Is LINK actually going to be going anywhere?

Is LINK actually going to be going anywhere?

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it will go 3x more when it hits liqui

You realize people hate ED, and once this hits a mainstream exchange it's gonna BTFO

confirmed waiting for it to get off ed to buy

newfag here, whats BTFO?

"breath the fuck out" im assuming, as in go up in price?

Chain LINK.
>It solves the oracle problem.
but seriously, it does sound like it has a lot of potential. It aims to revolutionize smart contracts by using the "wisdom of the crowd" (by means of individual nodes voting) to incorporate off-chain data into the blockchain. Nodes get rewarded for correct information(based on responses), and lose reputation/get penalized for false info, providing incentive for people to take an active part of as perfect an oracle as there ever could be. There are precedents for the success of "crowd wisdom" applications, most notably in decentralized prediction markets. Am I missing anything?


Got it, ready the launch pad

i laughed

Happy to provide a chuckle my good man.

So is 'crowd wisdom' based on individuals actually verifying real world happenings or is there some sort of application that all the nodes run simultaneously and it just picks the most highly voted version of real world happenings?

"As an oracle service, ChainLink nodes return replies to data requests or queries made
by or on behalf of a user contract, which we refer to as requesting contracts and
denote by USER-SC. ChainLink’s on-chain interface to requesting contracts is itself
an on-chain contract that we denote by CHAINLINK-SC."

So in my understanding, data "requests" are made via a smart contract "system" consisting of three parts: "a reputation contract, an order-matching contract, and an aggregating
contract." All work together to collect data from those nodes that have established reputability, and aggregating this data to be used as an "oracle" Am I making sense?

Where do you store LINK? does it have a wallet?

In order for LINK to go anywhere it would have to first remove the giant roadblock that is "The Oracle Problem"

It is currently being traded on Etherdelta, which is a bit tricky to use. Etherdelta has a wallet to which you the private key

Etherdelta has a wallet with private key access.

That is actually the best break-down of Chain Link I've read yet. The part I'm still curious about is how the nodes actually gather the data.

so it gets stored on etherdelta? seems a bit sketchy to store on there

Man, stop FUDDing Chainlink because you couldnt get in to the gravy train. This "thing" has an actual use-case, and I'm sure you know that as a fudster, but in case you dont: tough luck in the crypto game. You aint cut out for it if you cant do your own research

You can move it to MEW

Lol I got into blocks 75 and 76 and I hold 40k+ LINK I just like the oracle problem meme and it makes me laugh. You don't think it's funny?

oh really? i don't see it listed under the tokens section of MEW, has it just not been added to the list yet?

etherdelta is smart contract based

even if the site is down, you can withdraw your money or tokens out of it. (Instructions:

Create token
Enter this data:
Contract Address: 0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca
Token Name: LINK
Token Decimals: 18

It has its own wallet, and in order to trade with the funds in that wallet you transfer it to a ED "smart contract", whereas if you lose cookies you lose access to funds in that smart contract. Its pretty straight forward actually, but you need to fiddle around with it a little to get it. Look up how to use etherdelta on google, reddit. here is a steemit link:

thank you. i was thinking of trading my 120 OMG for LINK, what do you guys think?

>literally one day old
>only on etherdelta
>yet to even hit liqui

And let's not forget what's going to happen on 16 October:
>S I B O S

If you don't know what SIBOS is, google it.

Chainlink/Smartcontract is going to do a live demo of the system they developed with/for SWIFT.

If you don't know what SWIFT is, google it.
Protip: it's not crypto.

So yeah, this thing is going places.

Im in both, dont want to really commit to just one.

Haha thanks. That's what Ive been able to gather from the first couple of pages, so take it with a grain of salt. I think a lot of the value of this coin will be tied by its implementation. What worries me is the team, man: they just don't seem to be very "". I might be wrong, but I just dont have much faith in them

What's your speculative ceiling? Lot of people are basing if they dump based on hype before oct 16th. Is this long term for you?

