Spero Research report on IOC
Spero Research report on IOC
Is this what everyone has been shitposting about in ioc threads for the last week ...
Someone give me the tldr
FUCK they said on twitter this was due for next week
the report is meh
This is actually the first clear explanation of why ioc is good and not a scam. Ignored the Dions bro threads but may buy now
It's not going to moon because of this.
DIONS v2.0 dood
No, but it was generally positive
Oh shit DIONS v2.0 dude? You dont say.
The report is basically copying and pasting what's already out there. Its saying DIONS got potential but more marketing needs to be done.
Overall, I think the report was good. A lot of regurgitated information from the IOC website and DIONS roadmap, but it is in one comprehensive report that offers a nice, simple research "package" for people looking for a brief overview of the coin. They said they need to step up marketing, and this is a good first step.
"Spero sees DIONS as a game changer in the cryptocurrency world, offering a polished and fully functional product"
Hell of an endorsement right there. Get in before the hype train starts guys, DIONS is the real deal
Very positive, but not the "over the top, in your face" kind of article the crypto community was hoping for
scam. scam. scam. dont fall for it. checkout the profile of the mysterious Derek Hatton on that report. Immediate red flag. It also says their code has been open source since jun 2017. Their github is a joke.
Go to Dion's git hub updated like every day
This website was literally launched 2 days ago, probably by the IOC devs themselves. Don't fall for the scam bros.
positive report from a company that has appeared out of nowhere and has no names attached to it. "reggaeton dev, cheese head weightlifter + mysterious particle cern scientist team"
Do you know who Satoshi Nakamoto is?
They used to be Oracle Research
It very clearly says on their Twitter that they launched a few days ago due to a rebrand. learn to read you mongoloid
no its not. they just started updating it recently. Thats what i would do to for a convincing scam. check the insights tab on github to see the real history of that code base.
They fixed the oracle problem.
ignoring coins like IOC lol.
so weird not buying something that will make you some nice gains the coming weeks when it's mentioned all over /biz the last days.
I would laugh my fucking ass off of it turns out Hatton is actually Satoshi making a better Bitcoin. The fuckibg rapper and Cheesehead as a front.