Poilu uniforms are absolutely god-tier beautiful.
only a kraut would disagree
Poilu uniforms are absolutely god-tier beautiful
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mmmmm i love being seen 100m away
only german & british uniforms were practical. the adrian helm was also very bad
You lack critical thinking
You'll die anyway, might as well die in a cool uniform.
How much of a factor did camouflage really play when the only tactics were just human wave assaults across desolated fields with bleak skies?
the virgin opinion
holy shit man read an actual book about ww1
>all these non arguments
Are you serious? WW1 Combat was far more complex.
>the adrian helm was also very bad
Now that's just ridiculous. It was adequate for protection against shrapnel, which is what it was designed for, and cheap as fuck to manufacture.
quality shitpost
That's why the entire war was fought between a few miles right? The combat so complex, please, they didn't even perfect artillery tactics with infantry until 1917.
>just fuck my camouflage up
>that's why the entire war was fought between a few miles right
Taking ground is easy, holding it against a counter attack with exhausted troops is hard as fuck. While they may not have "perfected" infantry tactics, they weren't all marching slowly forward with bayonets fixed. French forces actually were using cover and shit during the somme.
What do you think soldiers actually did in Trench attacks? Walk in a straight line to the enemy?
What do you think they did in defence? Shot a machine gun on a stand into a wall of men?
The Brodie Helm was cheaper and covered more area from artillery. Though it still lacked defense from bayonets and whatnot. The Stahlhelm was objectively best for infantry close quarters.
people who use rocks during gunfights deserve the best shitposts we have to offer
Somehow I think that helmets probably had little effect in bayonet combat
>implying these weren't the rock stars of WWI
boring thread, needs more poilu uniform pics
A lot actually, there were tests done and it was like 7 times easier to hit people in the bright uniforms than the camouflaged ones
The French blue horizon uniforms were fine for camouflage though, especially in the Champagne soils for example.
There already blue nibba
Yeah, it's not like you're going to be outlined against a blue sky when charging across an open field or anything.
It's 2017 and none of you fags know what to wear. Pic related, check mate.
They will never see us coming!!!
>those shoes
Yeah nothing screams military might and prestige as dressing like a Mediterranean elf.
Un aigle noir a plané sur la ville,
Il a juré d'être victorieux,
De tous côtés, les corbeaux se faufilent
Dans les sillons et dans les chemins creux.
Mais tout à coup, le coq gaulois claironne :
Cocorico, debout petits soldats !
Le soleil luit, partout le canon tonne,
Jeunes héros, voici le grand combat.
Et Verdun, la victorieuse,
Pousse un cri que portent là-bas
Les échos des bords de la Meuse,
Halte là ! on ne passe pas...
Plus de morgue, plus d'arrogance,
Fuyez barbares et laquais,
C'est ici la porte de France,
Et vous ne passerez jamais.
Les ennemis s'avancent avec rage,
Énorme flot d'un vivant océan,
Semant la mort partout sur son passage,
Ivres de bruit, de carnage et de sang;
Ils vont passer... quand relevant la tête,
Un officier dans un suprême effort,
Quoique mourant, crie : À la baïonnette
Hardi les gars, debout! Debout les morts!
Et Verdun, la victorieuse,
Pousse un cri que portent là-bas
Les échos des bords de la Meuse,
Halte là ! on ne passe pas...
Plus de morgue, plus d'arrogance,
Fuyez barbares et laquais,
C'est ici la porte de France,
Et vous ne passerez jamais!
Mais nos enfants, dans un élan sublime,
Se sont dressés; et bientôt l'aigle noir,
La rage au cœur impuissant en son crime,
Vit disparaître son suprême espoir.
Les vils corbeaux devant l'âme française
Tombent sanglants, c'est le dernier combat
Pendant que nous chantons la Marseillaise,
Les assassins fuient devant les soldats.
Et Verdun, la victorieuse,
Pousse un cri que portent là-bas
Les échos des bords de la Meuse,
Halte là ! on ne passe pas...
Plus de morgue, plus d'arrogance,
Fuyez barbares et laquais,
C'est ici la porte de France,
Et vous ne passerez jamais.
Why wearing a heavy wool greatcoat AND wool tunic even in summer and spring? Are they crazy?
>non-aesthetic uniforms
>they don't even match
>they fell for the drab meme
>all WW1 battles were in the trenches and involved running towards machinegun fire
Top kek.
Is light blue the most aesthetic color for uniforms?
>Absolutely god-tier beautiful.
reminder that when normies see your krauts they just think of the Nazis and WW2
i dont know how is doing this called, but its the most aesthetic thing you can do with your greatcoat
literally clown shoes
pretty hard to claim you're le pericles rebron when you look like a FUCKING ALBANIAN CATTLE THIEF
>be you, strolling with your Ottoman mate in the 18th century
>see Greek soldier
>greek soldier pulls out small triangle blade out of shoe pompom
>slits your throats
>steals all your loot and hides it in his Albanian curtain
Who's laffin now?
What’s the better WW1 helmet? Pickelhaube or Stahlhelm?
Stahlhelm of course, there's a reason why it replaced the Pickelhaube. In terms of aesthetics - inconclusive, I'd say.
on ne passe pas?
RIA tunics >everything else
That's pike grey
Are those Bulgarians?
German Sturmtruppen
>*Starts war with Germany in 1870*
>*Gets BTFO*
Good lord, does french autism know truly no bounds?
I truely honestly hate the nazis, but their black wool trench coats are just frickin awesome.
Everything I've seen from that site looks like low-quality Chinese shit
>shitty copy of a firemans helmet
Meanwhile the stahlhelm design is still used in modern helmets because its not only the best shape in terms of protection but is also aesthetic as fuck.
>they don't even match
Thats because special forces have always worn whatever the fuck they want. You dont see modern spec ops guys wearing uniforms either.
how can G*rmans even compete?
>Meanwhile the stahlhelm design is still used in modern helmets
imagine unironically believing this
They won the war didnt they?
what year had the best unifrom lads?
1916 for me
1916 or 1917, 1914 has the best boots though
>best boots
Have fun with trench foot
Heres my original Kerensky Offensive Russian Imperial tunic
that is it
i am learning french
>Baby blue
that guy with the machine gun seems so happy :)
>we have the option of choosing French as a foreign language of choice on my university
>all the beginner classes are at the same time as some obligatory classes
>mfw had to take German instead
Life is suffering.
Has anyone got colourised pictures of the Japanese field uniforms for the WWI period?
Pike gray was used later in war, early uniforms were indeed blue, similar to French ones.
You could still get trench foot even with the later boots
Meant to reply to
You'd be happy to if your job was shooting Germans
My favorite desu. Really grew on me.