes to zero and they fly by night and sell all the info to the Russian mob which proceeds to print out fake IDs for a Boris that looks like you so he can come over here and purchase some bottles of Prince Igor and go for a drive? Do you even realize how fucked our traditional systems are at keeping your private info secure behind super secure user/passwords like "admin/admin"?
Well fuck. Are we not safe then?
What exactly protects me from someone using my info to liquidate my stocks and withdraw money ?
The best you can do is take as many measures as you can to keep your shit locked down and keep up with the infosec industry. Krebsonsecurity, The Register, Hacker News, and some other sites are good for following this. I suggest two-factor auth with a phone whenever possible, but importantly, don't use this phone for ANYTHING to do with crypto, don't download pirated apps, don't put anything sketchy onto it, segregate it from machines you use for finance whenever possible. Most important of all, since this is the main attack vector for two-factor (see Paragon CEO) is to set up an extra layer of security with your mobile phone provider. Request that nobody can access your account over the phone without a secondary code, most providers offer this.
I dont even have Google playstore on my phone. I just check my bank / broker account once a week or two online. Is that enough to be safe? I've read malware can easily change your bank balance in your browser to make it look like no transactions took place.
There is no "enough to be safe", just reasonable precautions you can take like not disabling windows updates which used to be a thing people did until earlier this year when it fucked everyone who did it. You can use secure variants of Linux such as Qubes. Malware could technically do whatever it wants to do but I've never heard that in particular. The goal is never to rely on one weak point. Here you've identified a potential weak point in that a page can be altered by malware, but you can also sign up for withdrawal alerts through SMS and probably email too. Reinforce all the weak links.
>I've never heard of that
It was first a feature of Zeus. Definitely would be a part of any bank-targeting malware.
There's a great guide I found for how to buy CryptoCurrencies, specifically Bitcoin and Ethereum, in Canada.
Hope it helps!