>The first few weeks of Operation Barbarossa
The first few weeks of Operation Barbarossa
Other urls found in this thread:
>The Final weeks of the Second World War
>After the fall of France
>the first few weeks of The battle of Stalingrad
>after the bombing of Dresden
>awaiting cremation
>The Fall of the Berlin Wall which marked the final victory of Liberal Democracy over totalitarism
>every single day of the Western Front starting June 6
>jewish guns
those are big mac 10's you freedom-hating commie
>The fall of the Western Roman Empire
>La Noche Triste
>Fall of Constantinople
> the Yugoslav wars
>When Chamberlain puts his signature on the Munich Agreement
>U.S. fails to invade Canada in 1812
why has american military never accomplished anything of notice.
(jk don't roast me)
>when you kill your brothers in the millions in 2 world wars
Which american invasion was the bigger and more embarrassing failure, the one during the Revolution or the one during the War of 1812?
wait, they invaded during the revolution?
What were they thinking?
kinda sorta. If I recall, the continentals dispatched some men to try and instigate a similar uprising in Canadian territory and were repulsed after some skirmishes
in 1776 the only difference between Canada and America was that Canada was the two colonies where the revolutionaries lost
Holy fuck stop this retarded meme
Europeans have hated eachother ever since people moved to the continent, they were never brothers.
Speak for yourself.
What does that even mean, europe has been fought in for thousands of years you autist.
Sharing a similar skin tone is enough to completely remove cultural and political differences or so I've been told by /pol/
Doesn't work with blacks tho must becuz of the bell curve or something
Soldiers have never made up the majority of the European people user and all good Christians consider each other to be brothers anyway.
>all good Christians consider each other to be brothers anyway.
wew lad
What we're experiencing now is out of the ordinary, Europeans have been at each others throat for centuries, I'm honestly scared of them reverting to their natural state in the future.
Its gonna be nasty.
>The Protestant Reformation not real
Again user, military men are not representative of the European people.
>the Klendathu drop
Those aren't Uzis, but good job retard. The MAC-10 was designed by an American.
second half of pic related goes along with your post
I don't have a problem with Europeans or Whites in general, its just that Pan Europeanism is fucking retarded when you actually look at European History.
>Battle of Trafalgar
>Battle of Agincourt
things could change. pan Europeanism sounds like a good idea to me. the way identity politics are being pushed now a day it seems like it could become a reality
Heretics are not christians.
No G*rm is my brother
Yes, they are. Do you think soldiers are foreigners who only appear every time there's a war? They ARE the European people.
>02:41 AM 7th May 1945
>The first few weeks of Operation Bagration
>the white man
>500bc Greeks
Watching early footage of Operation Barbarossa brings an interesting feel. All you see are columns of young, healthy, smiling soldiers, truly the cream of the crop of German youth, and you just know they're all marching to some form of death
t. *nglo
All the soldiers are European but not all the Europeans are soldiers, brainlet.