Has Russia ever not been an corrupt shithole?
Has Russia ever not been an corrupt shithole?
Not corrupt.
Pick one.
Under Yeltsin.
why are russians so short? malnourished?
That's called giving up
Which countries aren't corrupt?
>you don't have corruption if you legalise corruption
> russians
> short
>the manlet tsar vs the chad antichrist
Every. Single. Time.
>make point from an assumed moral high ground
>your opponent points out your hypocrisy
Fuck off.
Where the fuck is OP saying that any country is better than russia?
>ever not been an corrupt shithole
It's implicating, brainlet
Always has. Always will be. Oriental despotism.
>in my head it was real
The absolute state of slavic shits
In terms of corruption
Nu-Russia (1990s) > Soviet Russia > Tsarist Russia > Modern Russia
Putin has actually increased law & order in Russia significantly including wiping out dozens of (Jewish mafia) oligarchs.
By making the corruption institutional and regulated through the Russian state, its actually a far more judicious society than its probably ever been.
>regulated corruption
user, you're going to have to go into more detail, because that just sounds retarded the way you described it
Has America ever not been a corrupt shithole?
>it was real
>absolute state
state of what?
Not him, but what he meant by it is that Putin has more or less legalised the oligarch looting of the 90's in order to regulate and control the oligarchs. Also, he allows Russian mob to exist, but keeps tabs on them at all times, and fucks them over if they get out of control.
Russia has always been a low-trust society (very little confidence in public institutions or commons)
In the 90s with the dissolution of the Soviet state (which had been the primary avenue of corruption), private mafia interests took over all aspects of Russian society. You would bribe one mafia for protection or justice and the state couldn't fuck with you at all.
When Putin took over, his first priority was to secure control over the oil resources which were privately owned by mafia. He used his army and police force to literally assassinate and take out those gangs and put his own people in there.
With the oil revenue going directly to the state faction. Then he went after the mafias controlling the infrastructure (railroads, ports, etc) and was able to establish national control over Russia. Then, he took over the courts and magistrates by bribing judges, mayors, etc. and executing mafia-affiliated bureaucrats. Those judges in turn would agree to actually prosecute the mafia.
During all this, you could still bribe people to get shit done, but you had to bribe the state (A Putin affiliate). So Russia is basically run as a mafia with Putin at the head, but because its a single entity is significantly more peaceful and judicious than in the 90s with different mafias controlling the country.
anarcho capitalism vindicated
That's rich comming from you OP
As weird as this sounds, it makes a lot of sense with the input I received from expatriated russian
So it's basically a mafia state. This is pure corruption.
Fun fact, the same whataboutism is constantly used in russian propaganda.
yah its almost like everyone uses it.... even this is probably whataboutism
You can't be corrupt if you own everything by divine right.
>Soviet Russia is more corrupt than Tsarist Russia
Norway, Singapore, and New Zealand
Tsarist Russia wasn't any fairy-tale land, but at least it had a functioning economy.
>What is the First Chechen War?
unfortunately no, and considering Putin's approval ratings that doesn't look like it'll be changing any time soon
not even once
>Navy gets BTFO by a bunch of people who had nothing but swords and wooden boats 50 years earlier.
>Thought it would be good idea to declare war on one of the strongest nations on earth. Factories can't even make enough bullets and the ones they do make don't even fit the guns that the infantry have. Front line troops literally fight German machine guns with sticks.
>Gets so bad even the military doesn't have a problem getting rid of Nicki
>Navy gets BTFO by a bunch of people who had nothing but swords and wooden boats 50 years earlier.
they didn't even have wooden boats, those were illegal
guns had been widely used in Japan since the 16th century though
Maybe in times before Mongol invasion when they were similar to other Slavic kingdoms/duchies.
But does it count as Russia anymore?
lol nah
Yeltsin Russia = Late Romanov Russia > POWERGAP > Nazi occupation > POWERGAP > Historical Imperial Russia = Putinist Russia > Soviet Union
fuck off retard
every russian despises the yeltsin period
>A fucking manlet
Back when the Novgorod Republic existed
>not short
Sorry I'm genuinely a retard. I meant.
Yeltsin Russia = Late Romanov Russia < POWERGAP < Nazi occupation < POWERGAP < Historical Imperial Russia = Putinist Russia < Soviet Union
Putin is a Finn.