The Republic will be reorganized into the FIRST. AMERICAN. EMPIRE!!!

For a safe and secure society

so this is how liberty dies.. with thunderous applause

Why don't you ever post a picture if Nixon with this meme? He's the one contemporary American figure Lucas actually drew inspiration from.

The Mexicans have been defeated, and the native rebellion has been foiled

I am the Senate!

when the Emperor does it it's not illegal!

It's treason, then.


he will make it legal

> What's wrong Ani?

> I...I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead. Every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women, and the children too. They're like animals and I slaughtered them like animals! I HATE THEM!!!

At an end your rule is, and not short enough it was

>Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability of independent mechanised corps is insignificant next to the power of the horse

Attorney General Warren, the time has come. Execute Order 9066.

Go to the Shinto Temple. Detain any Japanese you find.

Do it! (1.5 million times)

Do what must be done General Marshall. Do no hesitate, show no mercy. Only then, will you be strong enough with Democracy to save the Union...

After you have interned all the Japs on the West Coast, go to the Berlin system, wipe out Adolf Hitler and the other NSDAP leaders. Once more, the United States will the world. And. We shall have... Peace.

>You're all clear, kid! Now let's blow this thing and go home.

>Something wonderful has happened. Peter... I'm pregnant.

>Thats... Th-thats wonderful.

>What are we gonna do?

>Were not gonna worry about anything right now. Alright? This is a happy moment. The happiest moment of my life.



>I am quite convinced that 10 more states will rally to our cause with your support.
>The Citizens' Army of Virginia is at your disposal General.
>North Carolina will sign your treaty.
>Good, very good.
>Our friends from Tennessee have pledged their support and when their state militias are combined with yours, we shall have an Army greater than any in North America. The United States Army will be overwhelmed. The Republic will agree to any demands we make.

Not yet!

Makes more sense with Truman, since it was under his administration that we created things like the CIA

>not Andy

>I suggest a new strategy, Henry. Let the commies win.

Just because Lucas has a retarded view of history doesn't mean we have to

Our French friends have pledged their support. And when their soldiers are combined with yours, we shall have an army greater than any in the world. The Germans will be overwhelmed

now, witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational nuclear program

>Execute Order 9066

Holy shit I actually learned something today. Thanks NBF.

Many Jews died to bring us this information



Commander Jennings, the time has come. Execute Order 44.

what were american motivations for the spanish-american war, other than muh maine and pure territorial expansion?

Go the Mormon Temple. We will catch them off balance.

>You're gonna pay for all the Union soldiers that you've killed today Lee!
>We'll take him together, you go in slowly on the left-

>Master Hussein, you have fought gallantly, worthy of recognition in the archives of the West Point Order. But now... It is finished. Surrender, and your lives will be spared.
>Then... I'm sorry old friend.

Thats literally it, William McKinley was the Darth Sidious of US history, turning us into an Empire right in front of our eyes.

>doing anything wrong
Enjoy your techno-ludditism, you William Jennings Bryan-supporting parasite

>implying I meant any of that in a bad way

post yfw you found out Sickles was the first person to successfully use the temporary insanity defense to be acquitted of murder charges

McKinley was a bumbling idiot who didn't realize his strings were being pulled by the young Republican advocates of the "Large Policy"



>Around the surviving British soldiers a perimeter create

Kamino confirmed for Prussia

haha my dudesirs le epic 20 year old crappy prequels am i right? I just had a nerdgasm from the sheer epic wowzers awesomeness of this thread!

>I must admit that without the Americans, it would not have been victory.
>Victory? Victory, you say? Master Lloyd George, not victory. The shroud of fascism has fallen. Begun, the armistice has!

>What a piece of junk!
>She'll make 290 miles per hour. She may not look like much, but she got it where it counts, kid.