Historicity of Jesus

So, what happened exactly? What happened when Jesus died? Was his body stolen or not? Was he really resurrected?

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>So, what happened exactly?
Some dude emulated Socrates but with egalitarian principles.
>What happened when Jesus died?
Romans put down a troublemaker and made the mistake of creating a martyr.

The real question is, why did his followers ascribe miracles to his legacy on scripture, when followers of Socrates (like Plato) didn't?
Even with previous prophets like Zoroaster (who lived in the time of Cyrus) there was never any documents claiming he performed miracles, and I believe the early texts about Moses don't ascribe any other miracles than talking to God, either.

So what is the reason for this change? Previously, Euhemeric principles led to transition from famous figures into god-worship because oral tradition was still dominant (hence stories grew into myths). Famous figures either became (half-)gods (performing miracles, like Hercules or Theseus) or remained normal mortals. After the Greeks and people like Herodotes and Thucydides, people comitted more to paper and more rigorous fact-checking became a thing.

However, because Jesus was a figurehead in a community that was still not at this stage of civilization, his legacy again grew into miracles. But his ascension to godhood was stopped because the romans existed at the same time, and DID keep records.

Monotheism was on the rise in these communities (possibly influenced by the east after the Persian invasions of Greece), so proclaiming Jesus a half-god wasn't really an option. The only way to deal with the miracles was to proclaim him the one son of God, and this idea caught on and was transmitted to history by the Roman Civilization.

It was consumed by his disciples, the origin of the Eucharist

he was resuscitated being taken down from the cross (he wasn't there that long) and said a final goodbye to his disciples before going (back) to India, which is where the Wise men from the East had taken him in his childhood.

Resuscitation and resurrection are pretty much the same word.

His tomb is in Srinigar.

>Texts about Moses don't describe any other miracles than talking to God
Recommendation: before talking about Biblical figures, read the Bible.


>Was he really resurrected?

Of course not - that's only there because the Jews are a delusional psycho-killer cult.

>Romans put down a troublemaker and made the mistake of creating a martyr.

The gospels say the Roman authorities regarded him as the rightful King of Judea and that the rest of the Jews will be spending eternity in hell for their crimes.

"I believe in God and a soul, better become a terrorist!"


>Was he really resurrected?
Certainly not, such things are impossible.


>The gospels say the Roman authorities regarded him as the rightful King of Judea and that the rest of the Jews will be spending eternity in hell for their crimes.
I don't remember this in Matthew and Mark...

daily reminder that jesus was half roman

*tips galea*



regardless if his father actually was pantera or not there's evidence in the gospels that his father's identity was unclear and mary might've been a bit of a slut


>Romans put down a troublemaker

shlomo detected


>I don't remember this in Matthew and Mark...

Mark says it - Matthew is a little less clear from a gloss I've just made:

> Now at the festival he used to release a prisoner for them, anyone for whom they asked. Now a man called Barabbas was in prison with the rebels who had committed murder during the insurrection. So the crowd came and began to ask Pilate to do for them according to his custom. Then he answered them, “Do you want me to release for you the King of the Jews?” For he realized that it was out of jealousy that the chief priests had handed him over. - Mark 15:6-10

Well, the question of the gospels is irrelevant now because I have plenty of evidence God is real and I'm its son.




You won't be the first mortal to mock one of God's sons on Earth and you won't be the last - your soul on the line, not mine.



Ya you know he just parted the Red Sea, no big deal. He didn't perform miracles or anything.

I'll accept the existence of everyone in the ancient world even though they are only proven to exist through a single reliable source EXCEPT for Jesus. No way he existed! I don't care how many reliable sources you have that show he existed, it didn't happen


Dude I love how you stopped using your name because people recognize you as a shitposter. Only a matter of time before your next ban, I can't wait.

>calling literal communists troublemakers is jewish
you are schlomo

Charity is communism now, you heard it here first folks.



Why do people come on here and post blatantly false information?

