Post your favourite ancient architectual buildings
Post-modern architecture banned you damn jews
Comfy architecture thread
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beautiful i think im gonna cry
dont eat me please
Looks like a cyclops mosquito.
Mohammed was a pedophile.
holy fucking shit, it needs some windows or else everybodys will just jump out of that shithole
The entire thing is carved in stone.
>Please come to Brazil
Ewww Pisslam.
somebody tell this guy that windows exist
Sorta reminds me of the Daleks, from Dr. Who.
? It looks like it's literally made out of windows.
that's fucking beautiful
9th century Java
6th century India
Some comfy Buenos Aires pics incoming
Plaza de Mayo
National Congress
Eww again. I'm sorry everyone, its just that Islam is poopy and I don't like it. Its smelly and stinky and bad.
Literally the best
>Dude Madrid without any real draws,surrounded by nothingness,with shittier food,shittier transport options and more dangerous lmao
Buenos Aires is a meme
Ok I could go on but I don't want to flood the thread. Thst's enough.
Islam is still poopy and smelly and bad. Just because shit gets painted over doesn't mean it doesn't stink still.
Rekt, is in Rio de Janeiro and you care about it
Literally none of that is true.
Why are you so butthurt friend?
>Doesn't like tons of gorgeous and enormous boobs
No. Islam is just poopy. I'm sorry you're not going to change my mind. Islam stinks and you need to be cured of it.
Persian Mosques are amazing though
Lalalalalalalalalala. I'm not listening. Poopy Islam! Poopy Islam! Poopy Islam! Poopy Islam! Islam is still poopy!
>Literally none of that is true.
Everything is true.Buenos Aires is like Madrid without the museums,a good football team,poorer,more dangerous,with shittier public transport and surrounded by no interesting places.Wasting a week there was the shittiest decission I have ever made
Are you baiting or are you false flagging? Which one is it?
Neither smelly Muslim lovers.
>bait or not
Btw, can man-carved caves be considered architecture (picture related)? Why are they so awesome
Unremarkable architecture but the way things are laid out is very cozy somehow. Don't know that I would necessarily want to live like this but it looks like a nice area to just walk around in. I always like places with elevation
very nice.
where is this? Asian cities are very cozy for some reason
I don't see why not.
I think Tokyo. I found these here
I think it's the winding alleys and organic cityscape that make it so appealing. I feel the same way about how favelas look, I mean they're shitty places but they look nice
this is from modern warfare 2 take it to /v/
Liberal Zoning laws improve walk-ability of Neighborhoods.
Limited space necessitated efficient use of space.
Are these repurposed grain elevators or did some retard actually design buildings to look like that?
Nice ghetto fetish. I approve.
why can't you just admire things without being an ideologue faggot? I don't like Islam from a moral/philosophical perspective either but their mosques are pretty cool
>Grand buildings
Post homes, faggots.
Petersburg, VA. Nice little city with a lot of antique stores and old rowhouses. Virginia and the upper south has lots of little cities like these- very comfy and not a lot of modern architecture.
Fuck now I want to walk in nature.
>tfw living in a metropolitan area