Why did they attack the reichstag from the west?

Why did they attack the reichstag from the west?

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They had all of berlin encircled.

Why did they attack the Reichstag when Hitler was already dead? Were the Russians stupid?

I want to play world at war again

They needed the meme value, also Hitler dying wasn't a surrender

Actually, once Hitler was dead, the Germans military leaders actually had the ability to actually command the fight properly so were more dangerous.

Also there were German divisions literally killing their way through Russians so they could surrender to the Americans so they wouldn't go to Gulag.

The propossal of surrender was a surrender and they yet bloop the shit out of berlin

They didn't agree on a timetable at that point, so the war went on, do you not understand how these things work?

can you elaborate in wich points they didn't agree? oh no, you can't because the soviets deliberately avoid a truce so they could destroy berlin

The whole unconditional part?


>Also there were German divisions literally killing their way through Russians so they could surrender to the Americans so they wouldn't go to Gulag.
Tell me more.

Not him but I remember there was this 1 Russian Liberation Army (or could be some other Nazi Russian one) unit that was getting ready to surrender to the Americans. They later received a message saying the Americans will help them go back to Russia if they side with them/surrender. They fought to the last-man standing after that message.

After the Bulge, most German officials finally accepted they were fucked. The entire national strategy became ensuring that as much German territory was claimed by the West instead of Soviets. Any remotely competent unit went east. At the extreme end of the war the survivors of these units, understanding they could no longer change who occupied what, decided that all they could do is determine who took them prisoner. While Soviet-claimed prisoners went to full-blown concentration camps, a large chunk of American and Canadian prisoners were simply dumped on farms in the middle of nowhere. The University of Kansas was right next to a POW camp and held classes for prisoners that counted after the war toward college degrees.

So basically, the German military realized they were either going to Kansas or Siberia, and were willing to die to reach the former.

A division of Galicia-Lodomerians made it to Elbe and surrendered to US, and most of the lads got to escape there from PoW camps, albeit Western Allies mostly handed over East Europeans to the Soviets.

>handed over East Europeans to the Soviets
That only applied to Soviet citizens

>a large chunk of American and Canadian prisoners were simply dumped on farms in the middle of nowhere
pretty neat, we just discussed this at an environmental history seminar in class
some German POW's were just dumped in Canadian national parks with little to no supervision just because the parks were extremely remote from civilization, and the comfy environment would encourage them to just stay put, and they could pop over to the town nearby to hang out with the locals
they were also paid for cutting down trees in the park and were allowed to purchase items from the eaton's catalogue


>"Whitewater was the only POW camp in North America not to be bounded by a fence or barbed wire, as its isolation made escape unfeasible"
>"However, prisoners quickly took advantage of their relative freedoms to explore their surroundings and fraternize with the locals. Many of these civilians were of Ukrainian descent and it is believed they were sympathetic to the German prisoners as they hoped that the Germany Army would overthrow the Soviets in Ukraine. As such, prisoners went drinking in town, courted local women, and attended dances. The prisoners were also allowed to have pets in the camp, one of which was a juvenile black bear"
just fuggin wew, we barely even guarded them, we just et them do their thin in the wilderness

*let them do their thing
fuck, new keyboard

Not sure if any concrete examples (besides battle of Halbe), but I've heard quite often from or of veterans, who had no more purpose left than to head west and get to the allies. Of course this was often in vain, because of the agreement to send German POW's to the respective fronts their units last fought at.

We were pretty chill with them in Canada. I remember reading that the locals liked them.

Are there any first hand accounts or documents describing American forces engaging Hitler Youth? How were they treated after surrendering (if they did) to American forces?

>Think you're going to Kansas
>End up being sent to Eisenhowers Rheinwiesenlager

If only the poor bastards knew.

Still far better than going to Russia

Cao Cao will attack from the east while Sun Jian advances from the west. The volunteer forces shall move as they like

>juvenile black bear
metal as fuck