If the Oracle problem is so serious, wouldn't vitalik just fix it himself...

If the Oracle problem is so serious, wouldn't vitalik just fix it himself? Why would a single pajeet coding in Ruby on rails stand a better chance of solving it than the creator of ETH himself?

What has vitalik said about the Oracle problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


Vitalik has literally tweeted about SmartContract.com and its oracles

Because Vitamin (spellcheck but I'm leaving it) has enough problems with PoS/Casper, you know he's kind of preoccupied with building the ethereum virtual machine, not all of the things it needs to interact with like OmiseGO, TenX/another payment card, Oracles etc..

Yeah but it seems that once he is finished with Casper he would move on and tackle this problem himself in a more efficient manner than whatever chain link can come up with.

To a brainlet like me, it seems like the whole oracle issue is that crypto prices have to base themselves off of real world scenarios but that it's complicated to do that in Programming or something?

What's the painting? His mom?

Yes, the holy virgin, Vitalik's mom

Vitalic has no time for the oracle problem because he is solving another problem right now.
The Apollo Problem.


>What has vitalik said about the Oracle problem?
See pic.
Basically he's excited about the project.

Every time I see this picture I think Vitalik is some higher being from another plane of existence, and tries to mimic our behaviour to not attract to much attention to himself. I mean just look at his eyes man.

Here's the thing, this is the point of having an ecosystem. Vitalik doing everything himself just makes no sense. He will have core problems to solve for years to come.

What's the point of ether and alike cryptos if only the core devs can contribute or build software for it?

And here he gives some insight into why he isn't doing this himself:

>the most exciting end-user-centric innovation is likely what will be built on top [of Ethereum]
>base-level protocols [like Ethereum] are your servant, not your master

In other words, Ethereum is supposed to be the base level, and there is still tons of work to be done there.
The oracle thing is not inherently related to the purpose of the Ethereum project.

Give me link to that tweet.

In more other words; Vitalik is building the roads, while Smartcontract/Chainlink is one of the companies building a certain type of vehicle that allows people to use the roads.

The analogy isn't 100%, but it'll do for a simple insight.


Why did he delete it?

>servant-master terminology

Vitalik confirmed freak

I took the screenshot yesterday, so it was still up then.

There must've been a sudden increase in interest since the ICO ended, so maybe he deleted it because those three links he posted in that tweet were no longer relevant or something.

I just read their whitepaper and I don't see anything new or innovative about it, people have known how to do similar stuff for years. This is basically Augur or Gnosis without the market.

The reason why Vitalik tweeted this is because they offered free ETH/USD and BTC/USD on chain which they have now stopped doing.

When you do thtat, you use a (((centralized))) data source, which is error prone and corruptible.
Decentralized contract + centralized oracle -> same as just running a computer program at some centralized institution.

>This is basically Augur or Gnosis without the market.
Without getting into the details, augur and gnosis have done fuckall after their ICO, so all their shit is hypothetical whitepaper mumbo jumbo.
They basically vanished off the map.

Meanwhile, Smartcontract/Chainlink have developed a proof of concept with SWIFT, and are doing a live demo at SIBOS on October 16.

It's one thing to claim you can do something, and another altogether to actually do it.
For instance, Bitcoin itself can also do smart contracts, but guess who showed up and took that ball and ran with it?

>which they have now stopped doing
Yes, that's probably why he deleted it yesterday, especially considering the heightened interest after the ICO.

>This is basically Augur or Gnosis without the market.
Not to mention the fact that Chainlink has an entirely different purpose, and you just zoomed in on the "oracle problem" aspect of it because you spent literally 5 minutes researching this.

Augur and Gnosis are prediction tools, while Chainlink is a middleman for using on-chain smart contracts for external events; like conventional business and finance.

it's AIDS

Nolinkies BTFO