My vote is for bubonic plague era Europe. People dropping like flies all around always wondering if you were next, must have sucked
What was the absolute worst time and place to be alive
chinese person during the sino-japanese wars
Probably China in the 1850s. You were poor as fuck, and it was right smack in the middle of the Taiping rebellion (20-30 million killed) and if that didn't get you, this was in the middle of the third great bubonic plague outbreak (1855 in China).
I think being an arab during Mongol times must have sucked
The Aztec empire during the Spanish conquest.
Subsarahnian Africa
Legit, possibly a Russian in WW2. Half dying of cold and hunger and probably would have lost the majority of friends and family at this point.
Plus, the overlooked sense of impending doom that must have existed at a time in which national borders changed hourly, strange new ways of thinking and new horrible weapons were deployed rapidly and the urgency with which all countries involved in WW2 waged war on a previously unimaginable scale - being alive at that time must have been an existence wracked with horror and uncertainty.
I would say globally speaking, the period of the early 1200s to 1300s was the worst due to the Mongol deprivations, mass-murders, near attempts at localized genocide, and general ramapages from the Steppes to Southern and Western Asia and the Near East and China.
Otherwise agreed that the Near East and Western Asia got absolutely ruined by the Mongols. Desertification significantly worsened on arable lands due to the Mongols intentionally destroying qanats and other major water irrigation and canal systems the Persians had built up for centuries.
>My vote is for bubonic plague era Europe
what? bubonic era poland/milan was just fine pham
2017 in DRUMPFs amerikkka
Unironically this.
The greatest country in the world, the jewel of the west, the last best hope of the world, the shining city in the hill... it's now in the hands of an orange fucking asshole who thinks the last President was born in fucking Kenya.
I mean, Jesus.
I doubt even late Romans and Athenians on the bad side of the Peloponnesian War knew this kind of shame. America, over! And by it's own goddamned hand.
We literally committed national suicide because white men couldn't stand the thought of a vagina in the White House who deleted a few emails or something.
Talk about sick. Charles fucking Manson would have beaten Trump had he been the Democratic candidate because manbabies wouldn't have thrown a tantrum with their votes.
I can't believe it's been a year almost.
Every day I wake up hoping this nightmare ends, and it just keeps getting worse.
President Rapist Fuckface is going to kill MILLIONS because no one has the courage to stop a wildly unpopular clown with Alzheimer's.
This has to be bait, right?
On the off chance that it isn't, if you think that 2017 America is even a contender for "worst time and place to live in" then you've never suffered a day in your life. It wouldn't even crack the bottom 100.
> Implying Shillary didn't delete 50k emails which compromised national security and lied about it numerous times
> Implying Shillary didn't bleach her servers and destroy hardrives with a fucking hammer
> implying the clinton foundation isn't a corrupt conglomerate designed for pay to play
> Implying Bill cLinton didn't rape dozens
> Implying that patriotism and facism are the same
> Implying that only whites and men voted for Trump
> Implying that Shillary hasn't killed millions out of office - see benz, haiti, middle east
> Implying that the Dow Jones hasn't continued to reach record breaking heights under the new administration
> Implying that everyone should vote with their emotions
This is what happens when college kids have an online platform folks.
>Implying the USA was ever good
>Implying Trump's presidency isn't the perfect opportunity to undermine and destroy the Great Satan forever
It's like you're not even trying
impressive baitman
There was some sitcom in the 80s that was basically this, the baby boomer parents were left wing hippies and their son was a conservative yuppie.
25 year rule
Implying he wasn't born in Kenya
Malik still exists.
He wasn't implying any of that
> Implying that everyone should vote with their emotions
That is exactly how we ended up with trump
t. Scholomo Golberstein
no, we ended up with trump because he was the better of the two candidates. People saw through Shillary's corruption and lies. You lost, get over it....8 year term.
nobody fucking cares autists, take it to
Family Matters
Being a Soviet soldier on the Eastern Front while the Germans were winning.
>knowing that you HAVE to win the war
>knowing that if you lose the war, your family will be slaughtered
>seeing your comrades get cut down with gunfire
>being poorly supplied
>knowing you'll probably die soon
I like how all the Trump sycophants pretend he didn't an already notorious reputation during his real estate days.
Being a POW held by Japan in WW2, either that or one of the earliest forms of man
>No promise of food
>Any wound could and would probably get infected and kill you
>almost any disease, too
>have to invent pointy rock on a stick to fight things that had mouths and paws full of the same
>cant sleep without the assurance you wont wake up to being mauled to death
There may not have been dinosaurs, but there was still HUUGE mammals, insects, and aquatic life
What would they think if they saw us, today
Nice spacing
Much more likely it sits in the top 20. Americans don't know how good they have it.
>be small-time noble
>economy is in the shitter
>isolate yourself as best you can
>all your rich relatives drop dead
>tfw you inherit all their wealth
Northern Germany during the 30 years war was pretty bad.