What do you predict will be the price of this coin EOY and in 2018?

how about the funds in the smart contract? I heard you lose access to them

how about the funds in the smart contract? I heard you lose access to them when you clear cookies

Sorry, I misread the question and was thinking of the wallet on there (Not the ED contract wallet). You are most likely correct.

I actually find it hilarious, but I thought you were a fudster. Sorry, nevermind then

yeah, its pretty nervewracking sometimes :/

Nah man got 25% of my portfolio in this biznass. Kinda mad I didn't put more in, fuck risk management this shit is the token we've been waiting for.

What do you think of the team?

How do i add LINK token to myetherwallet that i bought from ether delta?

I hope you added the smart contract address before sending them to your ethereum address or you're SOL.

I think they know exactly what they're doing.

Go on ED and get the token address for link.

go to mew, add token, use that address, symbol LINK, decimal 18.

Can you please elaborate?
Please explain exactly what needs to be done.

Last ICO i just added the adress and synbol and then it showed up.

What's the difference here?

What whitepaper is that from?

that user is wrong. you can have them in your wallet and be unable to see it if you haven't added the smart contract address.

I've looked at SIBOS and can't find any of the chain link team speaking there...

Do we know how long it normally takes for this to happen?

Huh... That's entry level comp sci...

Nevermind, i figured it out,

On etherscan you can see your tokens, then just add the custom token to your ether wallet,

Ok, let's baghold this shit and hope for the best.

x100 my ass, you people are dreaming but atleast i got some of this LINK garbage now just in case.

10-15 mins tops. IF not just sell your tokens because that means it's going to tank.

i have 28k LINK is it enough boys am i gonna make it..

They're there:

Scroll down to and expand:
>Bridging DLT and SWIFT messaging with – Innotribe Industry Challenge 2016 winner

> will present a live demo of a Proof of Concept where a DLT platform manages ISO 20022-compliant bond instruments, while an ISO 20022-aware Smart Oracle settles coupon payments off-ledger through ISO 20022 payment messages over SWIFT.

I mean to get onto liqui. This shit isn't tanking.

Cheers, but this doesn't have any speakers named and SWIFT is arealdy working on its own solution independent to chain link, I hope it's true but I highly doubt it

I have over 60k. Legit planning on buying property with this. is the company that created LINK!

fuarck man your legit in lambo land.

I realise this but the SWIFT one is SWIFT Smart Oracle and is independent of Link

This is by It says on the opening slide. wtf are you smoking senpai

They are saying on the website that is doing the presentation.

Here is the literal text:
> will present a live demo of a Proof of Concept where a DLT platform manages ISO 20022-compliant bond instruments, while an ISO 20022-aware Smart Oracle settles coupon payments off-ledger through ISO 20022 payment messages over SWIFT.

I mean isn't this the same team? Or am I way off here.

Chain Link is Smartcontract's product, try keep up.

Yes but I don't think it uses the LINK token, unless I'm a brainlet who can't into reading
Huh? Fair enough it must be Sergey et al. then

It uses it, read the chainlink whitepaper.

user you are incorrect, the SWIFT Smart Oracle uses the Chain Link middleware, it is the whole point of the demo.

The LINK token is used to sustain the decrentalized nature of the netowork, the more people that require data from the Chain Link middle ware, the more the token appreciates due to reparations for data providers.

OMG is weird to me. They keep posting pics in front of logos or with certain people and then heavily implying they have partnerships or whatever. Without any confirmation from any other party.

Chainlink on the other hand is actually 100% confirmed to be working with SWIFT, which connects over 11k financial institutions all over the world. Let that sink in. And look up SWIFT.
And this is actually third-party confirmed by SIBOS:

Well, the SIBOS thing isn't your average crypto "big news coming" or "partnership confirmed" bullshit; it's waaaaaaaaay bigger than that.
Therefore: after 16 October, the price will likely skyrocket instead of plummet. But keep in mind that some people will still act on the adage "buy the rumor sell the news", regardless of the performance at SIBOS on Oct. 16. These people may be in for a rude surprise when shit goes up instead of down after they "sell the news".

