>Absolutely BTFO the left
>Betrays Hitler
>Betrays Mussolini
>Cucks post-war Belgium and the USA
>Betrays the Falangists
>Betrays the Carlists
>Cucks the Catholic Church by supporting the SSPX
Was he just in it for himself? In the end every faction that supported him did not get what they were after.
What was his end game?
Other urls found in this thread:
>""""cucks the usa"""""
> lets the US build bases and store nukes there
That aside
He just wanted to save Spain from red terror
He wanted to bring back the Catholic monarchy and keep communism out
>Fights one revolutionary ideology
>Refuses to help other revolutionary ideologies
>Doesn't accept the Church makes for the sake of progressives
>When he steps down Spain remains a monarchy
Why is it so hard to grasp that he was just a conservative man?
Not enough, he left an idiot in power like Juan Carlos. He should have given all the power to the Carlist who were the real reactionaries in Spain (they were not fascists, only reactionary).
They would have converted Spain into a Catholic monarchy, developed the atomic bomb and brought Latin America out of its misery.
And instantly brought down soviet nukes in retaliation, with America probably just standing by and laughing
>brought Latin America out of its misery.
Fraco's Spain was a shithole poorer than several Latin American countries. The EU gibs brought them to their current level.
His plan was to make sure spain survived
Could have happened with a social-democrat republic like in most of Western-Europe but I reckon the Spanish Civil War meant it was too much of a risk. The support and existence of his regime is just global Realpolitik. It would have probably happened with or without him. Coup-thirsty generals were not exactly rare back then.
*meant Spain turning Commie was too much of a risk.
I say Carlist Spain, no Franco's Spain.The Carlist kings were not spoiled children like the present dynasty. Javier III fought in WW1 and WW2, on the second occasion he was sent to a concentration camp and still survived.
They understood more of politics than the majority of useless idiots in the Spanish government.
Carlists are just butthurt that their centuries of inbreeding finally proved to not be a sustainable way of keeping together an empire. The Bourbons were far more impressive. The whole House of Habsburg was a bloody hoodwink.
What did he do to Belgium?
Yeah, whatever.
>born too late to be a National Francoist
Not exactly since there was the threat of him invading Portugal. Even after Salazar helped him in the civil war
this, he's just your basic bitch conservative authoritarian military dictator
Are you retarded? Carlists are Bourbons. Even "more" Bourbon than the ruling dynasty since they stand for the dynasty's salic tradition.
Kill yourself.
The grass is always greener on the other side.
>le if i make up increasingly obscure non-existent [name of leader i liked]isms i cant be called a fascist
Into the trash it goes.
Alright calm your tits /leftypol/
>if i call him leftypol i dont have to defend my retardation!
>Not exactly since there was the threat of him invading Portugal. Even after Salazar helped him in the civil war
I don't understand how this relates to what I said though
What a dumb fantasy.
Carlists are Bourbons.Fuck Veeky Forums is full of ignorant fedora tippers that pull their opinions out of their butthole
Honest to god just stop being sucha butt hurt faggot. We get it you dont like fascism now fuck off.
>if i call him butthurt i get to feel superior mommy!1
Jesus christ, someone makes a joke on the internet and you sperg the fuck out.
>if i accuse him of mental illness ill sound like the rational one xDD>1!
Franco understood the eternal Spanish between Aragnonese cuckery and Castillian righteousness.
Aragonese in their eternal weakness always had to rely on backstabing diplomacy and pacting.A trait only common on weak nations that end collapsing.
On the other hand Castillians always relied on their strength,harshness,selfimprovement and inteligence to survive and expand.
The Castillian attitude brought Spain to a golden age and made the reconquista possible.
Franco as a neutral Spaniard (a Galician) understood the two different Spains.
One decadent and weak ressembling semitism and the one that glorious,spiritual and victorious resembling Latinism.
As he was not a weak minded person he sided with the Castillian mentality as the intelectuals of the 98 generation.On the other hand the intelectuals of the 27 generation and the republican dogs ( Compayns,Azaña,Negrín or Carrero) wanted to make Spain a big Aragonese blob of federalism,effeminitation,frenchification and socialism.
Franco understanding that these golpist polititians and their propagandists dogs wanted to make Spain just an Aragonese type of country had to act fast. So he accepted to make a coup but killed his Aragonesian minded people. After winning the war he saw the monarchy as the only tool to keep the Castillian spirit alive.But Juan Carlos' mind was poluted by globalist garbage so he decided to turn Spain into an Aragonese type of state which degenerated to its current situtation.
But based Mariano and Felipe has seen this and to kill the Aragonese mentality they had created a fake comflict in Catalonia in which both the monarch and the Castillian heir of Mariano will come up victorious.The Soraya decade is about to kick in and her Castillianism will make her grandfather (Franco's advisor) proud and raise its people to a new golden age of Castillian dominance and centralism
You can't even type in English properly you third world spic. Stop larping as fascist, you lot are not even white.
