Am I gonna make it?

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42k LINK
will i make it x10 more than OP?

6250 link here. Am I going to make it?

Just look at our post numbers brotherman

its synchronicity

you will make it

9k DNT here. Am I going to die?

Nope. Enjoy your scamcoin shit heads

>I-I'm not done accumulating!! baka

Do you guys have an exit strategy? It 2x'd already on fucking EtherDelta, if this shit get listed on a real exchange it will go 5x minimum. I'm hodling to just before SIBOS at least and evaluating from there.

Honest to god, not selling until 1B mkt cap. And even then I will evaluate and may hold longer

no exit strategy

holding 83k right now

where can I buy this shit

what the fuck up, cucks?

I sold 40% of my stack @ 2x profits (pre-sale) and am now 100% /comfy/. NO matter what, I've made money.

Anons - remember that you have no profit until you realize it.


Currently ONLY on Etherdelta. About 2x ICO price.

Holding 480,000. Fuck the haters, I'm all in

haha, what a cuck selling out at 2x when there is literally no price discovery mechanism because 98% of the market is too retarded to use etherdelta

To each their own, user. I'm happy with my current position and my future potential profits.

I've learned that I make much better trades once my initial capital is preserved, and I try to buy a larger position in promising ICO's than I would normally keep for that reason. Best of luck to you.

i'm not user, cocksucker.

i am the motherfucking cryptocat.

Ok, user. Whatever makes you feel good about yourself.

Quads dictate wise move.

this is you

you best buy back in if you know what's good for you.

33k LINK
will I make it 78.5% as much as this user?

No thanks, user. I'm /comfy/ now and can sleep for the next 5 years knowing all of my gains are secured and risk-free.

Perhaps you tolerate more risk, which is good for you. I'm happy to keep a bird in the hand and one in the bush rather than watching both birds in the bush.

Just me, though, user. You do what's right for you.

What are your price predictions for LINK by EOY and mid-2018?

Always a good move. Being greedy and hold 100% always seems to bite me in the ass.

5 dolla

holy fuck dude, are you me? You just 100% described every single step I did today and also the exact reasons why I did them.

I love you, my clever investing clone somewhere out there

I think market cap of 500m-1b is possible in the 9 month timeframe you're asking about. Or 0. That's always a possibility.

This is crypto, after all.