If Chainlink does become the Ripple killer it's looking to be, you can expect it to approach current Ripple market cap (which is 200x the LINK ICO market cap).
If Chainlink does become what it ultimately sets out to do, the sky is the fucking limit.

Still, remind yourself we're talking about crypto. Be prepared for dips, and ultimately be prepared for anything (i.e. don't stake what you can't afford to lose).

Lol What kind of entry level comp sci did you take?

Does anyone even understand how revolutionary this technology is?

"bring the fuck on"

Yes user we understand, why do you think the volume on ED is more than the entire volume for every other coin? And this is only tech savvy people.


>i only have 28k LINK

>mfw only 40k link

Interested in turning half my Ark stacj into LINK. How do?

>only 40k link

Not enough for a lambo user.

Right now you can only buy on Etherdelta.

>create account (this is your address)
>send ETH to this account address
>wait for it to show up
>find "balance" section at top left
>deposit ETH in balance section (keep a bit of ETH in account address)

You can now place an order.


You have to import your private MEW key into Metamask.

Then import your Metamask to ED.

Then deposit LINK into the ED smart contract.

Then you can make orders.

m m-maybe if 200x.... it solves the oracle problem
user.. i..

200x would put it at about the same market cap as Ripple.
LINK is a Ripple killer and much more.
Think bigger, user.

Read about ethereum.

Sergey has specifically stated that oracles will pull from multiple data providers with multiple levels of priority and trust, even trustless data providers will be included.

If you have an oracle that pulls from multiple data sources with differing levels of security, precision, and data pulled from different times, what are the odds that if an edge case happens that it will go through?

It reduces the fucking probability of error by several factors. Do you realize the fucking value in that right?

You think people stopped using computers because blue screens and errors you dumb fuck?

I mean shit, if all goes well this thing will blow sky-high.

Imagine if you could make "smart contract" with businesses for all kinds of things not even related to crypto; like getting an automatic 20% refund if the flight is delayed by 2 hours; no questions asked, it's in the blockchain, which nobody controls.
Commercial courts are going to go bust.

This is just one of the things chainlink/smartcontract can do.


only 6500 link

feelsbad.jpg that i didn't had more money to invest

just want to get to 10000k at the end of the year, that would make me a happy user

Any news of any sort regarding new exchanges?? What;s happening in the Slack I got banned for harassing some Pajeet.

what if we made a miscalculation and chainlink is actually making the oracle stronger?

wew lad calm down im just meming lmao. still salty i only have 28k tho

if they can ACTUALLY deliver on their vision - and imo its a big IF simply because of the implications for us investors - then this coin will probably be one of the highest rewarding ICO's of all time.

8k link

Will i make it?

>gravy train
How did you find my MacBook again grandpa? Go to bed.

If chain link/smart contract does become the link between crypto and mainstream business, anyone still holding from 2017 will be filthy smelly rich.

Of course, there are going to be dips and moonshots all the way, shaking out panic sellers and profit takers.

I actually laughed out loud.

bite the fancy olive

As in, soon you will be rich enough to indulge in the finer pleasures of life.

Blaze the fucking oil
Like what they did in the gulf war

Nodes can gather data any way they want, could be just a person reading the news or whatever.
They could also read https websites inside and Intel SGE enclave, which provides cryptographic proof that they actually read that website and didn't tamper with the data. In that case there's pretty much a fully cryptographically secure way to get data from an https source onto the blockchain.

Just read the whitepaper, it's not very difficult to understand.

*inside an SGE enclave
SGE = software guard extensions, I think has already done this with their towncrier project as well.

It's just pseudocode, and not very complicated at that. It just looks fancy cuz of all the subscript and different fonts and greek letters and shit.
At least over here reading papers is what a first year compsci undergrad can do easily.

>tfw only 18200 LINK

feels like its not nearly enough for lamboland

So maybe not lambo land but when this thing hits 10 bucks... that's 180k yo.

honestlyi'd buy some more now if i could