> if i just repeat if i [insert text here] then ill seem like the rational one XDDDDD!!2111!111!
Im gonna stick my cock deep in you sissy white boy.
Callate puto pendejo.
panchito de mierda
This post is cringy as fuck.
You have major autism.
Neck yourself you fucking retard.
Uh, read about the Spanish Miracle.
>believing in the "EU gibs" meme
Christ it's 2017 and people are still swallowing Brussel's bullshit
Inflation Adjusted Cost of the Marshall Plan: $103.4 billion
EU gibs for Spain: € 13.60 billion a year
Net EU-gibs for Spain: € 3.72 billion a year ($4.38 billion USD at current exchange rates)
Year the EU Development Funds started: started: 1957
2017-1957= 60 years
60 * $4.38 = $262.8 billion, not adjusted for inflation
So Spain has received all to itself more than twice of what the ENTIRE MARSHALL PLAN spent for the whole of Western Europe in EU gibs.
>raw numbers
Like I said, a literal brainlet.
They are net contributions.
I'm even being generous because Spain's net contribution was lower a decade ago and I'm not accounting for that.
Back to 9gag you underaged faggot.
But your "net contributions" are raw numbers because you're not specifying where the money comes from and where is it going, other than countries. For example the majority of Netherlands "contribution" are actually EU mandated taxes on Rotterdam harbor imports and most of it is spent on things like agricultural subsidies, foreign policy (read: border security, literally paing people to let niggers in) and administration. The notion that ANY country in the EU wouldn't survive without "EU gibs" is laughable.
>The notion that ANY country in the EU wouldn't survive without "EU gibs" is laughable.
It's true though. Over several decades being in the EU dole has allowed countries like Spain, Portugal, Greece, Poland to save a lot of money (they still squandered it but that's another matter). EU funds built highways, airports, hospitals, and other critical infraestructure that otherwise would have been paid by these countries budgets.
If Poland's €11.21 billion yearly dissappeared overnight it would cause significant troubles for the Polish economy, it represents a significal part of Polish infraestructure spending which would otherwise need to come from its budget.
Over several years, these savings are not insignificant and amount to suns equivalent for the entire Marshall Plan for several countries (Poland, Spain, Greece, etc)
t. EU shill
>t. Retard
How am I a shill?
I'm saying the EU is a socialist scam that takes money away from the productive Northern nations and gives them for free to the deadbeat Southern and Eastern shitholes while in reality harming them because it makes their governments stall in implementing needed free market reforms.
It seems you lack reading comprehension skills because your chart backs my point. "Cohesion Funds" are the infraestructure spending I was referring to. "Administration Spending" is even more corrupt. The CAP also represents significant savings for Southern Europe while fucking over African farmers that can't compete against EU subsidies and end up coming here.
Franco was a poor man's Rivera, daily reminder Rivera objectively did nothing wrong
fuck his stupid as son Jose Antonio though
I'm saying the EU is flushing that money down the toilet, it's not helping anyone but EU and their retarded projects. In the Eastern countries in particular the EU funding is even detrimental because it fuels nothing but corruption. And the Netherlands is the opposite of a productive country, their contribution comes from taxing imports to the #1 POE in Europe, that's as passive as you can get.
>fucking over African farmers
You're a German aren't you
>if i make up a buzzword and call you that then i can ignore facts and continue to be a leech
t. buttmad Dutch retards
>i dont have even the slightest ability to banter someone so i will just post what i think are negative statistics that might pertain to a country i think you're from
>muuuh banter
Back to /int/
>being this buttblasted
>"no jokes allowed!!"
>not denying he's cancer from /int/
>muh jokes and bantz are more important than facts
permaban for /int/ trash on Veeky Forums when?
>he's on Veeky Forums
>complaining about /int/ because hes an underaged redditor faggot
>being this new
Do you even know why this board exists you complete newfaggot?
Yeah because people on /pol/ wanted a separate history board that wouldn't be ridden by current events and niggerjew spam, and once it got created /int/ mongoloids rushed in and started acting like they're on still on /int/.
>implying /int/ isn't reddit: the board
Literally a shithole made up of underage retards, Mexican shitskins and Krautchan rejects spamming their Reddit/9gag tier memes.
>being this retarded and new
I'm not going to reply to you any more after this you complete newfaggot retard.
>he thinks Veeky Forums got created because of /int/
Oh wait nigger you're serious. We had history and theology threads on /pol/ and people calling for a separate history board since day one. Nobody gave two fucks about /int/, there's a reason why the sticky talks about "/pol/ with dates".