>Dude I love how you stopped using your name because people recognize you as a shitposter.

Nah, the name just got wiped because I got banned. I'm not a shitposter - I'm the Son of God. I'm just showing you fulfilled prophecy to educate you on facts about this universe.

Banning doesn't make the prophecy go away and it doesn't make me not the Son of God.



Technically all his miracles were God doing his thing, according to the Bible.

Which is why I prefer the Voodoo view of Moses. He was a damn good Witch-Doctor.

See? Now this guy is a shitposter - like yourself:

He contributes nothing of substance to the thread whereas I am appropriately on topic about Jesus, the murdered Divine King of the Jews.



>I'm not a shitposter
Yes you are. That's why you got banned. And we're all sons and daughters of god my friend.
Then Jesus didn't perform miracles either. Jesus' claimed his miracles to be acts of God, not his own.

>And we're all sons and daughters of god my friend.

No you're not, that's a royal title - you're not royalty.



You know the ban gets longer each time?

Jesus died for our sins out of love for humanity and the hope that we may be saved one day. It is ultimately up to us if we'll accept him as our lord and savior or not.

His body was not stolen, he ascended to heaven after having died from his injuries.

He was able to do this because Jesus Christ was God in the flesh. Too many people assume Jesus was just the son of God but in fact, he was God himself. Why do you think he was crucified in the first place? He was persecuted for blasphemy since the jews couldn't believe that a "man" could claim divinity. Do your research.

John 10:30-33 “‘I and the Father are one.’ Again the Jews picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus said to them, ‘I have shown you many great miracles from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?’ ‘We are not stoning you for any of these,’ replied the Jews, ‘but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.’”

The Gospel of John is fiction

Jesus was crucified for sedition and sorcery

I didn't know the son of god needed to name his videos after Eminem songs to try and get more views. I'm pretty sure the son of god would be able to spread his message more efficiently. But congrats, you got me to watch the whole thing because I like the song.

>I'm pretty sure the son of god would be able to spread his message more efficiently.

You overestimate the value of humans on an intergalactic scale. I am not responsible for the irresponsibility of humans or their governments and the gods don't owe you anything.


One of hundreds of Jewish leaders was killed by romans because Jews were basically muslims back then.
Just ask Cyprus the jews killed so many people the romans had to recolonize the island.


>You know the ban gets longer each time?

If the mods of Veeky Forums want to ban me for discussing theology of royalty on theology threads about Kings like Jesus, then they can do so. The Jewish book is a terrorist manifesto - for example - the Bible says the Jews killed Queen Jezebel for worshiping Ba'al, the god of storms.

The gospels can only be understood in the context of the Hebrew Text as a terrorist manifesto.

They claim Jesus is God's Son and King of the Jews - both of these are common royal titles. The Jews claim to believe in the divine, but murder all divine agents - including their Kings and Queens - like Jesus and Jezebel. Jesus just wanted to trade his life for his soul because he loved God rather than join the Jewish terrorist group and go to hell.


>I didn't know the son of god needed to name his videos after Eminem songs to try and get more views

Eminem is like Mozart compared to the authors of the Tanakh - but I'm generally not a big fan of him:


>Jesus teaches people truth
>evil pharisees think Jesus was toxic
>Jesus knew the the truth hurts the pharisees
>calls them bloody vipers
>"That's it! We had enough!"
>pharisees plot to kill Jesus
>Jesus knew that he'll die, but he is God too
>Jesus gets judged and executed
>three days later Jesus gets out of his grave
>he BTFOs pharisees
>pharisees cry for an eternity

dubs confirm

Instead of having his only son be born in Rome, the city which was the capital of the greatest civilizatio ever created (even if you think the US or some other modern day Western country is the greatest, pre-Christian Greco-Roman civilization founded Western civilization, the model which all western countries are built on until this day) he makes his son a non-European shit skin kike. That's the only reason I need to not take this semitic garbage seriously.